SC 4125: Developing Data Products
Module-3: Data from crawls & APIs; NoSQL/MongoDB Data Store
### BeautifulSoup: Install & import libraries as needed
#!pip install --upgrade beautifulsoup4
#! pip install lxml
#! pip install html5lib # an alternate parser
#! pip install requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Since the individual project will use DR-NTU academic profile as one of the data sources,
# let's see some examples from there.
# As example, I am using the data from the profile of SCSE's chair as on August 2021.
soup_source = requests.get(soup_URL).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(soup_source,'lxml')
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Chunyan Miao is a Full Professor in the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Her research focus is on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems. She has done significant research work her research areas and published over 30 top quality international conference and journal papers. She believes that intelligence/agent augmentation will have a major impact on future new media systems.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12" id="namecard"> <div class="col-md-2" id="researcherPicture"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="personalpictureDiv"> <div class="image"> <img alt="ascymiao_1_2.JPG picture" id="picture" name="picture" src="/cris/rp/fileservice/rp00084/57/?filename=ascymiao_1_2.JPG" title="A preview ascymiao_1_2.JPG picture"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-10" id="researcherInfo"> <div class="col-md-12"> <span class="namecard-fullname"> Prof Miao Chun Yan </span> </div> <div> <div class="col-md-12"> Chair, School of Computer Science and Engineering </div> <div class="col-md-12"> Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="dynaField"> <span class="dynaLabel"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span></span> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="emailDiv"> <a href=""></a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> <br/> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="dynaField"> <span class="dynaLabel"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link"></span></span> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="personalsiteDiv"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span style="min-width: 40em;">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12" style="font-size: 0;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="researchinterests"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#researchinterests" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOneresearchinterests"> <b>Research Interests</b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOneresearchinterests"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="researchinterestsDiv"> <div>Dr. Jaclyn, Chunyan Miao's area of expertise are Agent, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE), Semantic Web/Grid, Agent Augmented Interactive Media/gaming/storytelling, Agent Mediated e-services?mobile agents for wireless communications. Her current research works focus on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems.</div> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="taxonomy"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#taxonomy" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOnetaxonomy"> <b>Keywords</b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOnetaxonomy"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="taxonomyDiv"> <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00237)">Computer Science and Engineering</a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00245)">Info-Communication Technology</a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00246)">Interactive Digital Media</a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00248)">Internet & Communications</a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="currentprojects"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#currentprojects" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOnecurrentprojects"> <b>Current Projects</b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOnecurrentprojects"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="currentprojectsDiv"> <ul> <li>ADL+: A Digital Toolkit For Cognitive Assessment And Intervention</li> <br/> <li>Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute</li> <br/> <li>An End-to-end Adaptive AI-Assisted 3H Care (A3C) System</li> <br/> <li>Joint NTU-Alibaba Research Institute</li> <br/> <li>Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech</li> <br/> <li>Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR) - Smart Community Research and Talent Programme</li> <br/> <li>Monetary Academic Resources for Research</li> <br/> <li>Senior-friendly Persuasive AI Companions for an Aging Population</li> <br/> <li>The Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre Of Eco-Intelligent Applications ("THEIA")</li> <br/> <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning</li> <br/> <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE)</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="selectedPublications"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#selectedPublications" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOneselectedPublications"> <b>Selected Publications</b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOneselectedPublications"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="selectedPublicationsDiv"> <ul> <li>Zhiwei Zeng, Zhiqi Shen, Jing Jih Chin, Cyril Leung, Yu Wang, Ying Chi, Chunyan Miao. (2020). Explainable and Contextual Preferences based Decision Making with Assumption-based Argumentation for Diagnostics and Prognostics of Alzheimer’s Disease. <i>International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems</i>.</li> <br/> <li>Yongqing Zheng, Han Yu, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Yang Liu & Qiang Yang. (2020). Addressing the challenges of government service provision with AI. <i>AI Magazine, 41</i>(1), 33-43.</li> <br/> <li>Chang Liu, Han Yu, Yi Dong, Zhiqi Shen, Yingxue Yu, Ian Dixon, Zhanning Gao, Pan Wang, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao. (2020). Generating Engaging Promotional Videos for E-commerce Platforms. <i>the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)</i>.</li> <br/> <li>Yong Liu, Yingtai Xiao, Qiong Wu, Chunyan Miao, Juyong Zhang, Binqiang Zhao, Haihong Tang. (2020). Diversified Interactive Recommendation with Implicit Feedback. <i>The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)</i>.</li> <br/> <li>Chang Liu, Yi Dong, Han Yu, Zhiqi Shen, Zhanning Gao, Pan Wang, Changgong Zhang, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lizhen Cui & Chunyan Miao. (2019). Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'19): Generating Persuasive Visual Storylines for Promotional Videos. (pp. 901–910)ACM.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="container navbar navbar-inverse navbar-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <!-- Footer --><footer class="page-footer font-small teal pt-4"> <!-- Footer Text --> <div class="container-fluid text-left text-md-left"> <!-- Grid row --> <div class="row"> <!-- Grid column --> <div class="col-md-12 mt-md-0 mt-3"> <!-- Content --> <h4 class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold">Contact Us</h4> <p><a href=""><h5>NTU Library</h5></a> </p><p>Office of Information, Knowledge and Library Services</p> <p>Email: <a href=""></a></p> </div> </div> <!-- Grid row --> </div> <!-- Footer Text --> <!-- Copyright --> <div class="footer-copyright text-right py-3" style="padding:0 20px 20px 0"> <a href="">Copyright</a> • <a href="">Disclaimer</a> • <a href="">Data Protection and Privacy</a><br/> © 2019 Nanyang Technological University <br/></div> <!-- Copyright --></footer><!-- Footer --> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div></main></body> </html>
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class="dynaFieldValue" id="biographyDiv"> <div> Dr. Jaclyn, Chunyan Miao is a Full Professor in the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Her research focus is on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems. She has done significant research work her research areas and published over 30 top quality international conference and journal papers. She believes that intelligence/agent augmentation will have a major impact on future new media systems. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12" id="namecard"> <div class="col-md-2" id="researcherPicture"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="personalpictureDiv"> <div class="image"> <img alt="ascymiao_1_2.JPG picture" id="picture" name="picture" src="/cris/rp/fileservice/rp00084/57/?filename=ascymiao_1_2.JPG" title="A preview ascymiao_1_2.JPG picture"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-10" id="researcherInfo"> <div class="col-md-12"> <span class="namecard-fullname"> Prof Miao Chun Yan </span> </div> <div> <div class="col-md-12"> Chair, School of Computer Science and Engineering </div> <div class="col-md-12"> Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="dynaField"> <span class="dynaLabel"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"> </span> </span> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="emailDiv"> <a href=""> </a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> <br/> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="dynaField"> <span class="dynaLabel"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link"> </span> </span> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="personalsiteDiv"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span style="min-width: 40em;"> Website </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12" style="font-size: 0;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="researchinterests"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#researchinterests" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOneresearchinterests"> <b> Research Interests </b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOneresearchinterests"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="researchinterestsDiv"> <div> Dr. Jaclyn, Chunyan Miao's area of expertise are Agent, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE), Semantic Web/Grid, Agent Augmented Interactive Media/gaming/storytelling, Agent Mediated e-services?mobile agents for wireless communications. Her current research works focus on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems. </div> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="taxonomy"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#taxonomy" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOnetaxonomy"> <b> Keywords </b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOnetaxonomy"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="taxonomyDiv"> <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00237)"> Computer Science and Engineering </a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00245)"> Info-Communication Technology </a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00246)"> Interactive Digital Media </a> ; <a href="/simple-search?location=researcherprofiles&query=++crisrp.taxonomy_authority%3A(taxonomy00248)"> Internet & Communications </a> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="currentprojects"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#currentprojects" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOnecurrentprojects"> <b> Current Projects </b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOnecurrentprojects"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="currentprojectsDiv"> <ul> <li> ADL+: A Digital Toolkit For Cognitive Assessment And Intervention </li> <br/> <li> Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute </li> <br/> <li> An End-to-end Adaptive AI-Assisted 3H Care (A3C) System </li> <br/> <li> Joint NTU-Alibaba Research Institute </li> <br/> <li> Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech </li> <br/> <li> Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR) - Smart Community Research and Talent Programme </li> <br/> <li> Monetary Academic Resources for Research </li> <br/> <li> Senior-friendly Persuasive AI Companions for an Aging Population </li> <br/> <li> The Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre Of Eco-Intelligent Applications ("THEIA") </li> <br/> <li> TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning </li> <br/> <li> TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE) </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-group col-md-12" id="selectedPublications"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-parent="#selectedPublications" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOneselectedPublications"> <b> Selected Publications </b> </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapseOneselectedPublications"> <div class="rdiv"> <div class="dynaField"> <div class="dynaFieldValue" id="selectedPublicationsDiv"> <ul> <li> Zhiwei Zeng, Zhiqi Shen, Jing Jih Chin, Cyril Leung, Yu Wang, Ying Chi, Chunyan Miao. (2020). Explainable and Contextual Preferences based Decision Making with Assumption-based Argumentation for Diagnostics and Prognostics of Alzheimer’s Disease. <i> International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems </i> . </li> <br/> <li> Yongqing Zheng, Han Yu, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Yang Liu & Qiang Yang. (2020). Addressing the challenges of government service provision with AI. <i> AI Magazine, 41 </i> (1), 33-43. </li> <br/> <li> Chang Liu, Han Yu, Yi Dong, Zhiqi Shen, Yingxue Yu, Ian Dixon, Zhanning Gao, Pan Wang, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao. (2020). Generating Engaging Promotional Videos for E-commerce Platforms. <i> the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) </i> . </li> <br/> <li> Yong Liu, Yingtai Xiao, Qiong Wu, Chunyan Miao, Juyong Zhang, Binqiang Zhao, Haihong Tang. (2020). Diversified Interactive Recommendation with Implicit Feedback. <i> The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) </i> . </li> <br/> <li> Chang Liu, Yi Dong, Han Yu, Zhiqi Shen, Zhanning Gao, Pan Wang, Changgong Zhang, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lizhen Cui & Chunyan Miao. (2019). Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'19): Generating Persuasive Visual Storylines for Promotional Videos. (pp. 901–910)ACM. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dynaClear"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="container navbar navbar-inverse navbar-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="page-footer font-small teal pt-4"> <!-- Footer Text --> <div class="container-fluid text-left text-md-left"> <!-- Grid row --> <div class="row"> <!-- Grid column --> <div class="col-md-12 mt-md-0 mt-3"> <!-- Content --> <h4 class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"> Contact Us </h4> <p> <a href=""> <h5> NTU Library </h5> </a> </p> <p> Office of Information, Knowledge and Library Services </p> <p> Email: <a href=""> </a> </p> </div> </div> <!-- Grid row --> </div> <!-- Footer Text --> <!-- Copyright --> <div class="footer-copyright text-right py-3" style="padding:0 20px 20px 0"> <a href=""> Copyright </a> • <a href=""> Disclaimer </a> • <a href=""> Data Protection and Privacy </a> <br/> © 2019 Nanyang Technological University <br/> </div> <!-- Copyright --> </footer> <!-- Footer --> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </main> </body> </html>
# Extract the HTML page title from the soup object
<title>Prof Miao Chun Yan | Nanyang Technological University (DR-NTU)</title>
Prof Miao Chun Yan | Nanyang Technological University (DR-NTU)
# soup.div==soup.find('div') ## these are equivalent
# find() returns the first matching instance
<div class="container"> <br/> <div class="navbar-header"> <button class="navbar-toggle" data-target=".navbar-collapse" data-toggle="collapse" type="button"> <span class="icon-bar"> </span> <span class="icon-bar"> </span> <span class="icon-bar"> </span> </button> </div> <div class="col-sm-5 col-md-5 hidden-xs"> <div class="col-sm-12" id="brandname"> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"> <img class="hidden-xs hidden-sm" src="/image/hires_logo_bw_school.jpg" style="max-width:181px;"/> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-7 col-md-7 hidden-xs"> <div class="pull-right nowrap"> <a class="home_name" href="/" target="_self"> DR-NTU (Digital Repository of NTU) </a> </div> </div> <div class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-sm visible-xs"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12" id="brandname"> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"> <img class="center-block" src="/image/hires_logo_bw_school.jpg" style="max-width:181px;"/> </a> </div> </div> <div class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-sm visible-xs"> <div class="home_name_sm text-center"> <a href="/" target="_blank"> DR-NTU (Digital Repository of NTU) </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <nav aria-expanded="false" class="navbar-collapse bs-navbar-collapse collapse" role="navigation" style="height: 1px;"> <br/> <ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="top-menu"> <li class="text-uppercase" id="home-top-menu"> <a href="/"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"> </span> </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id=""> <a href="/community-list"> Communities & Collections </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="publications-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/publications"> Research Papers </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="orgunits-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/orgunits"> Organisations </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="theses-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/theses"> Theses </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="fyp-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/fyp"> FYPs </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="fundings-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/fundings"> Projects </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="researcherprofiles-top-menu"> <a href="/cris/explore/researcherprofiles"> Academic Profile </a> </li> <li class="dropdown hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xs"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> Explore by <b class="caret"> </b> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/publications"> Research Papers </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/orgunits"> Organisations </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/theses"> Theses </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/fyp"> FYPs </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/fundings"> Projects </a> </li> <li class="text-uppercase"> <a href="/cris/explore/researcherprofiles"> Academic Profile </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="text-uppercase" id="help-top-menu"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Guidelines </a> </li> </ul> <div class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="search-user-menu"> <li class="dropdown hidden-xs" id="search-top-menu"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"> </span> <b class="caret"> </b> </a> <div class="dropdown-menu"> <form action="/global-search" class="navbar-form navbar-right" id="formsearch-top-menu" method="get" scope="search"> <div class="form-group"> <input class="form-control" id="tequery" name="query" placeholder="Search the repository" size="25" type="text"/> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"> </span> </button> </form> </div> </li> <li id="user-top-menu"> <a href="/mydspace"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"> </span> Login </a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> </div> </div>
soup.find('div', class_="dynaFieldValue")
# class is a special keyword in python, so we need class_ to distinguish
# You can use .div.text to access only the text
<div class="dynaFieldValue" id="biographyDiv"> <div>Dr. Jaclyn, Chunyan Miao is a Full Professor in the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Her research focus is on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems. She has done significant research work her research areas and published over 30 top quality international conference and journal papers. She believes that intelligence/agent augmentation will have a major impact on future new media systems.</div> </div>
soup.find('div', class_="dynaFieldValue").text
# Recall: you can use .strip() to clean-up the \n
'\nDr. Jaclyn, Chunyan Miao is a Full Professor in the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Her research focus is on infusing intelligent agents into interactive new media (virtual, mixed, mobile and pervasive media) to create novel experiences and dimensions in game design, interactive narrative and other real world agent systems. She has done significant research work her research areas and published over 30 top quality international conference and journal papers. She believes that intelligence/agent augmentation will have a major impact on future new media systems.\n'
# Let's find all the projects this faculty is involved in
soup.find('div', id="currentprojectsDiv")
<div class="dynaFieldValue" id="currentprojectsDiv"> <ul> <li>ADL+: A Digital Toolkit For Cognitive Assessment And Intervention</li> <br/> <li>Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute</li> <br/> <li>An End-to-end Adaptive AI-Assisted 3H Care (A3C) System</li> <br/> <li>Joint NTU-Alibaba Research Institute</li> <br/> <li>Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech</li> <br/> <li>Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR) - Smart Community Research and Talent Programme</li> <br/> <li>Monetary Academic Resources for Research</li> <br/> <li>Senior-friendly Persuasive AI Companions for an Aging Population</li> <br/> <li>The Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre Of Eco-Intelligent Applications ("THEIA")</li> <br/> <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning</li> <br/> <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE)</li> </ul> </div>
soup.find('div', id="currentprojectsDiv").find_all('li')
[<li>ADL+: A Digital Toolkit For Cognitive Assessment And Intervention</li>, <li>Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute</li>, <li>An End-to-end Adaptive AI-Assisted 3H Care (A3C) System</li>, <li>Joint NTU-Alibaba Research Institute</li>, <li>Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech</li>, <li>Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR) - Smart Community Research and Talent Programme</li>, <li>Monetary Academic Resources for Research</li>, <li>Senior-friendly Persuasive AI Companions for an Aging Population</li>, <li>The Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre Of Eco-Intelligent Applications ("THEIA")</li>, <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning</li>, <li>TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE)</li>]
# Chain it with a find_all over 'li' list-item tag, and extract the text of the result to create a list
[x.text for x in soup.find('div', id="currentprojectsDiv").find_all('li')]
['ADL+: A Digital Toolkit For Cognitive Assessment And Intervention', 'Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute', 'An End-to-end Adaptive AI-Assisted 3H Care (A3C) System', 'Joint NTU-Alibaba Research Institute', 'Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech', 'Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR) - Smart Community Research and Talent Programme', 'Monetary Academic Resources for Research', 'Senior-friendly Persuasive AI Companions for an Aging Population', 'The Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre Of Eco-Intelligent Applications ("THEIA")', 'TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning', 'TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE)']
# What's the faculty member's email address?
soup.find('div', id="emailDiv").text.strip()
# What's the faculty member's personal webpage URL?
# Not everyone maintains their homepage,
# and not all those who do host on canonical NTU personal page address
soup.find('div', id="personalsiteDiv")
<div class="dynaFieldValue" id="personalsiteDiv"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span style="min-width: 40em;">Website</span> </a> </div>
soup.find('div', id="personalsiteDiv").a['href']
# if you are looking at a single instance
# access the attribute of a tag in a manner analogous to referring a Python dictionary element
# How to extract the URLs for all the faculty members listed on a page
# Note that you may need to do some clean-up after this extraction
# Note also that, I am scoping the search, so this won't locate all the links on the page
# Particularly, in this specific example, we won't find the link to the next page
new_soup_source = requests.get(SCSE_list_url).text
new_soup = BeautifulSoup(new_soup_source,'lxml')
#new_soup.find("div", class_="discovery-result-results").find_all('a')
[(x.get('href'),x.text) for x in new_soup.find("div", class_="discovery-result-results").find_all('a')]
[('#', 'Full Name'), ('/cris/rp/rp01023', 'Guan Cuntai'), ('/cris/rp/rp00345', 'Seah Hock Soon'), ('/cris/rp/rp00531', 'Lee Bu Sung'), ('/cris/rp/rp00707', 'Quek Hiok Chai'), ('/cris/rp/rp00700', 'Hui Siu Cheung'), ('/cris/rp/rp00693', 'Goh Wooi Boon'), ('/cris/rp/rp00691', 'Chan Syin'), ('/cris/rp/rp00670', 'Lau Chiew Tong'), ('/cris/rp/rp00643', 'Huang Shell Ying'), ('/cris/rp/rp00839', 'Vun Chan Hua, Nicholas'), ('/cris/rp/rp00841', 'Thambipillai Srikanthan'), ('/cris/rp/rp00799', 'Kwoh Chee Keong'), ('/cris/rp/rp00964', 'Wentong Cai'), ('/cris/rp/rp00963', 'Yeo Chai Kiat'), ('/cris/rp/rp00958', 'Lin Feng'), ('/cris/rp/rp00991', 'Chia Liang Tien'), ('/cris/rp/rp01094', 'Wee Keong NG'), ('/cris/rp/rp00169', 'Jagath Chandana Rajapakse'), ('/cris/rp/rp00552', 'Sun Aixin'), ('/cris/rp/rp00503', 'He Ying'), ('/cris/rp/rp00706', 'Anwitaman Datta'), ('/cris/rp/rp00683', 'Lin Weisi'), ('/cris/rp/rp00834', 'Wai Kin Adams Kong'), ('/cris/rp/rp00274', 'Alexei Sourin'), ('/cris/rp/rp00915', 'Sourav Saha Bhowmick'), ('/cris/rp/rp00901', 'Lam Siew Kei'), ('/cris/rp/rp00891', 'Qian Kemao'), ('/cris/rp/rp01067', 'Cham Tat Jen'), ('/cris/rp/rp01059', 'Douglas Leslie Maskell'), ('/cris/rp/rp01161', 'Li Fang'), ('/cris/rp/rp01157', 'Deepu Rajan'), ('/cris/rp/rp00092', 'Ong Yew Soon'), ('/cris/rp/rp00098', 'Chng Eng Siong'), ('/cris/rp/rp00084', 'Miao Chun Yan'), ('/cris/rp/rp00083', 'A S Madhukumar'), ('/cris/rp/rp00075', 'Tang Xueyan'), ('/cris/rp/rp00072', 'Zheng Jianmin'), ('/cris/rp/rp00227', 'Shen Zhiqi'), ('/cris/rp/rp01008', 'Dusit Niyato'), ('/cris/rp/rp01107', 'Luo Jun'), ('/cris/rp/rp00759', 'Zhang Jie'), ('/cris/rp/rp00744', 'Cong Gao'), ('/cris/rp/rp00937', 'Li Mo'), ('/cris/rp/rp01090', 'Wen Yonggang'), ('/cris/rp/rp00400', 'Owen Noel Newton Fernando'), ('/cris/rp/rp00698', 'Bo An'), ('/cris/rp/rp00687', 'Arvind Easwaran'), ('/cris/rp/rp00334', 'Yu Han'), ('/cris/rp/rp00612', 'Smitha K G'), ('/cris/rp/rp00927', 'Erik Cambria')]
Various ways to obtain/exchange data:
An example (Reddit) with authenticated REST API:
#! pip install --upgrade praw
# Python Reddit API Wrapper(PRAW)
# For a quick start, check "Working with PRAW's models"
import praw
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Uncomment and replace the dummy "XYZ"s with your own token information.
# red_client_id="XYZ"
# red_client_secret="XYZ"
# red_user_agent="XYZ"
# red_username="XYZ" # Don't need these for just reading data
# red_password="XYZ" # Don't need these for just reading data
# Comment out the below
fo = open("reddit-credentials.txt", "r")
str = fo.readlines()
str=[x.split()[2] for x in str]
red_password=str[2] # Don't need these for just reading data
red_username=str[4] # Don't need these for just reading data
reddit = praw.Reddit(
# username=red_username,
# password=red_password,
sg_subreddit = reddit.subreddit('singapore')
posts = []
for post in
posts.append([post.title, post.score,, post.subreddit, post.url, post.num_comments, post.selftext, post.created])
posts_df = pd.DataFrame(posts,columns=['title', 'score', 'id', 'subreddit', 'url', 'num_comments', 'body', 'created'])
title | score | id | subreddit | url | num_comments | body | created | |
0 | /r/singapore random discussion and small quest... | 5 | paxd13 | singapore | | 193 | Talk about your day. Anything goes, but subre... | 1.629842e+09 |
1 | Yip Pin Xiu will defend her crown in the Tokyo... | 174 | pb16e0 | singapore | | 5 | 1.629855e+09 | |
2 | Is This The New Normal For Employment Prospects? | 791 | pajh8r | singapore | | 202 | 1.629795e+09 | |
3 | lightnight strike in bb | 2674 | pae0xj | singapore | | 256 | 1.629771e+09 | |
4 | Taman Jurong hawker, 82, happy to share Chwee ... | 160 | par30f | singapore | | 6 | 1.629823e+09 | |
5 | Update: Footpath near Little Guilin got worse ... | 21 | pb2ljv | singapore | | 5 | 1.629861e+09 | |
6 | ComfortDelgro cabby tells passenger he need no... | 30 | pb074f | singapore | | 20 | 1.629852e+09 | |
7 | Weekly Vaccination Update - Total: 8,765,866 /... | 27 | pb0g4o | singapore | | 15 | **Singapore Vaccination Data (as of 24. Aug 20... | 1.629853e+09 |
8 | Woman makes police report alleging safe distan... | 20 | pb22d8 | singapore | | 11 | 1.629859e+09 | |
9 | How to mic test like a boss | 1564 | paebbh | singapore | | 85 | 1.629772e+09 |
# Let's identify the submission with the largest score
submission = reddit.submission(id=submission_id)
for top_level_comment in submission.comments:
[close up photo]( Ex building engineer here, The lightning certainly would have hit lightning protection copper tape or air terminal at the top of the building beside, and down conductors taking it to earth. Designs are based on what is known as the rolling sphere method (BCA requirement dictate a min of 45m radius), such that lightning will go to a favorable lightning protection air terminal in lieu of directly hitting ground, thus I’m sure the lightning didn’t manage to hit directly to the manhole cover, but hit the building. One possibility (dont pofma me pls) is I guess lightning protection system might be be wrongly connected to sanitary pipes, which exploded gases in the inspection chamber. (the close up photos are metal covers for the sewer inspection chamber). Another possibility is there was a gas leak.. Alright I’mma WFH today. Can’t argue with god of thunder But why the lightning hit the ground? There are so many tall buildings in the surrounding. ARTY ARTY ARTY Why look like CGI though Looks like Raiden Shogun has turned her attention to SG. That doesn't look like a lightning strike. It may have been triggered by the lightning but it looks a lot more like something under the ground exploding. Probably not a result of a direct lightning strike but rather a strike traveling into the ground, and transferring to a cable or gas pipe which caused a breakage / ignition that blew off the drain cover and surrounding. Something like this happened in the US [back in 2006]( Dammit Thor, watch where you aim that thing. This is so going on Mothership no one would've believe if weren't for the car cam OP driving should buy his car plate number 4D aside from CGI, never seen something like this irl. very *enlightning* If you drove 1 min earlier you would have a chance at death oh my gosh, I run by this place every other day. Can't imagine what would have happened if I was outside at this time. holy shit what are the odds that you capture a lighting hit the manhole. This is so rare and gold! Dang! Lowkey looks like something out of a disaster movie. inazuma vibes Wow! I wonder if there's a fulgarite (where the heat from the lightning turns the sand into glass) under there There must be methane underground or something for it to ignite like that Zeus finding observer wards la The way those bricks lifted omg like got invisible superheroes fighting Wah this is so cool *voice from above* Ahh fuck!! I missed MFA: Summon ambassador to Asgard Rat Hill, Turtled Bus, Water-logged landslides and now, Lightning strikes. Surely, Bukit Batok is the new Yishun haha. This what I first tot of when I saw this video. [Genshin Impact reference - Baal has arrived!]( This is why I'm scared of walking in the open during thunderstorms. To avoid the one in a gazillion chance of being struck by lightning. Is this your video OP? Inb4 someone steals ur content Hmm,a certain party logo. u/savevideo Thor lai le! Invoker missing his sunstrike. Holy moly. Thought there are lightning conductors in the buildings nearby?? welp, usually only see manhole explosions from china wtf its not cgi This is why Pikachu should always remain in its pokeball This looks like scenes in movies, luckily no one was passing by at that moment. Is that how war of the worlds begun?? I was so shook by the video I almost didn't notice the title said "lightnight" lmao Thunder breathing, first form: thunderclap and flash Pikachu, use Thunderbolt! What the fuck that lightning did a lot more damage than I thought in real life. Well Camcar missed the chance to become the Flash Holy Lightning $50 bet that mothership is going to post this video later today Can someone go there and take more video reference because I'm still at the back of my mind, thinking it's a really well-done CGI shot by a local VFX artist and I'd be curious if it was or not. BB as in bukit batok? someone is having fun with blender ar? smoke & fire sim, particle physics, motion tracking Rainwater seeping through the ground and touching some wires? Otherwise damn weird for lightning to strike so low Alright I’mma WFH today. Can’t argue with god of thunder That's scary Just had a close call myself. All I saw was the flash before the sound came. Scary stuff That is probably the place where the lightning conductor meets earth. honestly looked like CGI. unreal What time at Bukit batok? For a moment I thought its from After Effects. Looks like the lightning ignited some gas pipe and it blew out of that hole. And that was how, Drain-itsu came to be Pikachu use thunderbolt! It's not very effective..... Duuuuude, this is amazing Seriously shocked by lightning. (And not just a particular logo) We wonder how loud that must've been... @savevideo Thor just landed! Manhole strike in Bukit Buttock\_EYrVGI7LQ Holy crap. So who shd they send the repair bill to for this one. Thunderous ⚡ The only thing missing from this clip is someone making a superhero landing This is today at bukit Batok together with the flash floods Shazam !!!! i thought someone threw a grenade... amazing video! what luck to capture it OP Reminded me of war of the worlds, when the alien surface after lighting hit the ground Someone casted lightning strike Lord Raiden is that you? [deleted] Looks like one of the side streets in siege of Shanghai near A Flag /u/redditspeedbot 0.25x No one heng ah the driver 3s too slow, and allow us to enjoy such awesome footage. If this was in russia itll be in a compilation. Jyu Man Boruto! Bukit baThor? This is what my gf asks me to do when we wanna have some seggsy time Ghost busters scene. 7 month spirits escape through vault Methane gas explosion. But why is the lightning rod hooked up to the sewage system? Light em up boys Lightnight Sunstrike u/SaveVideo Techies player - PS PS accidentally cast ulti... Awesome! This reminded me of the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds movie, where the aliens in pods ride lightning down to their tripods, and the tripods later come out of the ground. Even the driver was like "lemme take shelter in the mscp so that I can change out my pooped underwear!". I would have took u turn and fled is this thunder, thundara or thundaga? Zeus: Fuck this manhole in particular. How long before the Tripods start coming out? Fucking terry bogard nearby wrecking public property again. Thundurus uses Thunderbolt... Its super effective zxx got thor ah? u/savevideo u/SaveVideo Fus-ro-DAH! Toot Sheesh u/savevideo first thought: fire in the hole We need captain dissolution on this its prolly like Adobe aftereffects That looks kinda fake Wow glad nobody was injured, that looked serious This is obviously fake A bit confused why there would be an explosion though, seems pretty fake to me WHY NOT HD That's shocking PAP propaganda getting quite blatant nowadays. Get it? _Lightning_ Thor practicing his aim, bobo sia Looks like the lightning struck caused an explosion in the drain? What a strange place to strike Guess that’s where Mjolnir landed U\savevideo ITS GOTTA BE KANE! How do you download this? I wanna show my dad who lives nearby Zues cast Ulti Same thing would happen in my pants if lightning struck so near me u/savevideo +999 damage Zeus was annoyed THUNDER BOLTO!! Bring me Thanos Adobe After effect? 😅 Imagine python resting under the drain cover … “The code just got executed!”
comments_lst = []
# See more on the CommentForest structure in the documentations.
# The below code using list() provides a BFS based flattening of the comments
for comment in submission.comments.list():
comments_lst.append([, comment.score,, comment.body, comment.parent_id])
comments_df=pd.DataFrame(comments_lst,columns=['id','score','author','comment','parent']).sort_values('score', ascending=False)
# parent_id: The ID of the parent comment (prefixed with t1_).
# If it is a top-level comment, this returns the submission ID instead (prefixed with t3_).
id | score | author | comment | parent | |
1 | ha4gfi9 | 345 | butilikewaffles | Ex building engineer here, \n\nThe lightning c... | t3_pae0xj |
0 | ha42wsj | 301 | spartacurse | [close up photo]( | t3_pae0xj |
131 | ha43mwd | 265 | NotSiaoOn | Now I know what 3 damage in magic the gatherin... | t1_ha42wsj |
140 | ha497uo | 248 | Cleftbutt | It didnt, it hit the lightning protection and ... | t1_ha41b5a |
3 | ha41b5a | 244 | k34t0n | But why the lightning hit the ground? There ar... | t3_pae0xj |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
112 | ha4465v | -4 | Helmet_Politician | A bit confused why there would be an explosion... | t3_pae0xj |
113 | ha47wkg | -4 | nikhoftime | WHY NOT HD | t3_pae0xj |
164 | ha4j8gc | -5 | Dynosmite | Because it was made in blender by someone who ... | t1_ha45rse |
155 | ha4j4d3 | -17 | Dynosmite | Because it is | t1_ha41vs8 |
154 | ha45m3x | -17 | aub_ao | Agree. Looks fake. | t1_ha41vs8 |
255 rows × 5 columns
In the previous example
sg_env_dat = requests.get(sg_env_url).text
import json
# below code for is_json is from
def is_json(myjson):
json_object = json.loads(myjson)
except ValueError as e:
return False
return True
import pprint
{'api_info': {'status': 'healthy'}, 'items': [{'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.34, 'east': 0.47, 'national': 0.59, 'north': 0.35, 'south': 0.53, 'west': 0.59}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 3, 'east': 5, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 21, 'east': 20, 'national': 48, 'north': 29, 'south': 22, 'west': 48}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 7, 'east': 9, 'national': 9, 'north': 2, 'south': 6, 'west': 6}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 3, 'east': 4, 'national': 4, 'north': 1, 'south': 3, 'west': 3}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 21, 'east': 13, 'national': 24, 'north': 24, 'south': 20, 'west': 22}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 21, 'east': 13, 'national': 24, 'north': 24, 'south': 20, 'west': 22}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 47, 'east': 16, 'national': 47, 'north': 44, 'south': 32, 'west': 41}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 4, 'national': 11, 'north': 10, 'south': 8, 'west': 10}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 47, 'east': 16, 'national': 47, 'north': 44, 'south': 32, 'west': 41}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 1, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 6, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 2, 'east': 4, 'national': 10, 'north': 10, 'south': 4, 'west': 9}}, 'timestamp': '2021-08-25T11:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2021-08-25T11:08:52+08:00'}], 'region_metadata': [{'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.7}, 'name': 'west'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0}, 'name': 'national'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.94}, 'name': 'east'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'central'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.29587, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'south'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.41803, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'north'}]}
# We can grab historical data for specific date and/or time-window
sg_env_dat_dated = requests.get(sg_env_url_dated).text
{'api_info': {'status': 'healthy'}, 'items': [{'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.51, 'national': 0.57, 'north': 0.43, 'south': 0.5, 'west': 0.57}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 5, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 7, 'east': 8, 'national': 11, 'north': 4, 'south': 11, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 44, 'east': 27, 'national': 44, 'north': 38, 'south': 37, 'west': 28}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 11, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 12}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 27, 'east': 28, 'national': 34, 'north': 19, 'south': 34, 'west': 28}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 27, 'east': 28, 'national': 34, 'north': 19, 'south': 34, 'west': 28}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 48, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 44, 'west': 37}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 14, 'national': 14, 'north': 10, 'south': 11, 'west': 9}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 48, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 44, 'west': 37}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 3, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 2, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 4, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 3, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T01:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T01:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.56, 'national': 0.57, 'north': 0.43, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.57}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 6, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 5, 'east': 9, 'national': 12, 'north': 2, 'south': 12, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 44, 'east': 27, 'national': 44, 'north': 38, 'south': 37, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 12}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 27, 'east': 27, 'national': 33, 'north': 19, 'south': 33, 'west': 27}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 27, 'east': 27, 'national': 33, 'north': 19, 'south': 33, 'west': 27}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 47, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 39, 'south': 42, 'west': 36}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 9}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 47, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 39, 'south': 42, 'west': 36}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 2, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 4, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 3, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T02:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T02:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.61, 'national': 0.61, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.58}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 6, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 4, 'east': 8, 'national': 9, 'north': 9, 'south': 8, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 45, 'east': 28, 'national': 45, 'north': 37, 'south': 38, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 26, 'east': 27, 'national': 33, 'north': 18, 'south': 33, 'west': 27}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 26, 'east': 27, 'national': 33, 'north': 18, 'south': 33, 'west': 27}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 42, 'west': 35}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 42, 'west': 35}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 2, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 3, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T03:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T03:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.65, 'national': 0.65, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.58}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 6, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 6, 'east': 9, 'national': 11, 'north': 3, 'south': 11, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 45, 'east': 28, 'national': 45, 'north': 37, 'south': 39, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 26, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 27}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 26, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 27}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 45, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 40, 'west': 34}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 45, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 40, 'west': 34}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 2, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 3, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T04:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T04:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.67, 'national': 0.67, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.58}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 10, 'east': 9, 'national': 21, 'north': 2, 'south': 21, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 45, 'east': 29, 'national': 45, 'north': 37, 'south': 38, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 31, 'north': 18, 'south': 31, 'west': 27}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 31, 'north': 18, 'south': 31, 'west': 27}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 45, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 41, 'west': 33}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 45, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 38, 'south': 41, 'west': 33}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 3, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T05:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T05:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.69, 'national': 0.69, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.59}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 9, 'east': 9, 'national': 12, 'north': 3, 'south': 12, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 45, 'east': 29, 'national': 45, 'north': 38, 'south': 38, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 27}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 27}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 39, 'south': 41, 'west': 33}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 39, 'south': 41, 'west': 33}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 3, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T06:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T06:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.71, 'national': 0.71, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.51, 'west': 0.59}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 15, 'east': 14, 'national': 18, 'north': 10, 'south': 18, 'west': 5}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 45, 'east': 29, 'national': 45, 'north': 38, 'south': 38, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 2, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T07:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T07:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.73, 'national': 0.73, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.52, 'west': 0.6}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 16, 'east': 20, 'national': 23, 'north': 15, 'south': 23, 'west': 8}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 44, 'east': 28, 'national': 44, 'north': 37, 'south': 38, 'west': 26}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T08:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T08:08:53+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.44, 'east': 0.75, 'national': 0.75, 'north': 0.46, 'south': 0.54, 'west': 0.61}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 5, 'south': 5, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 17, 'east': 20, 'national': 23, 'north': 15, 'south': 23, 'west': 20}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 44, 'east': 28, 'national': 44, 'north': 36, 'south': 38, 'west': 25}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 12, 'national': 19, 'north': 15, 'south': 16, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 28}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 41, 'south': 41, 'west': 34}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 14, 'national': 14, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 41, 'south': 41, 'west': 34}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T09:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T09:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.45, 'east': 0.75, 'national': 0.75, 'north': 0.47, 'south': 0.55, 'west': 0.6}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 5, 'east': 8, 'national': 8, 'north': 5, 'south': 6, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 15, 'east': 14, 'national': 21, 'north': 9, 'south': 21, 'west': 10}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 43, 'east': 28, 'national': 43, 'north': 36, 'south': 40, 'west': 24}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 18, 'east': 12, 'national': 18, 'north': 15, 'south': 17, 'west': 10}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 33}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 14, 'national': 14, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 33}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T10:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T10:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.45, 'east': 0.73, 'national': 0.73, 'north': 0.47, 'south': 0.56, 'west': 0.59}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 5, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 5, 'south': 6, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 17, 'east': 15, 'national': 17, 'north': 5, 'south': 16, 'west': 4}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 43, 'east': 28, 'national': 43, 'north': 37, 'south': 42, 'west': 25}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 18, 'east': 12, 'national': 18, 'north': 16, 'south': 18, 'west': 10}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 34}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 14, 'national': 14, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 34}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T11:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T11:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.45, 'east': 0.71, 'national': 0.71, 'north': 0.47, 'south': 0.56, 'west': 0.57}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 5, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 5, 'south': 6, 'west': 6}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 15, 'east': 14, 'national': 15, 'north': 4, 'south': 15, 'west': 7}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 44, 'east': 27, 'national': 44, 'north': 38, 'south': 44, 'west': 25}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 11, 'national': 19, 'north': 16, 'south': 18, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 35}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 14, 'national': 14, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 45, 'east': 53, 'national': 53, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 35}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T12:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T12:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.45, 'east': 0.67, 'national': 0.67, 'north': 0.46, 'south': 0.56, 'west': 0.54}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 7, 'national': 7, 'north': 5, 'south': 6, 'west': 5}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 14, 'east': 12, 'national': 14, 'north': 3, 'south': 14, 'west': 10}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 46, 'east': 26, 'national': 47, 'north': 40, 'south': 47, 'west': 27}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 19, 'east': 11, 'national': 20, 'north': 17, 'south': 20, 'west': 11}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 36}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 9}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 42, 'west': 36}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T13:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T13:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.44, 'east': 0.64, 'national': 0.64, 'north': 0.45, 'south': 0.55, 'west': 0.51}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 6, 'national': 6, 'north': 5, 'south': 6, 'west': 5}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 13, 'east': 11, 'national': 13, 'north': 4, 'south': 13, 'west': 11}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 47, 'east': 24, 'national': 48, 'north': 41, 'south': 48, 'west': 29}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 20, 'east': 10, 'national': 20, 'north': 18, 'south': 20, 'west': 12}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 27, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 44, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 13, 'national': 13, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 44, 'east': 52, 'national': 52, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 35}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T14:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T14:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.43, 'east': 0.59, 'national': 0.59, 'north': 0.44, 'south': 0.55, 'west': 0.48}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 6, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 5}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 14, 'east': 13, 'national': 14, 'north': 5, 'south': 14, 'west': 14}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 49, 'east': 23, 'national': 51, 'north': 43, 'south': 51, 'west': 31}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 21, 'east': 10, 'national': 22, 'north': 18, 'south': 22, 'west': 13}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 26, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 26, 'national': 31, 'north': 19, 'south': 31, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 44, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 39, 'south': 40, 'west': 34}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 12, 'national': 12, 'north': 9, 'south': 10, 'west': 8}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 44, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 39, 'south': 40, 'west': 34}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 4, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 4}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T15:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T15:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.42, 'east': 0.51, 'national': 0.54, 'north': 0.43, 'south': 0.54, 'west': 0.45}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 5, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 4}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 15, 'east': 12, 'national': 15, 'north': 5, 'south': 15, 'west': 14}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 51, 'east': 24, 'national': 53, 'north': 45, 'south': 53, 'west': 33}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 21, 'east': 10, 'national': 23, 'north': 19, 'south': 23, 'west': 14}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 26, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 26, 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{'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 36}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 6, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 6}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T18:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T18:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.4, 'east': 0.36, 'national': 0.5, 'north': 0.4, 'south': 0.5, 'west': 0.38}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 4, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 4}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 15, 'east': 15, 'national': 20, 'north': 7, 'south': 17, 'west': 20}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 50, 'east': 25, 'national': 51, 'north': 46, 'south': 51, 'west': 36}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 21, 'east': 10, 'national': 21, 'north': 20, 'south': 21, 'west': 15}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 19, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 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'north': 7, 'south': 15, 'west': 21}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 49, 'east': 25, 'national': 49, 'north': 45, 'south': 48, 'west': 36}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 21, 'east': 11, 'national': 21, 'north': 19, 'south': 20, 'west': 15}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 28, 'national': 32, 'north': 18, 'south': 32, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 40, 'west': 36}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 12, 'national': 12, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 9}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 40, 'west': 36}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 3, 'north': 2, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T20:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T20:08:52+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.41, 'east': 0.36, 'national': 0.5, 'north': 0.4, 'south': 0.5, 'west': 0.38}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 4, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 4}, 'no2_one_hour_max': {'central': 12, 'east': 14, 'national': 21, 'north': 6, 'south': 16, 'west': 21}, 'o3_eight_hour_max': {'central': 47, 'east': 26, 'national': 47, 'north': 43, 'south': 45, 'west': 34}, 'o3_sub_index': {'central': 20, 'east': 11, 'national': 20, 'north': 18, 'south': 19, 'west': 14}, 'pm10_sub_index': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 36, 'north': 18, 'south': 36, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 36, 'north': 18, 'south': 36, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 41, 'west': 37}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 12, 'national': 12, 'north': 10, 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'national': 35, 'north': 18, 'south': 35, 'west': 29}, 'pm10_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 25, 'east': 29, 'national': 35, 'north': 18, 'south': 35, 'west': 29}, 'pm25_sub_index': {'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 40, 'west': 38}, 'pm25_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 11, 'east': 12, 'national': 12, 'north': 10, 'south': 10, 'west': 9}, 'psi_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 46, 'east': 51, 'national': 51, 'north': 40, 'south': 40, 'west': 38}, 'so2_sub_index': {'central': 2, 'east': 1, 'national': 3, 'north': 3, 'south': 1, 'west': 3}, 'so2_twenty_four_hourly': {'central': 3, 'east': 2, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T22:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T22:08:57+08:00'}, {'readings': {'co_eight_hour_max': {'central': 0.42, 'east': 0.41, 'national': 0.5, 'north': 0.42, 'south': 0.5, 'west': 0.4}, 'co_sub_index': {'central': 4, 'east': 4, 'national': 5, 'north': 4, 'south': 5, 'west': 4}, 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'north': 4, 'south': 2, 'west': 5}}, 'timestamp': '2020-02-20T23:00:00+08:00', 'update_timestamp': '2020-02-20T23:08:52+08:00'}], 'region_metadata': [{'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.7}, 'name': 'west'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0}, 'name': 'national'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.94}, 'name': 'east'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.35735, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'central'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.29587, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'south'}, {'label_location': {'latitude': 1.41803, 'longitude': 103.82}, 'name': 'north'}]}
# JSON is everywhere, for example, you may encounter them when/if you try to grab data from DBLP
from urllib.request import urlopen
from import json_normalize
import urllib.request
with urllib.request.urlopen(DBLP_URL) as url:
dblp_data_instance = json.loads(
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Andrew Boughton'}]}, 'doi': '10.1007/BFB0020458', 'ee': '', 'key': 'conf/europar/ChiouAGAHBHB95', 'pages': '101-116', 'title': 'START-NG - Delivering Seamless Parallel Computing.', 'type': 'Conference and Workshop Papers', 'url': '', 'venue': 'Euro-Par', 'year': '1995'}, 'url': 'URL#5345155'}, {'@id': '5350254', '@score': '2', 'info': {'authors': {'author': [{'@pid': '09/5385', 'text': 'Andrew Horner'}, {'@pid': '82/3605', 'text': 'Ngai-Man Cheung'}, {'@pid': '96/769', 'text': 'James W. Beauchamp'}]}, 'ee': '', 'key': 'conf/icmc/HornerCB95', 'title': 'Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Additive Synthesis ' 'Envelope Breakpoints and Group Synthesis Parameters.', 'type': 'Conference and Workshop Papers', 'url': '', 'venue': 'ICMC', 'year': '1995'}, 'url': 'URL#5350254'}, {'@id': '5351953', '@score': '2', 'info': {'authors': {'author': [{'@pid': '83/6453', 'text': 'Peggy Israel Doerschuk'}, {'@pid': '161/6330', 'text': 'Vinh D. Nguyen'}, {'@pid': '161/6315', 'text': 'Andrew L. Li'}]}, 'doi': '10.1109/TAI.1995.479614', 'ee': '', 'key': 'conf/ictai/DoerschukNL95', 'pages': '278-281', 'title': 'Neural network control of a three-link leg.', 'type': 'Conference and Workshop Papers', 'url': '', 'venue': 'ICTAI', 'year': '1995'}, 'url': 'URL#5351953'}, {'@id': '5358472', '@score': '2', 'info': {'authors': {'author': [{'@pid': '06/6439', 'text': 'Anh Nguyen-Tuong'}, {'@pid': 'g/AndrewSGrimshaw', 'text': 'Andrew S. Grimshaw'}, {'@pid': '28/663', 'text': 'John F. Karpovich'}]}, 'doi': '10.1007/BFB0023066', 'ee': '', 'key': 'conf/psls/Nguyen-TuongGK95', 'pages': '250-265', 'title': 'Fault Tolerance via Replication in Coarse Grain ' 'Data-Flow.', 'type': 'Conference and Workshop Papers', 'url': '', 'venue': 'PSLS', 'year': '1995'}, 'url': 'URL#5358472'}, {'@id': '5460472', '@score': '2', 'info': {'authors': {'author': [{'@pid': '64/6364', 'text': 'Thang Nguyen Bui'}, {'@pid': '81/4365', 'text': 'Andrew Peck'}]}, 'doi': '10.1137/0221016', 'ee': '', 'key': 'journals/siamcomp/BuiP92', 'number': '2', 'pages': '203-215', 'title': 'Partitioning Planar Graphs.', 'type': 'Journal Articles', 'url': '', 'venue': 'SIAM J. Comput.', 'volume': '21', 'year': '1992'}, 'url': 'URL#5460472'}, {'@id': '5472713', '@score': '2', 'info': {'authors': {'author': [{'@pid': '14/2803', 'text': 'Brian H. Wilcox'}, {'@pid': 'm/LarryMatthies', 'text': 'Larry H. Matthies'}, {'@pid': '53/2932', 'text': 'Donald B. Gennery'}, {'@pid': '127/8428', 'text': 'Brian K. Cooper'}, {'@pid': '50/692', 'text': 'Tam Nguyen'}, {'@pid': '40/6691', 'text': 'Todd Litwin'}, {'@pid': '32/126', 'text': 'Andrew Mishkin'}, {'@pid': '139/2878', 'text': 'Henry W. Stone'}]}, 'doi': '10.1109/ROBOT.1992.220266', 'ee': '', 'key': 'conf/icra/WilcoxMGCNLMS92', 'pages': '175-180', 'title': 'Robotic vehicles for planetary exploration.', 'type': 'Conference and Workshop Papers', 'url': '', 'venue': 'ICRA', 'year': '1992'}, 'url': 'URL#5472713'}]
vs SQL:
Useful resources:
#!pip3 install pymongo -U
#!pip3 install "pymongo[srv]" -U
#!pip3 install dnspython
# You would need to restart runtime after installations.
# Useful resource:
import pymongo
import dns
fo = open("mongodb-uri.txt", "r")
str = fo.readline()
### Put in appropriate conn_str uri string with your MongoDB deployment's connection string.
# Typically, it will be something like
# conn_str=mongodb+srv://
conn_str = str
# set a 5-second connection timeout
client = pymongo.MongoClient(conn_str, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000)
print(client.server_info()) # just a sanity check
{'version': '4.4.8', 'gitVersion': '83b8bb8b6b325d8d8d3dfd2ad9f744bdad7d6ca0', 'modules': ['enterprise'], 'allocator': 'tcmalloc', 'javascriptEngine': 'mozjs', 'sysInfo': 'deprecated', 'versionArray': [4, 4, 8, 0], 'openssl': {'running': 'OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013', 'compiled': 'OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013'}, 'buildEnvironment': {'distmod': 'rhel70', 'distarch': 'x86_64', 'cc': '/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/gcc: gcc (GCC) 8.5.0', 'ccflags': '-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ggdb -pthread -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Winvalid-pch -Werror -O2 -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-unused-function -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-missing-braces -fstack-protector-strong -fno-builtin-memcmp', 'cxx': '/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/g++: g++ (GCC) 8.5.0', 'cxxflags': '-Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -fsized-deallocation -std=c++17', 'linkflags': '-pthread -Wl,-z,now -rdynamic -Wl,--fatal-warnings -fstack-protector-strong -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--no-threads -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--warn-execstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64/perl5/CORE -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags', 'target_arch': 'x86_64', 'target_os': 'linux', 'cppdefines': 'SAFEINT_USE_INTRINSICS 0 PCRE_STATIC NDEBUG _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 _GNU_SOURCE _FORTIFY_SOURCE 2 BOOST_THREAD_VERSION 5 BOOST_THREAD_USES_DATETIME BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED BOOST_MATH_NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS BOOST_ENABLE_ASSERT_DEBUG_HANDLER BOOST_LOG_NO_SHORTHAND_NAMES BOOST_LOG_USE_NATIVE_SYSLOG BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_THREAD_ATTR ABSL_FORCE_ALIGNED_ACCESS'}, 'bits': 64, 'debug': False, 'maxBsonObjectSize': 16777216, 'storageEngines': ['biggie', 'devnull', 'ephemeralForTest', 'inMemory', 'queryable_wt', 'wiredTiger'], 'ok': 1.0, '$clusterTime': {'clusterTime': Timestamp(1629862129, 6), 'signature': {'hash': b'H\xdc\x16!O\x8cn\\\xaf\xbe\xa3i.\x93\xca<\xf2\xd6-\x82', 'keyId': 6959259638558621697}}, 'operationTime': Timestamp(1629862129, 6)}
# I will use some default datasets provided by MongoDB
# for illustrative examples, so that you can reproduce/rerun them
# More about this default dataset
['dblpMongo', 'sample_airbnb', 'sample_analytics', 'sample_geospatial', 'sample_mflix', 'sample_restaurants', 'sample_supplies', 'sample_training', 'sample_weatherdata', 'admin', 'local']
db1 = client['sample_airbnb']
db2 = client['sample_analytics']
[{'name': 'listingsAndReviews', 'type': 'collection', 'options': {}, 'info': {'readOnly': False, 'uuid': UUID('3b44bd30-808a-4d19-b60a-44b523195391')}, 'idIndex': {'v': 2, 'key': {'_id': 1}, 'name': '_id_'}}]
[{'idIndex': {'key': {'_id': 1}, 'name': '_id_', 'v': 2}, 'info': {'readOnly': False, 'uuid': UUID('4b510301-29cd-41d2-85b8-74cb147d26ab')}, 'name': 'accounts', 'options': {}, 'type': 'collection'}, {'idIndex': {'key': {'_id': 1}, 'name': '_id_', 'v': 2}, 'info': {'readOnly': False, 'uuid': UUID('ea93b891-039c-40a2-90a6-e643c9b6ca2a')}, 'name': 'transactions', 'options': {}, 'type': 'collection'}, {'idIndex': {'key': {'_id': 1}, 'name': '_id_', 'v': 2}, 'info': {'readOnly': False, 'uuid': UUID('efcfd80e-e94d-43c0-9689-794ce2c7ed16')}, 'name': 'customers', 'options': {}, 'type': 'collection'}]
# Let's access one of these collections
# Let's access one of the records in that collection
# find_one returns the first matching instance (first per the system's storage)
{'_id': '10006546', 'access': 'We are always available to help guests. The house is fully ' 'available to guests. We are always ready to assist guests. when ' 'possible we pick the guests at the airport. This service transfer ' 'have a cost per person. We will also have service "meal at home" ' 'with a diverse menu and the taste of each. Enjoy the moment!', 'accommodates': 8, 'address': {'country': 'Portugal', 'country_code': 'PT', 'government_area': 'Cedofeita, Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, Nicolau, ' 'Vitória', 'location': {'coordinates': [-8.61308, 41.1413], 'is_location_exact': False, 'type': 'Point'}, 'market': 'Porto', 'street': 'Porto, Porto, Portugal', 'suburb': ''}, 'amenities': ['TV', 'Cable TV', 'Wifi', 'Kitchen', 'Paid parking off premises', 'Smoking allowed', 'Pets allowed', 'Buzzer/wireless intercom', 'Heating', 'Family/kid friendly', 'Washer', 'First aid kit', 'Fire extinguisher', 'Essentials', 'Hangers', 'Hair dryer', 'Iron', 'Pack ’n Play/travel crib', 'Room-darkening shades', 'Hot water', 'Bed linens', 'Extra pillows and blankets', 'Microwave', 'Coffee maker', 'Refrigerator', 'Dishwasher', 'Dishes and silverware', 'Cooking basics', 'Oven', 'Stove', 'Cleaning before checkout', 'Waterfront'], 'availability': {'availability_30': 28, 'availability_365': 239, 'availability_60': 47, 'availability_90': 74}, 'bathrooms': Decimal128('1.0'), 'bed_type': 'Real Bed', 'bedrooms': 3, 'beds': 5, 'calendar_last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'cancellation_policy': 'moderate', 'cleaning_fee': Decimal128('35.00'), 'description': 'Fantastic duplex apartment with three bedrooms, located in ' 'the historic area of Porto, Ribeira (Cube) - UNESCO World ' 'Heritage Site. Centenary building fully rehabilitated, ' 'without losing their original character. Privileged views of ' 'the Douro River and Ribeira square, our apartment offers the ' 'perfect conditions to discover the history and the charm of ' 'Porto. Apartment comfortable, charming, romantic and cozy in ' 'the heart of Ribeira. Within walking distance of all the most ' 'emblematic places of the city of Porto. The apartment is ' 'fully equipped to host 8 people, with cooker, oven, washing ' 'machine, dishwasher, microwave, coffee machine (Nespresso) ' 'and kettle. The apartment is located in a very typical area ' 'of the city that allows to cross with the most picturesque ' 'population of the city, welcoming, genuine and happy people ' 'that fills the streets with his outspoken speech and ' 'contagious with your sincere generosity, wrapped in a only ' 'parochial spirit. We are always available to help guests', 'extra_people': Decimal128('15.00'), 'first_review': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'guests_included': Decimal128('6'), 'host': {'host_about': 'Gostamos de passear, de viajar, de conhecer pessoas e ' 'locais novos, gostamos de desporto e animais! Vivemos ' 'na cidade mais linda do mundo!!!', 'host_has_profile_pic': True, 'host_id': '51399391', 'host_identity_verified': True, 'host_is_superhost': False, 'host_listings_count': 3, 'host_location': 'Porto, Porto District, Portugal', 'host_name': 'Ana&Gonçalo', 'host_neighbourhood': '', 'host_picture_url': '', 'host_response_rate': 100, 'host_response_time': 'within an hour', 'host_thumbnail_url': '', 'host_total_listings_count': 3, 'host_url': '', 'host_verifications': ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'offline_government_id', 'government_id']}, 'house_rules': 'Make the house your home...', 'images': {'medium_url': '', 'picture_url': '', 'thumbnail_url': '', 'xl_picture_url': ''}, 'interaction': 'Cot - 10 € / night Dog - € 7,5 / night', 'last_review': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'listing_url': '', 'maximum_nights': '30', 'minimum_nights': '2', 'name': 'Ribeira Charming Duplex', 'neighborhood_overview': 'In the neighborhood of the river, you can find ' 'several restaurants as varied flavors, but without ' 'forgetting the so traditional northern food. You ' 'can also find several bars and pubs to unwind after ' "a day's visit to the magnificent Port. To enjoy the " 'Douro River can board the boats that daily make the ' 'ride of six bridges. You can also embark towards ' "Régua, Barca d'Alva, Pinhão, etc and enjoy the " 'Douro Wine Region, World Heritage of Humanity. The ' "Infante's house is a few meters and no doubt it " 'deserves a visit. They abound grocery stores, ' 'bakeries, etc. to make your meals. Souvenir shop, ' 'wine cellars, etc. to bring some souvenirs.', 'notes': 'Lose yourself in the narrow streets and staircases zone, have lunch ' 'in pubs and typical restaurants, and find the renovated cafes and ' 'shops in town. If you like exercise, rent a bicycle in the area and ' 'ride along the river to the sea, where it will enter beautiful ' 'beaches and terraces for everyone. The area is safe, find the bus ' 'stops 1min and metro line 5min. The bustling nightlife is a 10 min ' 'walk, where the streets are filled with people and entertainment ' 'for all. But Porto is much more than the historical center, here is ' 'modern museums, concert halls, clean and cared for beaches and surf ' 'all year round. Walk through the Ponte D. Luis and visit the ' 'different Caves of Port wine, where you will enjoy the famous port ' 'wine. Porto is a spoken city everywhere in the world as the best to ' 'be visited and savored by all ... natural beauty, culture, ' 'tradition, river, sea, beach, single people, typical food, and we ' 'are among those who best receive tourists, confirm! Come visit us ' 'and feel at ho', 'number_of_reviews': 51, 'price': Decimal128('80.00'), 'property_type': 'House', 'review_scores': {'review_scores_accuracy': 9, 'review_scores_checkin': 10, 'review_scores_cleanliness': 9, 'review_scores_communication': 10, 'review_scores_location': 10, 'review_scores_rating': 89, 'review_scores_value': 9}, 'reviews': [{'_id': '58663741', 'comments': 'A casa da Ana e do Gonçalo foram o local escolhido ' 'para a passagem de ano com um grupo de amigos. ' 'Fomos super bem recebidos com uma grande simpatia e ' 'predisposição a ajudar com qualquer coisa que fosse ' 'necessário.\r\n' 'A casa era ainda melhor do que parecia nas fotos, ' 'totalmente equipada, com mantas, aquecedor e tudo o ' 'que pudessemos precisar.\r\n' 'A localização não podia ser melhor! Não há melhor ' 'do que acordar de manhã e ao virar da esquina estar ' 'a ribeira do Porto.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '51483096', 'reviewer_name': 'Cátia'}, {'_id': '62413197', 'comments': "We are french's students, we traveled some days in " 'Porto, this space was good and we can cooking ' 'easly. It was rainning so we eard every time the ' 'water fall to the ground in the street when we ' 'sleeping. But It was cool and or was well received ' 'by Ana et Gonçalo', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 14, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '40031996', 'reviewer_name': 'Théo'}, {'_id': '68310569', 'comments': 'We had a spledid time in the old centre of ' 'Porto.\r\n' 'The appartment is very well situated next to the ' "old Ribeira square. It's perfect to have such an " 'appartment to your disposal, you feel home, and ' 'have a place to relax between the exploration of ' 'this very nice city.\r\n' 'We thank Ana & Gonçalo, and we hope the appartment ' 'is free when we go back next year. Porto is ' 'charming original.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 4, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '53859850', 'reviewer_name': 'Bart'}, {'_id': '69693942', 'comments': 'Ana and Goncalo were very helpful and ' 'accommodating. When they were not available they ' 'put us in touch with their nephew who was equally ' 'as helpful. The flat was as described, neat and ' 'tidy. The weather was quite cold, but thankfully ' 'A&G left us with extra blankets and electric ' 'heaters to use. Location was great. Outside the ' 'flat there was a slight smell of the river/ sewage, ' 'but in all honesty it did not come into the flat, ' "and once you go down the road it doesn't carry on. " 'This may also have been down to the very wet ' 'weather we had while there. All in all, very happy ' 'and would definitely recommend.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 12, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '3135623', 'reviewer_name': 'Alex'}, {'_id': '71451096', 'comments': 'The hosts were very accommodating and agreed to ' 'meet with my parents as they were arriving before ' 'us. Communicated very well and always responded in ' "a very timely manner. You couldn't have asked for a " 'better location of this apartment and the place was ' 'identical to the pictures in the in the listing.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '13187858', 'reviewer_name': 'Dan'}, {'_id': '73191268', 'comments': "THE PLACE TO BE, l'appartement est situé au milieu " "de la Ribeira , tout peut se faire à pieds c'est " "l'ideal,l'appartement est très bien agencé et " 'équipé.\r\n' 'Nous avons passé un séjour très agréable dans ce ' 'duplex avec beaucoup de charme .\r\n' 'Accueil très chaleureux de Ana et Gonçalo, ils ont ' "pris du temps pour nous indiquer tout ce qu'il y " 'avait à faire sur Porto et répondus à toutes nos ' 'interrogations en terme de commodités.. Merci..\r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '61434690', 'reviewer_name': 'Anne'}, {'_id': '77438107', 'comments': 'We had a great time in Porto. Ana’s & Goncalo’s ' 'apartment is located right in the heart of the Old ' 'Town and is great value for money. You really are ' 'at the centre of things and it’s the perfect place ' 'to get swept away in the hustle and bustle of ' 'Porto. Ana and Goncalo were great hosts.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 31, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '3673216', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris'}, {'_id': '89637734', 'comments': 'Ana and Gonçalo were very welcoming and made a lot ' "of information about Porto's sights available. It " 'was very clean, very beautiful and the location was ' 'superb. It does have a lot of restaurants around ' 'it, so it could be a bit noisy for us at night but ' 'otherwise great location. We would stay there ' 'again. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 7, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '9172374', 'reviewer_name': 'Leslie'}, {'_id': '96574146', 'comments': 'Super appartement très bien placé, au cœur de ' "l'animation de la Ribeira !\r\n" 'Nous avons passé un super séjour à Porto !\r\n' 'Toutes les informations données par Ana et les ' 'documents laissés nous ont bien aidé à organiser ' 'notre séjour. Nous avons (presque) tout fait à ' 'pied ! Le parking Ribeira est proche et bien utile ' 'pour garer le véhicule.\r\n' 'Merci !!!\r\n' 'Philippe\r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 23, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '71985274', 'reviewer_name': 'Philippe'}, {'_id': '108444999', 'comments': 'The appartment was great, it is really nice and ' 'cosy, and it is situated at a perfect location. Ana ' 'and Goncalo were very friendly, they were very ' 'helpfull during our stay. We had a great time ' 'during our stay in Porto!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '24960918', 'reviewer_name': 'Hanneke'}, {'_id': '111065376', 'comments': 'Kävimme majoittajan kanssa viestinvaihtoa ennen ' 'lomaa ja he antoivat mukavan vaikutelman. He ' 'olivatkin hyvin mukavia ihmisiä. He tulivat ' 'lentokentälle vastaan kahdella autolla mikä oli ' 'hyvin ystävällistä. He kertoivat myös kaupungista ' 'ja sen nähtävyyksistä. Asunnon sijainti oli ' 'täydellinen. Se oli myös erittäin romanttinen ja ' 'kaunis. Kokemus oli hyvin onnistunut.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '74079092', 'reviewer_name': 'Kati'}, {'_id': '111655209', 'comments': 'Hemos pasado unos días increíbles en Oporto. ' 'Llegamos más tarde de lo que habíamos pensado y Ana ' '& Gonçalo nos esperaron pacientemente y nos ' 'facilitaron la llegada, además nos recibieron con ' 'un regalo de bienvenida!. Nos dieron todo tipo de ' 'indicaciones y consejos más que de sobra para ' 'disfrutar de los días que estuvimos allí. La ' 'ubicación de la casa es inmejorable!! la única pega ' 'fue que el soporte de la ducha estaba roto pero ' 'como eran pocos días no quisimos molestar a Ana & ' 'Gonçalo y no se lo comentamos. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '40413493', 'reviewer_name': 'Julia'}, {'_id': '132811625', 'comments': 'Great location, comfortable place, responsive and ' 'friendly host! Highly recommended!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 19, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '8986056', 'reviewer_name': 'Joshua'}, {'_id': '144627907', 'comments': 'This house is in the heart of Porto, set back ' 'enough to be away from the hustle and bustle but ' 'only a few steps up from the river, bars and ' 'restaurants. A great place to stay.\n' 'The house was clean and functional. Ana and Goncalo ' 'are perfect hosts with lots of information on ' 'places to visit and eat.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '113254568', 'reviewer_name': 'Tracey'}, {'_id': '149009243', 'comments': 'The location of the house is wonderful! You are in ' 'the heart of the old city and the Douro ist just a ' 'few meters away. Perfect for a first visit to ' 'Porto!\n' 'Very cosy and warm house with everything you need.\n' 'Gonçalo gives a lot of good tips that will help you ' 'to have a perfect stay. Communication is very easy ' 'with him.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '11263097', 'reviewer_name': 'Willem'}, {'_id': '150518693', 'comments': 'We spend a really good time in Porto, the flat is ' 'so well situated. The bridge is just next door, the ' 'view on the river is amazing, and plenty of ' 'restaurants and pubs, transport are just around.\n' 'Gonzalo is very kind to wait for us, also lat, for ' 'the check in, thank you.\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 8, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '108507776', 'reviewer_name': 'Fanny'}, {'_id': '155913947', 'comments': 'Thanks for a great stay! 6 of us were in Porto for ' 'a long weekend and we had a blast. The apartment ' 'was perfect; location and size to accomodate us. ' 'The hosts were great, then even picked us up at the ' 'airport (for a fee but it was a great service). ' 'Thanks again! Bridget.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '30254816', 'reviewer_name': 'Bridget'}, {'_id': '159692160', 'comments': 'Superb location and very nice, big and overall ' 'pleasant apartment!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 11, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '124514204', 'reviewer_name': 'Oscar'}, {'_id': '164881958', 'comments': 'The apartment provides basic facilities but is good ' 'value for money and very well positioned for easy ' 'access to restaurants and bars, the Ribeira ' 'district and the Port house in Gaia.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '105188418', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve'}, {'_id': '166990342', 'comments': 'Ana und Gonçalo sind sehr hilfsbereite liebe Leute, ' 'die alles tun, damit man sich wohl fühlt. Wenn es ' 'etwas zu beanstanden gab, wird das sofort ' 'problemlos erledigt. Das Apartment ist charmant, ' 'die Möbel schon etwas mitgenommen, aber das passt ' 'insgesamt ins Bild von Porto und macht den Reiz ' 'aus. Die Lage ist super, genau am Duoro. Es gibt ' 'Strassenmusik bis in den späten Abend und auch ' "morgens geht's früh los mit fröhlichen Lärm von der " 'Flusspromenade. Nichts also für Leute, die es ruhig ' 'brauchen! Die Lage ist wirklich exklusiv und ' 'tröstet über den recht teuren Mietpreis. Im Umfeld ' 'gibt es typische Touri-Fallen, wo alles doppelt ' 'kostet, aber gleichzeitig findet man auch sehr ' 'nette kleine Bars, in der man chillig und günstig ' 'frühstücken oder generell lecker essen kann. Die ' 'Stadt ist klein genug, um sich schnell ' 'zurechtzufinden und groß genug, um immer wieder ' 'neues zu entdecken. Wir waren zu dritt (50, 25, 20 ' 'Jahre) und haben die Zeit wirklich genossen. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '52660694', 'reviewer_name': 'Tina'}, {'_id': '180030365', 'comments': 'Very well located appartement ideal for a family of ' '5 who want to make the most of the city center.\n' 'It may be a bit noisy at night but this is ' 'acceptable.\n' 'Globally we recommend this place.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '25469637', 'reviewer_name': 'Mathieu'}, {'_id': '198679769', 'comments': 'Great location! The apartment is somewhat basic. We ' 'were family with 3 teenagers and had a good time. ' 'Also it’s a bit noisy until very late at night.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '21837853', 'reviewer_name': 'Ido'}, {'_id': '199885226', 'comments': 'This apartment is in the perfect location for being ' 'in the middle of the action. There were tons of ' 'restaurants close to the apartment and it was a ' 'quick walk across the bridge to tour the Port ' 'wineries. Be forewarned; if you are looking for a ' 'very quiet location, this area may not be for you. ' 'However, if you are looking to step outside of your ' 'door and start enjoying what Porto has to offer, I ' 'recommend this location.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '56528632', 'reviewer_name': 'Amanda'}, {'_id': '207942636', 'comments': 'Acceuil très très chaleureux de Gonçalo et Ana ' 'lors de notre arrivée très tardive due à un ' 'changement d"\'horaire d\'avion....appartement ' 'super bien situé dans Porto près du Douro, fidèle ' 'aux photos mises sur le site....Nous avons adoré ce ' 'quartier bien animé .....Encore merci à Gonçalo et ' 'Ana. ....', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '102474818', 'reviewer_name': 'Geneviève'}, {'_id': '209455775', 'comments': 'Localização perfeita, muito aconchegante, Ana e ' 'Gonçalo são pessoas muito atenciosas e simpáticas!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '10371877', 'reviewer_name': 'Andrea'}, {'_id': '223995518', 'comments': 'Perfect position to see everything that Porto has ' 'to offer. Ana and Gonçalo were great hosts quick to ' "respond and welcoming. Couldn't recommend a better " 'place to stay in Porto to be able to see the sights ' 'and be within walking distance to so many ' 'restaurants.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '10184070', 'reviewer_name': 'Jennifer'}, {'_id': '225725834', 'comments': 'Great location!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 7, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '156411765', 'reviewer_name': 'Nathalie'}, {'_id': '230559180', 'comments': 'Probably Ana&Gonzalo´s place is great for summer ' 'but definitely not in winter. The house is NOT WARM ' 'and ready for a stay in cold and humit season. ' 'There is NO HEATING in any of the rooms and living ' 'room, only bed covers (not nordic duvet) and small ' 'heaters which you have to switch off during the ' 'night. Those were not enough during our stay in ' 'January even we had sunny days! Moreover we were 5 ' 'people in the house without NO HOT WATER enough for ' 'all of us. \n' 'The pictures did not show the reality. Furniture ' 'was much older and WiFi signal is only available in ' 'the living room, not the rooms.\n' 'On the other hand, location is great if you want to ' 'stay close to the river. Although think about that ' 'all restaurants, bars and main tourist attractions ' 'are close to Train Station and Clerigos Tower which ' 'means 15-20 min uphill walking distance from the ' 'house.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 28, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '2524423', 'reviewer_name': 'Cayetana'}, {'_id': '232271631', 'comments': 'Appartement très cosy! Nous y avons été pour un ' "court séjour à 7 et avons adoré. L'appartement est " 'idéalement situé dans le quartier magnifique de la ' "Ribeira. L'accueil a ete très chaleureux: Nous " "étions trompé d'adresse car le GPS avaient " 'confondus les rues mais Ana a su nous retrouver ' "pour nous amener à l'appartement. L'appartement " 'était très propre et nous avons eu largement tout ' "ce qu'il fallait en linge.\n" 'Encore un Grand merci à eux!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 4, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '167219338', 'reviewer_name': 'Mérex'}, {'_id': '234847900', 'comments': 'ottima ospitalità, la posizione della casa è ' 'ottima, vicina ai mezzi di trasporto e alle ' 'principali attrazioni della città, torneremo ' 'sicuramente. Consigliato!!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 14, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '6735587', 'reviewer_name': 'Andrea'}, {'_id': '235293831', 'comments': 'Nice apartment in Porto, we enjoy staying in it for ' 'a few days. The apartment is comfortable and has a ' 'very nice location. Thanks to Ana and Gonsalo for ' 'hospitality.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '130170949', 'reviewer_name': 'Bogdan'}, {'_id': '240252220', 'comments': 'Great location. Good value thanks for the stay', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 4, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '153415353', 'reviewer_name': 'Alison'}, {'_id': '244738269', 'comments': 'Me and my friends (7 ppl tot) have booked Gonçalo ' 'and Ana’s apartment for our holidays and i think we ' 'cannot do a better choice like that.\n' 'The apartment is situated near Oporto’s riverside, ' 'in Ribeira district, at 2 minutes walking to Sao ' 'Bento’s station, 10minutes to Lello’s library and ' 'clerics’s tower. In less than 10 minutes u’re in ' 'Vila Nova De Gaia where u can find the wineries of ' 'porto’s wine.\n' 'The apartment is really spacious and comfortable, ' 'perfect for 7 italian people that want to have fun ' 'in Oporto.\n' 'Suggested!!!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '59706237', 'reviewer_name': 'Marco'}, {'_id': '246334180', 'comments': "L'emplacement et vraiment au coeur de l'animation " "du vieux Porto. Au pied de l'appartement se " 'trouvent de charmants café avec vue sur le Douro.\n' "Ana&Gonçalo ont été très attentionnés et à l'écoute " 'de nos demandes\n' 'Michel', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '12047570', 'reviewer_name': 'Michel'}, {'_id': '259708770', 'comments': 'Great location right next to the Dom Luiz bridge ' 'and Douro river and plenty of restaurants. Enough ' 'room for about 6 people. Ana was very responsive to ' 'any concerns we had. Would stay again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '174003310', 'reviewer_name': 'Dariusz'}, {'_id': '263239322', 'comments': 'The house was supernice and located in the middle ' 'of the center. We really enjoyed our stay here!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 11, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '31033799', 'reviewer_name': 'Margriet'}, {'_id': '264125733', 'comments': 'Great Location. Ana & Gonzalo are very nice, ' 'flexible, and fast-responsive. Apartment is ok but ' 'only one toilet for 3 rooms + sofa-bed.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15554470', 'reviewer_name': 'Carlos'}, {'_id': '267283092', 'comments': "Ana&Gonçalo's apartment was nice, comfy, clean and " 'most of all really well located in the city ' 'center!!!\n' 'We could easily move everywhere in Porto from there ' 'and it was perfect for discovering the city!\n' "Also, I'd like to mention that Gonçalo was nice and " 'patient with us on the day of the arrival even if ' 'we were a bit late.\n' 'I strongly recommend this place!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 21, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '39358900', 'reviewer_name': 'Gaspard'}, {'_id': '269853203', 'comments': 'Incredible location, beautiful house. Everything ' 'was very easy and we would highly recommend this ' 'accommodation. Excellent. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '42864948', 'reviewer_name': 'James'}, {'_id': '272277314', 'comments': 'good lication good experience', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '45990306', 'reviewer_name': '紫仪'}, {'_id': '275044729', 'comments': 'We loved it', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 10, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '176337667', 'reviewer_name': 'Sebastian'}, {'_id': '302971185', 'comments': 'Great location right on the river. Lots of tourists ' 'in the area. Easy to get to public transportation. ' 'Besides the hot weather, we had a good time. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '52572680', 'reviewer_name': 'Robby'}, {'_id': '320887590', 'comments': 'Merci à Ana & Gonçalo pour l’accueil !', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 9, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '20965806', 'reviewer_name': 'Romain'}, {'_id': '325025167', 'comments': '-', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15097268', 'reviewer_name': 'Roula'}, {'_id': '331735682', 'comments': 'Our stay in Ana and Gancalo’s apartment was lovely. ' 'The location was perfect and Gancalo graciously ' 'picked us up from the airport. It does get a little ' 'loud in the morning but that’s only because the ' 'apartment is perfectly located right on the river ' 'front. You do have to hold the shower wand when ' 'showering but the pressure is good. Overall I would ' 'definitely stay in the apartment again!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '35313286', 'reviewer_name': 'Alexander'}, {'_id': '334789252', 'comments': 'It was a wonderful experience, the location is ' 'fantastic and the accommodations were outstanding.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 10, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '206502919', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark'}, {'_id': '347372623', 'comments': 'Ana’s place is very well located, at 2 min walking ' 'distance to the Douro, so that everything is close ' 'by! Ana communicated well regarding check in info, ' 'and was even flexible regarding check out timing. ' 'The description / pictures are relevant; only the ' 'bathroom is not as recent. We appreciated the ' 'extra blanket as heaters have to be switched off ' 'once u leave the flat, but once they are switched ' 'on we had no problem afterwards regarding the ' 'temperature of the flat.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 11, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '17503135', 'reviewer_name': 'Camille'}, {'_id': '354708379', 'comments': 'If you want to stay in the heart of Porto for ' 'reasonable price this is a good alternative. ' 'However, I’d selected again it for group of more ' 'than 6 people.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '34178931', 'reviewer_name': 'Pawel'}, {'_id': '362865132', 'comments': 'Very helpful hosts. Cooked traditional Portuguese ' 'Christmas dinner for 6. Location is perfect. Right ' 'off square that is on river right by famous bridge ' 'engineered by protege of Gustav Eifel. Looks like ' 'same type structure.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 27, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '208880077', 'reviewer_name': 'Thomas'}, {'_id': '364728730', 'comments': 'Ana & Goncalo were great on communication, ' 'responding instantly to questions.\n' '5 of us stayed in their home for 3 nights and found ' 'the location to be great and central to all the ' 'amazing sights Porto has to offer. \n' 'We found the home to be difficult to heat on our ' 'first night, the rooms have heaters but took time ' 'to get the room to a comfortable temperature level. ' "But in warmer months Im sure this isn't an issue.\n" 'The beds are a little hard with one slightly out of ' 'shape, and the shower is fairly basic (hand held) ' 'but does the job. Because of the central location ' 'some noise can be expected early in the mornings. \n' 'Overall the apartment suited our needs for our ' 'short stay and the price is more than reasonable ' 'for what we got.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 31, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '91827533', 'reviewer_name': 'Mr'}, {'_id': '403055315', 'comments': 'The house was extremely well located and Ana was ' 'able to give us some really great tips on locations ' 'to have lunch and eat out. The house was perfectly ' 'clean and the easily able to accommodate 6 people ' 'despite only having one bathroom. The beds and ' 'living room were comfortable. \n' '\n' 'However, we always felt somewhat on edge in the ' 'house due to the number of signs posted around the ' 'kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom about being charged ' '15€ for all sorts of extras like not washing up or ' 'using extra towels and bed linen. Not that this ' 'would be particularly unreasonable but it made us ' 'feel like we were walking on egg shells in and ' 'around the house. \n' '\n' 'The hosts were aware that we were a group of six ' 'yet one of the beds was not prepared and we ran out ' 'of toilet paper well before we were due to check ' 'out despite only being there 2 nights. It really ' "wasn't the end of the world but the shower head " 'does not have a wall fitting meaning you had to ' 'hold it yourself if you wanted to stand underneath ' 'it.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15138940', 'reviewer_name': 'Milo'}], 'room_type': 'Entire home/apt', 'security_deposit': Decimal128('200.00'), 'space': 'Privileged views of the Douro River and Ribeira square, our ' 'apartment offers the perfect conditions to discover the history and ' 'the charm of Porto. Apartment comfortable, charming, romantic and ' 'cozy in the heart of Ribeira. Within walking distance of all the ' 'most emblematic places of the city of Porto. The apartment is fully ' 'equipped to host 8 people, with cooker, oven, washing machine, ' 'dishwasher, microwave, coffee machine (Nespresso) and kettle. The ' 'apartment is located in a very typical area of the city that allows ' 'to cross with the most picturesque population of the city, ' 'welcoming, genuine and happy people that fills the streets with his ' 'outspoken speech and contagious with your sincere generosity, ' 'wrapped in a only parochial spirit.', 'summary': 'Fantastic duplex apartment with three bedrooms, located in the ' 'historic area of Porto, Ribeira (Cube) - UNESCO World Heritage ' 'Site. Centenary building fully rehabilitated, without losing ' 'their original character.', 'transit': 'Transport: • Metro station and S. Bento railway 5min; • Bus stop ' 'a 50 meters; • Lift Guindais (Funicular) 50 meters; • Tuc Tuc-to ' 'get around the city; • Buses tourist; • Cycling through the ' 'marginal drive; • Cable car in Gaia, overlooking the Port (just ' 'cross the bridge).'}
# I had checked manually using the GUI DB browser that there is a record with this id
{'_id': '10009999', 'access': '', 'accommodates': 4, 'address': {'country': 'Brazil', 'country_code': 'BR', 'government_area': 'Jardim Botânico', 'location': {'coordinates': [-43.23074991429229, -22.966253551739655], 'is_location_exact': True, 'type': 'Point'}, 'market': 'Rio De Janeiro', 'street': 'Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil', 'suburb': 'Jardim Botânico'}, 'amenities': ['Wifi', 'Wheelchair accessible', 'Kitchen', 'Free parking on premises', 'Smoking allowed', 'Hot tub', 'Buzzer/wireless intercom', 'Family/kid friendly', 'Washer', 'First aid kit', 'Essentials', 'Hangers', 'Hair dryer', 'Iron', 'Laptop friendly workspace'], 'availability': {'availability_30': 0, 'availability_365': 0, 'availability_60': 0, 'availability_90': 0}, 'bathrooms': Decimal128('1.0'), 'bed_type': 'Real Bed', 'bedrooms': 1, 'beds': 2, 'calendar_last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 11, 5, 0), 'cancellation_policy': 'flexible', 'cleaning_fee': Decimal128('187.00'), 'description': 'One bedroom + sofa-bed in quiet and bucolic neighbourhood ' 'right next to the Botanical Garden. Small garden, outside ' 'shower, well equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower and ' 'tub. Easy for transport with many restaurants and basic ' 'facilities in the area. Lovely one bedroom + sofa-bed in the ' 'living room, perfect for two but fits up to four ' 'comfortably. There´s a small outside garden with a shower ' 'There´s a well equipped open kitchen with both 110V / 220V ' 'wall plugs and one bathroom with shower, tub and even a sauna ' 'machine! All newly refurbished! I´ll be happy to help you ' 'with any doubts, tips or any other information needed during ' 'your stay. This charming ground floor flat is located in ' 'Horto, a quiet and bucolic neighborhood just next to the ' 'Botanical Garden, where most of the descendants of it´s first ' 'gardeners still live. You´ll be 30 minutes walk from ' 'waterfalls in the rainforest with easy hiking trails! There ' 'are nice bars and restaurants as well as basic facilities - ' 'pharmacy, b', 'extra_people': Decimal128('0.00'), 'guests_included': Decimal128('1'), 'host': {'host_about': 'I am an artist and traveling is a major part of my ' 'life. I love treating visitors the way I like to be ' "treated when I´m abroad and I'm usually renting my " "flat while I'm away. I can recommend some cool " 'parties and nights out as well as advise on some ' 'hidden secrets of Rio’s nature!', 'host_has_profile_pic': True, 'host_id': '1282196', 'host_identity_verified': False, 'host_is_superhost': False, 'host_listings_count': 1, 'host_location': 'Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil', 'host_name': 'Ynaie', 'host_neighbourhood': 'Jardim Botânico', 'host_picture_url': '', 'host_thumbnail_url': '', 'host_total_listings_count': 1, 'host_url': '', 'host_verifications': ['email', 'phone', 'facebook']}, 'house_rules': 'I just hope the guests treat the space as they´re own, with ' 'respect to it as well as to my neighbours! Espero apenas que ' 'os hóspedes tratem o lugar com carinho e respeito aos ' 'vizinhos!', 'images': {'medium_url': '', 'picture_url': '', 'thumbnail_url': '', 'xl_picture_url': ''}, 'interaction': 'I´ll be happy to help you with any doubts, tips or any other ' 'information needed during your stay.', 'last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 11, 5, 0), 'listing_url': '', 'maximum_nights': '1125', 'minimum_nights': '2', 'monthly_price': Decimal128('4849.00'), 'name': 'Horto flat with small garden', 'neighborhood_overview': 'This charming ground floor flat is located in ' 'Horto, a quiet and bucolic neighborhood just next ' 'to the Botanical Garden, where most of the ' 'descendants of it´s first gardeners still live. ' 'You´ll be 30 minutes walk from waterfalls in the ' 'rainforest with easy hiking trails! There are nice ' 'bars and restaurants as well as basic facilities - ' 'pharmacy, bakery, small market - in the area.', 'notes': 'There´s a table in the living room now, that does not show in the ' 'photos.', 'number_of_reviews': 0, 'price': Decimal128('317.00'), 'property_type': 'Apartment', 'review_scores': {}, 'reviews': [], 'room_type': 'Entire home/apt', 'space': 'Lovely one bedroom + sofa-bed in the living room, perfect for two ' 'but fits up to four comfortably. There´s a small outside garden ' 'with a shower There´s a well equipped open kitchen with both 110V / ' '220V wall plugs and one bathroom with shower, tub and even a sauna ' 'machine! All newly refurbished!', 'summary': 'One bedroom + sofa-bed in quiet and bucolic neighbourhood right ' 'next to the Botanical Garden. Small garden, outside shower, well ' 'equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower and tub. Easy for ' 'transport with many restaurants and basic facilities in the area.', 'transit': 'Easy access to transport (bus, taxi, car) and easy free parking ' 'around. Very close to Gávea, Leblon, Ipanema, Copacabana and ' 'Botafogo.', 'weekly_price': Decimal128('1492.00')}
# We can refine the search with conditions
listings.find_one({"bedrooms": 3, 'minimum_nights': '2'})
{'_id': '10006546', 'listing_url': '', 'name': 'Ribeira Charming Duplex', 'summary': 'Fantastic duplex apartment with three bedrooms, located in the historic area of Porto, Ribeira (Cube) - UNESCO World Heritage Site. Centenary building fully rehabilitated, without losing their original character.', 'space': 'Privileged views of the Douro River and Ribeira square, our apartment offers the perfect conditions to discover the history and the charm of Porto. Apartment comfortable, charming, romantic and cozy in the heart of Ribeira. Within walking distance of all the most emblematic places of the city of Porto. The apartment is fully equipped to host 8 people, with cooker, oven, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, coffee machine (Nespresso) and kettle. The apartment is located in a very typical area of the city that allows to cross with the most picturesque population of the city, welcoming, genuine and happy people that fills the streets with his outspoken speech and contagious with your sincere generosity, wrapped in a only parochial spirit.', 'description': 'Fantastic duplex apartment with three bedrooms, located in the historic area of Porto, Ribeira (Cube) - UNESCO World Heritage Site. Centenary building fully rehabilitated, without losing their original character. Privileged views of the Douro River and Ribeira square, our apartment offers the perfect conditions to discover the history and the charm of Porto. Apartment comfortable, charming, romantic and cozy in the heart of Ribeira. Within walking distance of all the most emblematic places of the city of Porto. The apartment is fully equipped to host 8 people, with cooker, oven, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, coffee machine (Nespresso) and kettle. The apartment is located in a very typical area of the city that allows to cross with the most picturesque population of the city, welcoming, genuine and happy people that fills the streets with his outspoken speech and contagious with your sincere generosity, wrapped in a only parochial spirit. We are always available to help guests', 'neighborhood_overview': "In the neighborhood of the river, you can find several restaurants as varied flavors, but without forgetting the so traditional northern food. You can also find several bars and pubs to unwind after a day's visit to the magnificent Port. To enjoy the Douro River can board the boats that daily make the ride of six bridges. You can also embark towards Régua, Barca d'Alva, Pinhão, etc and enjoy the Douro Wine Region, World Heritage of Humanity. The Infante's house is a few meters and no doubt it deserves a visit. They abound grocery stores, bakeries, etc. to make your meals. Souvenir shop, wine cellars, etc. to bring some souvenirs.", 'notes': 'Lose yourself in the narrow streets and staircases zone, have lunch in pubs and typical restaurants, and find the renovated cafes and shops in town. If you like exercise, rent a bicycle in the area and ride along the river to the sea, where it will enter beautiful beaches and terraces for everyone. The area is safe, find the bus stops 1min and metro line 5min. The bustling nightlife is a 10 min walk, where the streets are filled with people and entertainment for all. But Porto is much more than the historical center, here is modern museums, concert halls, clean and cared for beaches and surf all year round. Walk through the Ponte D. Luis and visit the different Caves of Port wine, where you will enjoy the famous port wine. Porto is a spoken city everywhere in the world as the best to be visited and savored by all ... natural beauty, culture, tradition, river, sea, beach, single people, typical food, and we are among those who best receive tourists, confirm! Come visit us and feel at ho', 'transit': 'Transport: • Metro station and S. Bento railway 5min; • Bus stop a 50 meters; • Lift Guindais (Funicular) 50 meters; • Tuc Tuc-to get around the city; • Buses tourist; • Cycling through the marginal drive; • Cable car in Gaia, overlooking the Port (just cross the bridge).', 'access': 'We are always available to help guests. The house is fully available to guests. We are always ready to assist guests. when possible we pick the guests at the airport. This service transfer have a cost per person. We will also have service "meal at home" with a diverse menu and the taste of each. Enjoy the moment!', 'interaction': 'Cot - 10 € / night Dog - € 7,5 / night', 'house_rules': 'Make the house your home...', 'property_type': 'House', 'room_type': 'Entire home/apt', 'bed_type': 'Real Bed', 'minimum_nights': '2', 'maximum_nights': '30', 'cancellation_policy': 'moderate', 'last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'calendar_last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'first_review': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'last_review': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'accommodates': 8, 'bedrooms': 3, 'beds': 5, 'number_of_reviews': 51, 'bathrooms': Decimal128('1.0'), 'amenities': ['TV', 'Cable TV', 'Wifi', 'Kitchen', 'Paid parking off premises', 'Smoking allowed', 'Pets allowed', 'Buzzer/wireless intercom', 'Heating', 'Family/kid friendly', 'Washer', 'First aid kit', 'Fire extinguisher', 'Essentials', 'Hangers', 'Hair dryer', 'Iron', 'Pack ’n Play/travel crib', 'Room-darkening shades', 'Hot water', 'Bed linens', 'Extra pillows and blankets', 'Microwave', 'Coffee maker', 'Refrigerator', 'Dishwasher', 'Dishes and silverware', 'Cooking basics', 'Oven', 'Stove', 'Cleaning before checkout', 'Waterfront'], 'price': Decimal128('80.00'), 'security_deposit': Decimal128('200.00'), 'cleaning_fee': Decimal128('35.00'), 'extra_people': Decimal128('15.00'), 'guests_included': Decimal128('6'), 'images': {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'picture_url': '', 'xl_picture_url': ''}, 'host': {'host_id': '51399391', 'host_url': '', 'host_name': 'Ana&Gonçalo', 'host_location': 'Porto, Porto District, Portugal', 'host_about': 'Gostamos de passear, de viajar, de conhecer pessoas e locais novos, gostamos de desporto e animais! Vivemos na cidade mais linda do mundo!!!', 'host_response_time': 'within an hour', 'host_thumbnail_url': '', 'host_picture_url': '', 'host_neighbourhood': '', 'host_response_rate': 100, 'host_is_superhost': False, 'host_has_profile_pic': True, 'host_identity_verified': True, 'host_listings_count': 3, 'host_total_listings_count': 3, 'host_verifications': ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'offline_government_id', 'government_id']}, 'address': {'street': 'Porto, Porto, Portugal', 'suburb': '', 'government_area': 'Cedofeita, Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, Nicolau, Vitória', 'market': 'Porto', 'country': 'Portugal', 'country_code': 'PT', 'location': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-8.61308, 41.1413], 'is_location_exact': False}}, 'availability': {'availability_30': 28, 'availability_60': 47, 'availability_90': 74, 'availability_365': 239}, 'review_scores': {'review_scores_accuracy': 9, 'review_scores_cleanliness': 9, 'review_scores_checkin': 10, 'review_scores_communication': 10, 'review_scores_location': 10, 'review_scores_value': 9, 'review_scores_rating': 89}, 'reviews': [{'_id': '58663741', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '51483096', 'reviewer_name': 'Cátia', 'comments': 'A casa da Ana e do Gonçalo foram o local escolhido para a passagem de ano com um grupo de amigos. Fomos super bem recebidos com uma grande simpatia e predisposição a ajudar com qualquer coisa que fosse necessário.\r\nA casa era ainda melhor do que parecia nas fotos, totalmente equipada, com mantas, aquecedor e tudo o que pudessemos precisar.\r\nA localização não podia ser melhor! Não há melhor do que acordar de manhã e ao virar da esquina estar a ribeira do Porto.'}, {'_id': '62413197', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 14, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '40031996', 'reviewer_name': 'Théo', 'comments': "We are french's students, we traveled some days in Porto, this space was good and we can cooking easly. It was rainning so we eard every time the water fall to the ground in the street when we sleeping. But It was cool and or was well received by Ana et Gonçalo"}, {'_id': '68310569', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 4, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '53859850', 'reviewer_name': 'Bart', 'comments': "We had a spledid time in the old centre of Porto.\r\nThe appartment is very well situated next to the old Ribeira square. It's perfect to have such an appartment to your disposal, you feel home, and have a place to relax between the exploration of this very nice city.\r\nWe thank Ana & Gonçalo, and we hope the appartment is free when we go back next year. Porto is charming original."}, {'_id': '69693942', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 12, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '3135623', 'reviewer_name': 'Alex', 'comments': "Ana and Goncalo were very helpful and accommodating. When they were not available they put us in touch with their nephew who was equally as helpful. The flat was as described, neat and tidy. The weather was quite cold, but thankfully A&G left us with extra blankets and electric heaters to use. Location was great. Outside the flat there was a slight smell of the river/ sewage, but in all honesty it did not come into the flat, and once you go down the road it doesn't carry on. This may also have been down to the very wet weather we had while there. All in all, very happy and would definitely recommend."}, {'_id': '71451096', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '13187858', 'reviewer_name': 'Dan', 'comments': "The hosts were very accommodating and agreed to meet with my parents as they were arriving before us. Communicated very well and always responded in a very timely manner. You couldn't have asked for a better location of this apartment and the place was identical to the pictures in the in the listing."}, {'_id': '73191268', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '61434690', 'reviewer_name': 'Anne', 'comments': "THE PLACE TO BE, l'appartement est situé au milieu de la Ribeira , tout peut se faire à pieds c'est l'ideal,l'appartement est très bien agencé et équipé.\r\nNous avons passé un séjour très agréable dans ce duplex avec beaucoup de charme .\r\nAccueil très chaleureux de Ana et Gonçalo, ils ont pris du temps pour nous indiquer tout ce qu'il y avait à faire sur Porto et répondus à toutes nos interrogations en terme de commodités.. Merci..\r\n"}, {'_id': '77438107', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 31, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '3673216', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris', 'comments': 'We had a great time in Porto. Ana’s & Goncalo’s apartment is located right in the heart of the Old Town and is great value for money. You really are at the centre of things and it’s the perfect place to get swept away in the hustle and bustle of Porto. Ana and Goncalo were great hosts.'}, {'_id': '89637734', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 7, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '9172374', 'reviewer_name': 'Leslie', 'comments': "Ana and Gonçalo were very welcoming and made a lot of information about Porto's sights available. It was very clean, very beautiful and the location was superb. It does have a lot of restaurants around it, so it could be a bit noisy for us at night but otherwise great location. We would stay there again. "}, {'_id': '96574146', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 23, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '71985274', 'reviewer_name': 'Philippe', 'comments': "Super appartement très bien placé, au cœur de l'animation de la Ribeira !\r\nNous avons passé un super séjour à Porto !\r\nToutes les informations données par Ana et les documents laissés nous ont bien aidé à organiser notre séjour. Nous avons (presque) tout fait à pied ! Le parking Ribeira est proche et bien utile pour garer le véhicule.\r\nMerci !!!\r\nPhilippe\r\n"}, {'_id': '108444999', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '24960918', 'reviewer_name': 'Hanneke', 'comments': 'The appartment was great, it is really nice and cosy, and it is situated at a perfect location. Ana and Goncalo were very friendly, they were very helpfull during our stay. We had a great time during our stay in Porto!'}, {'_id': '111065376', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '74079092', 'reviewer_name': 'Kati', 'comments': 'Kävimme majoittajan kanssa viestinvaihtoa ennen lomaa ja he antoivat mukavan vaikutelman. He olivatkin hyvin mukavia ihmisiä. He tulivat lentokentälle vastaan kahdella autolla mikä oli hyvin ystävällistä. He kertoivat myös kaupungista ja sen nähtävyyksistä. Asunnon sijainti oli täydellinen. Se oli myös erittäin romanttinen ja kaunis. Kokemus oli hyvin onnistunut.'}, {'_id': '111655209', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '40413493', 'reviewer_name': 'Julia', 'comments': 'Hemos pasado unos días increíbles en Oporto. Llegamos más tarde de lo que habíamos pensado y Ana & Gonçalo nos esperaron pacientemente y nos facilitaron la llegada, además nos recibieron con un regalo de bienvenida!. Nos dieron todo tipo de indicaciones y consejos más que de sobra para disfrutar de los días que estuvimos allí. La ubicación de la casa es inmejorable!! la única pega fue que el soporte de la ducha estaba roto pero como eran pocos días no quisimos molestar a Ana & Gonçalo y no se lo comentamos. '}, {'_id': '132811625', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 19, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '8986056', 'reviewer_name': 'Joshua', 'comments': 'Great location, comfortable place, responsive and friendly host! Highly recommended!'}, {'_id': '144627907', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '113254568', 'reviewer_name': 'Tracey', 'comments': 'This house is in the heart of Porto, set back enough to be away from the hustle and bustle but only a few steps up from the river, bars and restaurants. A great place to stay.\nThe house was clean and functional. Ana and Goncalo are perfect hosts with lots of information on places to visit and eat.'}, {'_id': '149009243', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '11263097', 'reviewer_name': 'Willem', 'comments': 'The location of the house is wonderful! You are in the heart of the old city and the Douro ist just a few meters away. Perfect for a first visit to Porto!\nVery cosy and warm house with everything you need.\nGonçalo gives a lot of good tips that will help you to have a perfect stay. Communication is very easy with him.'}, {'_id': '150518693', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 8, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '108507776', 'reviewer_name': 'Fanny', 'comments': 'We spend a really good time in Porto, the flat is so well situated. The bridge is just next door, the view on the river is amazing, and plenty of restaurants and pubs, transport are just around.\nGonzalo is very kind to wait for us, also lat, for the check in, thank you.\n'}, {'_id': '155913947', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '30254816', 'reviewer_name': 'Bridget', 'comments': 'Thanks for a great stay! 6 of us were in Porto for a long weekend and we had a blast. The apartment was perfect; location and size to accomodate us. The hosts were great, then even picked us up at the airport (for a fee but it was a great service). Thanks again! Bridget.'}, {'_id': '159692160', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 11, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '124514204', 'reviewer_name': 'Oscar', 'comments': 'Superb location and very nice, big and overall pleasant apartment!'}, {'_id': '164881958', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '105188418', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve', 'comments': 'The apartment provides basic facilities but is good value for money and very well positioned for easy access to restaurants and bars, the Ribeira district and the Port house in Gaia.'}, {'_id': '166990342', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '52660694', 'reviewer_name': 'Tina', 'comments': "Ana und Gonçalo sind sehr hilfsbereite liebe Leute, die alles tun, damit man sich wohl fühlt. Wenn es etwas zu beanstanden gab, wird das sofort problemlos erledigt. Das Apartment ist charmant, die Möbel schon etwas mitgenommen, aber das passt insgesamt ins Bild von Porto und macht den Reiz aus. Die Lage ist super, genau am Duoro. Es gibt Strassenmusik bis in den späten Abend und auch morgens geht's früh los mit fröhlichen Lärm von der Flusspromenade. Nichts also für Leute, die es ruhig brauchen! Die Lage ist wirklich exklusiv und tröstet über den recht teuren Mietpreis. Im Umfeld gibt es typische Touri-Fallen, wo alles doppelt kostet, aber gleichzeitig findet man auch sehr nette kleine Bars, in der man chillig und günstig frühstücken oder generell lecker essen kann. Die Stadt ist klein genug, um sich schnell zurechtzufinden und groß genug, um immer wieder neues zu entdecken. Wir waren zu dritt (50, 25, 20 Jahre) und haben die Zeit wirklich genossen. "}, {'_id': '180030365', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '25469637', 'reviewer_name': 'Mathieu', 'comments': 'Very well located appartement ideal for a family of 5 who want to make the most of the city center.\nIt may be a bit noisy at night but this is acceptable.\nGlobally we recommend this place.'}, {'_id': '198679769', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '21837853', 'reviewer_name': 'Ido', 'comments': 'Great location! The apartment is somewhat basic. We were family with 3 teenagers and had a good time. Also it’s a bit noisy until very late at night.'}, {'_id': '199885226', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '56528632', 'reviewer_name': 'Amanda', 'comments': 'This apartment is in the perfect location for being in the middle of the action. There were tons of restaurants close to the apartment and it was a quick walk across the bridge to tour the Port wineries. Be forewarned; if you are looking for a very quiet location, this area may not be for you. However, if you are looking to step outside of your door and start enjoying what Porto has to offer, I recommend this location.'}, {'_id': '207942636', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '102474818', 'reviewer_name': 'Geneviève', 'comments': 'Acceuil très très chaleureux de Gonçalo et Ana lors de notre arrivée très tardive due à un changement d"\'horaire d\'avion....appartement super bien situé dans Porto près du Douro, fidèle aux photos mises sur le site....Nous avons adoré ce quartier bien animé .....Encore merci à Gonçalo et Ana. ....'}, {'_id': '209455775', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '10371877', 'reviewer_name': 'Andrea', 'comments': 'Localização perfeita, muito aconchegante, Ana e Gonçalo são pessoas muito atenciosas e simpáticas!'}, {'_id': '223995518', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '10184070', 'reviewer_name': 'Jennifer', 'comments': "Perfect position to see everything that Porto has to offer. Ana and Gonçalo were great hosts quick to respond and welcoming. Couldn't recommend a better place to stay in Porto to be able to see the sights and be within walking distance to so many restaurants."}, {'_id': '225725834', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 7, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '156411765', 'reviewer_name': 'Nathalie', 'comments': 'Great location!'}, {'_id': '230559180', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 28, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '2524423', 'reviewer_name': 'Cayetana', 'comments': 'Probably Ana&Gonzalo´s place is great for summer but definitely not in winter. The house is NOT WARM and ready for a stay in cold and humit season. There is NO HEATING in any of the rooms and living room, only bed covers (not nordic duvet) and small heaters which you have to switch off during the night. Those were not enough during our stay in January even we had sunny days! Moreover we were 5 people in the house without NO HOT WATER enough for all of us. \nThe pictures did not show the reality. Furniture was much older and WiFi signal is only available in the living room, not the rooms.\nOn the other hand, location is great if you want to stay close to the river. Although think about that all restaurants, bars and main tourist attractions are close to Train Station and Clerigos Tower which means 15-20 min uphill walking distance from the house.'}, {'_id': '232271631', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 4, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '167219338', 'reviewer_name': 'Mérex', 'comments': "Appartement très cosy! Nous y avons été pour un court séjour à 7 et avons adoré. L'appartement est idéalement situé dans le quartier magnifique de la Ribeira. L'accueil a ete très chaleureux: Nous étions trompé d'adresse car le GPS avaient confondus les rues mais Ana a su nous retrouver pour nous amener à l'appartement. L'appartement était très propre et nous avons eu largement tout ce qu'il fallait en linge.\nEncore un Grand merci à eux!"}, {'_id': '234847900', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 14, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '6735587', 'reviewer_name': 'Andrea', 'comments': 'ottima ospitalità, la posizione della casa è ottima, vicina ai mezzi di trasporto e alle principali attrazioni della città, torneremo sicuramente. Consigliato!!'}, {'_id': '235293831', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '130170949', 'reviewer_name': 'Bogdan', 'comments': 'Nice apartment in Porto, we enjoy staying in it for a few days. The apartment is comfortable and has a very nice location. Thanks to Ana and Gonsalo for hospitality.'}, {'_id': '240252220', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 4, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '153415353', 'reviewer_name': 'Alison', 'comments': 'Great location. Good value thanks for the stay'}, {'_id': '244738269', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '59706237', 'reviewer_name': 'Marco', 'comments': 'Me and my friends (7 ppl tot) have booked Gonçalo and Ana’s apartment for our holidays and i think we cannot do a better choice like that.\nThe apartment is situated near Oporto’s riverside, in Ribeira district, at 2 minutes walking to Sao Bento’s station, 10minutes to Lello’s library and clerics’s tower. In less than 10 minutes u’re in Vila Nova De Gaia where u can find the wineries of porto’s wine.\nThe apartment is really spacious and comfortable, perfect for 7 italian people that want to have fun in Oporto.\nSuggested!!!'}, {'_id': '246334180', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '12047570', 'reviewer_name': 'Michel', 'comments': "L'emplacement et vraiment au coeur de l'animation du vieux Porto. Au pied de l'appartement se trouvent de charmants café avec vue sur le Douro.\nAna&Gonçalo ont été très attentionnés et à l'écoute de nos demandes\nMichel"}, {'_id': '259708770', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '174003310', 'reviewer_name': 'Dariusz', 'comments': 'Great location right next to the Dom Luiz bridge and Douro river and plenty of restaurants. Enough room for about 6 people. Ana was very responsive to any concerns we had. Would stay again.'}, {'_id': '263239322', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 11, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '31033799', 'reviewer_name': 'Margriet', 'comments': 'The house was supernice and located in the middle of the center. We really enjoyed our stay here!'}, {'_id': '264125733', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15554470', 'reviewer_name': 'Carlos', 'comments': 'Great Location. Ana & Gonzalo are very nice, flexible, and fast-responsive. Apartment is ok but only one toilet for 3 rooms + sofa-bed.'}, {'_id': '267283092', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 21, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '39358900', 'reviewer_name': 'Gaspard', 'comments': "Ana&Gonçalo's apartment was nice, comfy, clean and most of all really well located in the city center!!!\nWe could easily move everywhere in Porto from there and it was perfect for discovering the city!\nAlso, I'd like to mention that Gonçalo was nice and patient with us on the day of the arrival even if we were a bit late.\nI strongly recommend this place!"}, {'_id': '269853203', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '42864948', 'reviewer_name': 'James', 'comments': 'Incredible location, beautiful house. Everything was very easy and we would highly recommend this accommodation. Excellent. '}, {'_id': '272277314', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '45990306', 'reviewer_name': '紫仪', 'comments': 'good lication good experience'}, {'_id': '275044729', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 10, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '176337667', 'reviewer_name': 'Sebastian', 'comments': 'We loved it'}, {'_id': '302971185', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '52572680', 'reviewer_name': 'Robby', 'comments': 'Great location right on the river. Lots of tourists in the area. Easy to get to public transportation. Besides the hot weather, we had a good time. '}, {'_id': '320887590', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 9, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '20965806', 'reviewer_name': 'Romain', 'comments': 'Merci à Ana & Gonçalo pour l’accueil !'}, {'_id': '325025167', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15097268', 'reviewer_name': 'Roula', 'comments': '-'}, {'_id': '331735682', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '35313286', 'reviewer_name': 'Alexander', 'comments': 'Our stay in Ana and Gancalo’s apartment was lovely. The location was perfect and Gancalo graciously picked us up from the airport. It does get a little loud in the morning but that’s only because the apartment is perfectly located right on the river front. You do have to hold the shower wand when showering but the pressure is good. Overall I would definitely stay in the apartment again!'}, {'_id': '334789252', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 10, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '206502919', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark', 'comments': 'It was a wonderful experience, the location is fantastic and the accommodations were outstanding.'}, {'_id': '347372623', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 11, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '17503135', 'reviewer_name': 'Camille', 'comments': 'Ana’s place is very well located, at 2 min walking distance to the Douro, so that everything is close by! Ana communicated well regarding check in info, and was even flexible regarding check out timing. The description / pictures are relevant; only the bathroom is not as recent. We appreciated the extra blanket as heaters have to be switched off once u leave the flat, but once they are switched on we had no problem afterwards regarding the temperature of the flat.'}, {'_id': '354708379', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '34178931', 'reviewer_name': 'Pawel', 'comments': 'If you want to stay in the heart of Porto for reasonable price this is a good alternative. However, I’d selected again it for group of more than 6 people.'}, {'_id': '362865132', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 27, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '208880077', 'reviewer_name': 'Thomas', 'comments': 'Very helpful hosts. Cooked traditional Portuguese Christmas dinner for 6. Location is perfect. Right off square that is on river right by famous bridge engineered by protege of Gustav Eifel. Looks like same type structure.'}, {'_id': '364728730', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 31, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '91827533', 'reviewer_name': 'Mr', 'comments': "Ana & Goncalo were great on communication, responding instantly to questions.\n5 of us stayed in their home for 3 nights and found the location to be great and central to all the amazing sights Porto has to offer. \nWe found the home to be difficult to heat on our first night, the rooms have heaters but took time to get the room to a comfortable temperature level. But in warmer months Im sure this isn't an issue.\nThe beds are a little hard with one slightly out of shape, and the shower is fairly basic (hand held) but does the job. Because of the central location some noise can be expected early in the mornings. \nOverall the apartment suited our needs for our short stay and the price is more than reasonable for what we got."}, {'_id': '403055315', 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '10006546', 'reviewer_id': '15138940', 'reviewer_name': 'Milo', 'comments': "The house was extremely well located and Ana was able to give us some really great tips on locations to have lunch and eat out. The house was perfectly clean and the easily able to accommodate 6 people despite only having one bathroom. The beds and living room were comfortable. \n\nHowever, we always felt somewhat on edge in the house due to the number of signs posted around the kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom about being charged 15€ for all sorts of extras like not washing up or using extra towels and bed linen. Not that this would be particularly unreasonable but it made us feel like we were walking on egg shells in and around the house. \n\nThe hosts were aware that we were a group of six yet one of the beds was not prepared and we ran out of toilet paper well before we were due to check out despite only being there 2 nights. It really wasn't the end of the world but the shower head does not have a wall fitting meaning you had to hold it yourself if you wanted to stand underneath it."}]}
# accessing sub-fields (fields of the sub-documents) using dotted namespace
listings.find_one({"bedrooms": 3, 'minimum_nights': '2', 'host.host_has_profile_pic': False})
{'_id': '4025482', 'listing_url': '', 'name': '3 Bedrooms charmante sur le plateau', 'summary': 'warm and bright apartment with terrace, wi-fi, fully equipped, in the heart of the plateau trendy Montreal, 10 min. from downtown center, metro and all services. This appartement is a place for quiet and respectful people (No party, no celebration, no visitors) Price depending on the number of bedrooms you will used, go to ; "Description + / Accès des voyageurs" to see all the option and tell me your choice. You have access to the bedroom reserved according to your number of traveler.', 'space': 'bright space in a very peaceful and quiet area. This appartement is a place for quiet and respectful people. (Visitors are not allowed.)', 'description': 'warm and bright apartment with terrace, wi-fi, fully equipped, in the heart of the plateau trendy Montreal, 10 min. from downtown center, metro and all services. This appartement is a place for quiet and respectful people (No party, no celebration, no visitors) Price depending on the number of bedrooms you will used, go to ; "Description + / Accès des voyageurs" to see all the option and tell me your choice. You have access to the bedroom reserved according to your number of traveler. bright space in a very peaceful and quiet area. This appartement is a place for quiet and respectful people. (Visitors are not allowed.) You will have access to all housing and the bedrooms reserved according to your number of traveler. The other bedroom will be locked at all times. Price depending on the number of bedrooms used: Bedroom 1 (1 or 2 peoples) = $ 89 / night Bedrooms 1 & 2 (2 peoples) = $ 129 / night Bedrooms 1,2 & 3 (3 peoples) = $ 189 / night Bedrooms 1 & 2 (4 peoples) = $ 189 / night Bedr', 'neighborhood_overview': 'the neighborhood You will be at the center of the most fashionable district of Montreal in a quiet and peaceful area. The grocery store, restaurants and shop are located in two blocks of housing. There is an art gallery and a convenience store at the corner. Lafontaine Park is at the corner of the street and the home of cycling and a bike path. You will find everything you need close one step away.', 'notes': 'The Non-compliance with regulations can result in loss of security deposit.', 'transit': 'The metro is 10 minutes walk, there is street parking without a sticker with the possibility to purchase a parking permit at a cost of $ 6 / day for areas for area residents.', 'access': 'You will have access to all housing and the bedrooms reserved according to your number of traveler. The other bedroom will be locked at all times. Price depending on the number of bedrooms used: Bedroom 1 (1 or 2 peoples) = $ 89 / night Bedrooms 1 & 2 (2 peoples) = $ 129 / night Bedrooms 1,2 & 3 (3 peoples) = $ 189 / night Bedrooms 1 & 2 (4 peoples) = $ 189 / night Bedrooms 1 ,2 & 3 (5 peoples) = $ 239 / night Bedroom 1,2 & 3 (6 peoples) = $ 289 / night Tell me your choice and i will send you a "special offer" at the price of your choice.', 'interaction': 'It will be possible to contact me for any information regarding the appartement.', 'house_rules': 'This place is located in a peaceful neighborhoods. It is strictly forbidden to disturbing the peace and tranquility. It is strictly forbidden to make partys and celebration. This is a place for quiet and respectful people. It is forbidden to have visitors.', 'property_type': 'Apartment', 'room_type': 'Entire home/apt', 'bed_type': 'Real Bed', 'minimum_nights': '2', 'maximum_nights': '365', 'cancellation_policy': 'moderate', 'last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 4, 0), 'calendar_last_scraped': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 4, 0), 'first_review': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 9, 4, 0), 'last_review': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 9, 4, 0), 'accommodates': 6, 'bedrooms': 3, 'beds': 3, 'number_of_reviews': 1, 'bathrooms': Decimal128('1.0'), 'amenities': ['TV', 'Wifi', 'Air conditioning', 'Kitchen', 'Paid parking off premises', 'Free street parking', 'Heating', 'Washer', 'Dryer', 'Smoke detector', 'Fire extinguisher', 'Laptop friendly workspace', 'translation missing: en.hosting_amenity_49', 'translation missing: en.hosting_amenity_50', 'Self check-in', 'Keypad'], 'price': Decimal128('85.00'), 'weekly_price': Decimal128('950.00'), 'monthly_price': Decimal128('2600.00'), 'security_deposit': Decimal128('330.00'), 'cleaning_fee': Decimal128('60.00'), 'extra_people': Decimal128('40.00'), 'guests_included': Decimal128('2'), 'images': {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'picture_url': '', 'xl_picture_url': ''}, 'host': {'host_id': '20870347', 'host_url': '', 'host_name': 'Dö', 'host_location': 'Montreal, Québec, Canada', 'host_about': '', 'host_thumbnail_url': '', 'host_picture_url': '', 'host_neighbourhood': 'Le Plateau', 'host_is_superhost': False, 'host_has_profile_pic': False, 'host_identity_verified': False, 'host_listings_count': 1, 'host_total_listings_count': 1, 'host_verifications': ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'government_id']}, 'address': {'street': 'Montréal, Québec, Canada', 'suburb': 'Le Plateau-Mont-Royal', 'government_area': 'Le Plateau-Mont-Royal', 'market': 'Montreal', 'country': 'Canada', 'country_code': 'CA', 'location': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.57516, 45.52557], 'is_location_exact': True}}, 'availability': {'availability_30': 0, 'availability_60': 0, 'availability_90': 0, 'availability_365': 0}, 'review_scores': {'review_scores_accuracy': 8, 'review_scores_cleanliness': 10, 'review_scores_checkin': 10, 'review_scores_communication': 10, 'review_scores_location': 8, 'review_scores_value': 10, 'review_scores_rating': 100}, 'reviews': [{'_id': '107152296', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 9, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '4025482', 'reviewer_id': '741455', 'reviewer_name': 'Sharky', 'comments': 'Dominic was friendly and helpful! We were not in the unit much as we were out for the whole day.'}]}
# What if I do not want the whole record, but only parts of it?
# Use *** projections ***
listings.find_one({"bedrooms": 3}, {'number_of_reviews':1,'review_scores':1})
{'_id': '10006546', 'number_of_reviews': 51, 'review_scores': {'review_scores_accuracy': 9, 'review_scores_cleanliness': 9, 'review_scores_checkin': 10, 'review_scores_communication': 10, 'review_scores_location': 10, 'review_scores_value': 9, 'review_scores_rating': 89}}
# If we want to find all the entries matching certain conditions!
# Use find: Since there are too many results, I only show the size instead
len(list(listings.find({"bedrooms": 3}, {'number_of_reviews':1,'review_scores':1})))
# If you actually just want to know the size, you can (still) do so using a native count() method
listings.find({"bedrooms": 4}).count()
<ipython-input-43-e9527d243008>:2: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. listings.find({"bedrooms": 4}).count()
# The new recommended way to do so
listings.count_documents({"bedrooms": 4})
# What if you need other query filters than just equality?
listings.count_documents({"bedrooms": {"$gte": 4}})
# If you want full-text search, you will need to index it first (only once, if your data itself is static)
# Here, we are indexing the description text.
listings.create_index([('description', 'text')])
print('Sometimes issues WriteConcernError')
# Very like replica synch issues. In any case, the index is already created.
listings.count_documents( { "$text": { "$search": "Botanical Garden" } } )
botanicgarden_listings=listings.find( { "$text": { "$search": "Botanical Garden" } } ,{'number_of_reviews':1,'review_scores':1, 'reviews':1, 'description':1 } )
{'_id': '846854', 'description': 'Large duplex on prime Park block in West 80ies. Bedrooms ' 'sleep 4 adults and 1 or 2 toddlers plus a couch for 2 adults. ' 'Lower level with office and TV room. Easy subway/bus access ' 'and Citi bikes. Ask us for chromebook or baby supplies. Large ' 'duplex on prime block on UWS in 80ies between CPW and ' 'Columbus. 2 bedrooms sleep 4 adults and 2 toddlers. There is ' 'a sleeping couch for 2 more adults. Ask us for chromebook or ' 'baby supplies. We have it. Upper West Side garden level ' 'apartment in brownstone building on 80ies between Central ' 'Park West and Columbus Ave. Walk in less than 5 minutes to ' 'Central Park. Great to discover the Upper West Side (3 blocks ' 'from Natural History Museum), Central park (close to the ' 'jogging track at the Jacky Onassis Reservoir), as well as the ' 'Upper East Side (short walk through Park to Guggenheim etc). ' 'Many top restaurants in waking distance. Easy to get ' 'downtown: 2 blocks away from subway stop (B, C) and the red ' 'line is also close. The apartment was fully renovated', 'number_of_reviews': 87, 'review_scores': {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_checkin': 10, 'review_scores_cleanliness': 10, 'review_scores_communication': 10, 'review_scores_location': 10, 'review_scores_rating': 99, 'review_scores_value': 10}, 'reviews': [{'_id': '4462736', 'comments': 'We stayed there for one week with our 1 1/2 old ' 'daughter. Lovely little place with a garden - ' 'perfect for her to run around and play. It was such ' 'a nice and quiet street - you could even hear birds ' 'chirping in the morning. Amazing location - one ' 'block from the park, and one block from the nicest ' 'part of the upper westside.\r\n' 'We would definitely stay there again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6108625', 'reviewer_name': 'Sara And Louis'}, {'_id': '4843213', 'comments': "We loved staying here, it's perfect or a family and " 'a beautiful, convenient location. Everything you ' 'could possibly need at your doorstep.\r\n' '\r\n' 'Dirk was a great host letting us in and showing us ' 'around when we arrived, he even helped us with our ' 'bags. Debra-Jo who assists with the property when ' "Dirk isn't around was fantastic and helpful too. " 'She even asked some delicious cookies for us. I ' 'look forward to staying here again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5646285', 'reviewer_name': 'Kat'}, {'_id': '5134853', 'comments': 'What a place to stay for a family in NYC! This ' 'apartment was amazing for the 5 of us, it is more ' 'like a 4 bedroom apartment rather than 2.5, as ' 'there is so much space over the 2 floors. The best ' 'things about it include the amazing interior design ' 'and furnishings, the size of the space and the ' 'proximity to Central Park that is no more than 100 ' 'yards away (the subway is about 200 yards away). ' 'The apartment also has a garden and a BBQ grill ' 'which is remarkable considering the location.\r\n' '\r\n' ' My only slight worry was the stairs that were ' "quite steep for my 2 year old but that didn't " 'matter as we put a sofa in front of them so he ' "couldn't access them. \r\n" '\r\n' 'Our hosts, Dirk and his family and Debra Jo were ' 'amazing. They left us some cookies which my wife ' 'and kids loved and made us feel really welcome. ' 'They even lent us a wide variety of toys and ' 'scooters to play with and my daughter ended up ' "playing with our host's kids. We had the best time " 'in New York, and so much thanks is due to the ' 'amazing hospitality and apartment that our hosts ' 'let us stay in. Thank you guys.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 14, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6642260', 'reviewer_name': 'Titus'}, {'_id': '5709508', 'comments': 'Our family of four just enjoyed a fantastic (near ' "month) stay at Dirk's lovely apartment. The " 'apartment has been renovated with top quality ' 'materials and appliances. The location is ' 'unbeatable - a few blocks from Natural History ' 'Museum and subway, half a block from Central Park, ' 'and only a block away from our favorite breakfast ' 'restaurant, and a zillion other great restaurants. ' 'Dirk was absolutely lovely and efficient to deal ' 'with - as was Debra Jo who as our contact for ' 'anything we needed. The space, while only being "2 ' 'bedroom" could clearly cater for more. We only ' 'used the top floor, and rarely went to the basement ' 'level, but it was great to stretch out into and not ' 'feel cluttered. Thanks for Dirk and Debra Jo for ' 'our lovely stay.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5414040', 'reviewer_name': 'Kristen'}, {'_id': '6047858', 'comments': 'Perfect UWS base for a group of five. Stylish ' 'apartment with outside space is ideal for young ' 'children.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1766134', 'reviewer_name': 'Christian'}, {'_id': '7336780', 'comments': 'Absolutely gorgeous apartment located in a very ' 'cozy part of the busiest city in the world. The ' 'apartment is very spacious (especially considering ' "the fact that you're in New York), and the kitchen " 'and living rooms are amazing. If you like to cook, ' 'this is the place for you- the kitchen space is ' 'extremely generous, there is also an kitchen island ' 'with some benches. Dirk provided all the ' 'pots/pans/kitchenware, and the gorgeous dining ' 'table seats 6. Lastly, the patio in the back (see ' 'picture) was an amazing place to just unwind and ' 'relax. If you sit there for long enough, you will ' 'forget you are living in one of the most populous ' 'cities in the world. Oh, and if you decide that the ' "patio isn't a good enough way to escape from the " 'city, central park is only a 5 minute walk away. I ' 'would highly recommend this apartment for anyone ' 'looking for a great time in NY! ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5671165', 'reviewer_name': 'Julian'}, {'_id': '7644415', 'comments': 'We had a wonderful time in NYC much thanks to Dirk ' 'and his wife. The apartment was wonderful. Very ' 'clean and stylish. They were very helpful and ' 'answered many questions and always with a very fast ' 'respond time. We stayed 5 adults and 1 child of 4 ' 'without any problems. They apartment had everything ' 'that you need and there is a grocery store close by ' 'on the corner of the street. \r\n' '\r\n' 'I can very much recommend this rental.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '7955896', 'reviewer_name': 'Anders'}, {'_id': '7782099', 'comments': 'I shared this great apartment with my business ' 'partner and his wife & kid. It was just perfect. It ' "is much larger than any other place I've stayed in " 'NY, and the extra rooms downstairs were perfect for ' 'the little one to stay. It really worked as a 3 ' 'bedroom for us.\r\n' '\r\n' 'The hosts we re accommodating, quick to respond, ' "and very thoughtful. I'd stay there again in a " 'heartbeat.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1381740', 'reviewer_name': 'Bryan'}, {'_id': '8350419', 'comments': 'Superbe logement, très bien placé et parfaitement ' 'équipé.\r\n' 'Je le recommande vivement.\r\n' 'Merci Dirk.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 27, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '4574124', 'reviewer_name': 'Eric'}, {'_id': '8558957', 'comments': 'My family stayed here for the NYC Marathon weekend ' 'and it was the perfect place. It had everything we ' 'needed and great location close to the park (very ' 'convenient for the finish line of the marathon!). I ' 'would highly reccommend staying here! We also ' 'received some delicious muffins! Thank you Dirk for ' 'your hospitality.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6641442', 'reviewer_name': 'Ashlin'}, {'_id': '8689544', 'comments': 'A gorgeous, large apartment an easy walk to ' 'everything you need. Beautifully furnished and very ' 'well equipped. Easily accommodated two adults and a ' "very busy three-year-old. We'll definitely be back. " 'Thanks for everything Dirk!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2264036', 'reviewer_name': 'Kirsten'}, {'_id': '9587170', 'comments': 'Très bel appartement, spacieux, très bien décoré et ' 'bien placé à côté de central park. 2 stations de ' 'métro desservant Manahattan et Brooklyn sont à deux ' 'pas.\r\n' 'Dirk est très réactif et arrangeant (nous sommes ' 'arrivés à 2h du matin!).\r\n' 'Nous étions 5, il y a un grand lit très ' 'confortable, l autre lit double est un canapé lit ' 'peu confortable et les autres lits sont des petits ' 'lits une place.\r\n' '\r\n' 'Nous le recommandons.\r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3616414', 'reviewer_name': 'Fazzari'}, {'_id': '11833552', 'comments': 'The apartment was fantastic for 3 adults and 2 ' 'toddlers. It was easy to get all of our gear into ' 'the apartment, had a very large foyer outside of ' 'the apartment proper for shoes, strollers, etc. ' 'Inside, the apartment was very nice with good ' 'furniture, high end bathrooms (Duravit/ Grohe) ' 'useful kitchen with nice applicances. It was also ' 'spotless (even under the bed that we moved to put ' 'up 2 pack and plays). The downstairs area was ' 'great so our nanny had her own space -- felt almost ' 'like 2 separate apartments. \r\n' '\r\n' 'The manager of the apartment was great! She saved ' 'us a parking space in front of the building and was ' 'extremely responsive to e-mails, texts and phone ' 'calls. Met us at the apartment and walked through ' 'everything. Also was great to have a washer and ' 'dryer to do a couple loads of laundry.\r\n' '\r\n' 'Finally, location was fantastic. I lived on the ' 'Upper West Side for 5 years and everthing was ' 'nearby. Zabars, Gristedes, Macoron Parlour, Levain ' "Bakery, Fairway, Sarabeth's, b Cafe, Corvo (cool " 'for drinks), etc.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12449048', 'reviewer_name': 'Carl'}, {'_id': '12880820', 'comments': 'Best stay ever in New York! We have been to the ' "city many times to visit our children, and Dirk's " 'lovely apartment was the highlight of our latest ' 'visit. Easy to get to via car or subway; quiet, ' 'relaxing atmosphere; clean and comfortable and ' 'beautifully decorated. We used the patio and grill ' 'for lunch one day, and enjoyed sipping wine under ' 'the stars at night. Debra Jo answered any ' 'questions we had immediately, and left a delicious ' "carrot cake as a Mother's Day treat. We highly " "recommend Dirk's apartment!", 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12149956', 'reviewer_name': 'Beth'}, {'_id': '13221319', 'comments': 'Dirk is really friendly, easy & fast for ' 'communication.\r\n' '\r\n' "The house is great--I didn't expect such a spacious " 'house in upper west side, just one block away from ' 'Central Park!\r\n' '\r\n' 'Check-in was easy, neighborhood is nice, house is ' 'comfortable!\r\n' '\r\n' 'Would highly recommend for a family trip!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '10443961', 'reviewer_name': 'Daisy'}, {'_id': '21507628', 'comments': 'We had an amazing time at this beautiful apartment ' "in the upper west side of NYC. The photos don't do " 'the place justice - it is spacious, and beautifully ' 'decorated. The beds are super comfy, and the ' 'kitchen is very well equipped. Dirk and Debra-Jo ' 'made us feel very comfortable and were very quick ' 'to provide us with everything we needed. The area ' 'is fantastic for restaurants, and the metro is one ' 'block away and Central Park is at the end of the ' 'street! We hope to come back one day. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '18773117', 'reviewer_name': 'Christie'}, {'_id': '21844519', 'comments': 'Well located close to Central Park. Nice, clean and ' 'a lot of space. Kitchen well equiped. \r\n' 'Subway nearby. We arrived late but thanks to the ' 'responsive communication, everything went ' 'smoothly. \r\n' 'Dirk and DebraJo seemed to be relaxed People. Great ' 'place to stay. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '21932899', 'reviewer_name': 'Gerdien'}, {'_id': '23317990', 'comments': 'This was our first experience with Airbnb and it ' "couldn't have been better. Everything ran very " "smoothly. Dirk's apartment was beautifully " 'decorated, had plenty of space and was in the ' 'perfect location for our family vacation. They even ' "baked us a cake! Such a thoughtful gesture. I'd " 'highly recommend this apartment and set of hosts!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 29, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '16288134', 'reviewer_name': 'Mendi'}, {'_id': '23649523', 'comments': 'Perfect location! Beautiful, clean and very ' 'comfortable apartment! And very responsive and ' 'friendly host and property manager! (The property ' 'mgr even fm dropped off homemade scones for us one ' 'morning :-) We spent a week at this wonderful ' "apartment and I can safely say we'll be returning " 'in the future for sure! Perfect for 2 couples as ' 'there are 2 queen bedrooms or for a family with ' 'small children. Our host even provided toys, games ' '& strollers for the little ones. Also the ' "apartment is spacious so you never feel like you're " 'on top of each other. The kitchen was stocked with ' 'everything you need to cook but if you feel like ' "eating out there's literally dozens of fabulous " 'places within walking distance. I highly recommend ' 'this apartment to anyone looking to have a ' 'comfortable, relaxing lodging experience in NYC!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 7, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5369186', 'reviewer_name': 'Kate'}, {'_id': '24632521', 'comments': 'Dirk was perfect.\r\n' 'The apartement was also wonderfull.\r\n' 'We will come again.\r\n' 'Thanks', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '4574124', 'reviewer_name': 'Eric'}, {'_id': '26304701', 'comments': "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Dirk's apartment " 'was exactly what we wanted. We were traveling with ' '5 adults, 4 year old and a 1 year old. Everything ' 'we needed was supplied. Very spacious, very ' 'comfortable and very homely. Dirk stayed in ' 'constant communication with us, before arriving and ' 'while in New York. Thank you so much for sharing ' 'your home with us.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 9, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23369875', 'reviewer_name': 'Mel'}, {'_id': '26616049', 'comments': "We had a great experience at Dirk's place. Great " 'location, great apartment, great host. \n' 'No hesitations recommending this place. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '20228505', 'reviewer_name': 'Joe'}, {'_id': '30222354', 'comments': 'Accommodations were exactly as described in the ' 'listing. The apartment is bright, spacious and had ' 'everything we could have wanted with an 18-month ' 'old in tow. Dirk was great, providing concise info ' 'about key pick up, check out time, etc. Location ' 'was unbelievable. Right next to Central Park, the ' 'Natural History Museum and the blue / orange subway ' 'lines. Really a family friendly NYC neighborhood ' 'and walking distance to Shake Shack. What could be ' 'better?', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '19118604', 'reviewer_name': 'Peyton'}, {'_id': '31318190', 'comments': 'My group had a wonderful stay at this beautiful ' 'apartment. The outdoor garden was an oasis of sorts ' 'and the decor was mid century modern-straight out ' 'of Mad Men! The pictures simply do not do the ' 'wonderful space justice. The host was easy to ' 'communicate with and accommodating in regards to ' 'check in/check out times. We were greeted by ' 'homemade brownies and thoroughly enjoyed our stay. ' 'The location was also fantastic as it was right ' 'near Central Park and the American Museum of ' 'Natural History. Cannot recommend this apartment ' 'enough and hope to return in the future.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 4, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29060742', 'reviewer_name': 'Michelle'}, {'_id': '32176310', 'comments': 'Dirk has been a fantastic host and the appartment ' 'was very beautiful, clean and cozy. We really loved ' "to stay in Dirk's appartment and especially enjoyed " 'the littlte garden. Dirk was very responsive and ' 'answered all our questions immediately. He gave us ' 'very good restaurant tips in the neighbourhood. It ' 'was amazing that we were surprised with fresh baked ' 'brownies during our stay. We will definitely come ' 'back!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '17934692', 'reviewer_name': 'Lutz'}, {'_id': '33084167', 'comments': 'We had a fantastic 9 night stay in the apartment. ' 'It was very clean, quiet (very unique for NYC!), ' 'spacious and comfortable for us (4 adults and 1 ' 'child). Dirk and his family were so welcoming and ' 'helpful throughout the stay: there was a delicious ' 'welcome cake, assisting my parents with their bags ' 'and arrival, a well equipped apartment (kitchen has ' 'everything you need, and Dirk kindly provided a box ' 'of toys which kept our daughter happy for hours and ' 'a stroller for us to all get out and about despite ' "the jet lag) and farm fresh eggs from the farmers' " 'market. We valued their local knowledge and ' 'assistance, especially when our daughter broke her ' 'arm...the advice helped us get everything sorted ' 'very quickly. And the garden is a little oasis.\n' 'All in all, I can highly recommend Dirk as a host ' 'and his apartment. We had an excellent experience ' 'and would definitely return.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '22207989', 'reviewer_name': 'Kirsten'}, {'_id': '33786396', 'comments': 'Experience Dirk house was simply fabulous, I have ' 'no words to thank them for everything they did for ' 'us. Debra and him exceeded their responsibilities ' 'as hosts.\n' '1- Being a group of 6 adults and a 7 years old ' 'child traveling through our wedding, it was very ' 'important for us to find a comfortable place and ' 'also nice one for our pre-wedding photo shoot. ' 'During the booking process Dirk was very friendly ' 'and answered each of my questions more ' 'attentively.\n' '2- The place: an apartment on the ground floor ' '(with small but lovely garden with deck) with two ' 'main rooms (one with a window overlooking the ' 'garden) and a third room in the basement, hardwood ' 'floors, kitchen modern, fully equipped, air ' 'conditioning, WiFi, TV in the basement (which we ' 'never used), minimalist modern finishes ... In ' 'short: beautiful\n' '3- Location: one block from Central Park! Two ' 'blocks from the Blue (C) line and about 3 blocks ' 'from the red line on Broadway.\n' 'A Deli on the corner for fast food purchases. A ' 'quiet and safe area. UWS is a family area ...\n' '4- Communication: Debra was at all times aware of ' 'our needs via whatssap; We had a big problem with ' "my brother's family that used for the first time " 'Airbnb in another apartment In the area, and had ' 'to leave abruptly because The person rented them ' 'was not the real owner. Debra and Dirk helped with ' 'this urgency, which I will be grateful forever! My ' 'advice: always read the reviews and ask if the ' 'writer own the property.\n' '100% recommend this accommodation. Dirk we will ' 'back!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5468980', 'reviewer_name': 'Fanny'}, {'_id': '34154527', 'comments': 'Apt had everything we needed. Well stocked and very ' 'comfortable. Loved the vibe and location was ' 'superb. Very close to museum,park and restaurants. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '7581636', 'reviewer_name': 'Madelyn'}, {'_id': '34865758', 'comments': 'Really great location half a block from park and 2 ' 'blocks from subway. Apt was clean and spacious and ' 'quiet. Great AC also for the hot summer days. Dirk ' 'was incredibly responsive and helpful throughout ' 'trip. Would stay again anytime', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13240642', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve'}, {'_id': '35819002', 'comments': 'We stayed with three adults and 2 young children ' '(ages 3 & 1) and Dirk was a tremendous host. He ' 'made available for us a travel crib, a toddler bed, ' 'toys, scooters and a stroller and was provided ' 'prompt and helpful communication whenever needed. ' 'He even brought by a bicycle pump so we could pump ' 'up the stroller tires. The space was exceptionally ' 'clean and, for NYC, remarkably spacious. The ' 'apartment is well-appointed with sheets, towels, ' 'soap, detergent for the washing machine, and ' 'kitchen equipment, and very much as pictured. I ' "wish only we'd lived there when we were Manhattan " 'residents! Oh, and the cookies the housekeeper ' 'brought for us were divine, and such a kind touch.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3954112', 'reviewer_name': 'Jennifer'}, {'_id': '39265935', 'comments': 'Had a great time in NY, and this appartement. Was ' 'perfect for our family, with 3 kids. Close to ' 'Central Park, subway, and nice restaurants and ' 'places to buy required breakfast or other good ' 'food.\n' 'When we arrived, it smelled a bit, the host came to ' 'act quickly. Later I noticed same smell in whole ' 'area, I guess result from torential rains earlier ' 'that morning, so not really something that could be ' 'influenced. All in all, we had a great stay.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '25677360', 'reviewer_name': 'Marnix'}, {'_id': '40984156', 'comments': 'It is a wonderful house for our family with two ' 'kids. This house is very nice, comfortable and ' 'convenient. My family had a greet time here. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '32680253', 'reviewer_name': 'Li'}, {'_id': '41334822', 'comments': 'Dirk was very accommodating and welcoming when ' 'booking and arranging the vacation. The apartment ' 'was as pictured with high quality finishing and ' 'fixtures throughout. Some little extra touches ' 'such as the tea and toiletries were thoughtful and ' 'well received as well as the box of games and toys ' 'as he knew that we were bringing our young ' 'daughter. \r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3704971', 'reviewer_name': 'Ian'}, {'_id': '47075088', 'comments': 'The apartment is lovely and spacious and is very ' 'well organised for guests. Dirk is very responsive ' 'to queries. The apartment is on a beautiful ' 'tree-lined street. The garden in the back is ' 'fantastic. I would love to come back again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '41691806', 'reviewer_name': 'N'}, {'_id': '47833030', 'comments': 'We were six friends discovering New York for the ' "first time and dirk's appartment was the perfect " 'place to do that. Best location, spacious and ' 'confortable bedrooms furnished with taste. Dirk was ' 'helpful and responsive. Special thanks to Debrajo ' 'who took care of us and solve all our little issues ' 'during our stay. Highly recommanded !', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 21, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6601130', 'reviewer_name': 'Stephanie'}, {'_id': '48181387', 'comments': "A terrific stay. It's a beautiful apartment in a " 'great location. Host is very accommodating and ' "responsive. Apt is well equipped. We'd definitely " 'stay here again. The only minor downside was the ' '7am sounds of kids upstairs... A little early for ' 'West Coasters... But to be expected in a NYC ' 'brownstone.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13007871', 'reviewer_name': 'Mireille'}, {'_id': '48678460', 'comments': 'Fantastic apartment where we spent three nights for ' 'a wedding. Dirk provided us with a crib in the ' 'master bedroom for our infant and the guest room ' 'was ready with two beds for our older boys (5 and ' '7). Another couple stayed with us on the sofa-bed ' 'in the basement. It was all perfect and we loved ' 'eating our meals outside on the back terrace. There ' 'also are strollers and scooters available for the ' 'kids, which was just incredible. The neighborhood ' 'is super safe with all the amenities anyone would ' 'want/need. Basically, perfect!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '33035012', 'reviewer_name': 'Thomas'}, {'_id': '50619459', 'comments': 'The apartment was perfect! It was just as listed ' 'and the location could not have been better! My ' 'family enjoyed the lemon cake the host dropped off ' '-just to welcome them to NYC! Dirk was very prompt ' 'and responsive to our inquiries.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '36277206', 'reviewer_name': 'Mary Jo'}, {'_id': '51318833', 'comments': 'Perfect! A very nice home away from home. The ' 'apartment is very comfortable and the kitchen is ' 'well outfitted for meal prep (limits dining out). ' 'Easy walking to subway, museums, Central Park, ' 'markets, restaurants, etc. Nice neighborhood to ' 'walk around and always felt safe. We would ' 'definitely try to stay here again if we have future ' 'visits to NY.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29329218', 'reviewer_name': 'David'}, {'_id': '52670130', 'comments': "Highly recommend this garden duplex! It's exactly " 'as shown, which is wonderful, and the location and ' 'neighborhood are even better! Dirk and Debra Jo ' 'were a joy to deal with, and the home baked goodies ' "were a great welcome. Seriously can't say enough " 'kind things about the host and our experience. This ' 'place is amazing - we will be back! ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29815575', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve'}, {'_id': '53602722', 'comments': 'The description is accurate and the apartment was ' 'very clean. The garden is lovely. I do not ' 'think the apartment would be suitable for an active ' 'toddler as the stairs are very steep and one of the ' 'couches leans against a low glass wall that is over ' 'the stairs.\r\n' ' Dirk was great to send someone over when we were ' 'having a problem with a circuit tripping. \r\n' 'The location was fantastic for us and is a very ' 'short walk to Central Park. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '22090524', 'reviewer_name': 'Catherine'}, {'_id': '53954712', 'comments': 'Great stay ! The appartment is very well located, ' 'very comfortable , quiet and exactly as ' 'described.\r\n' "We appreciated Debra Jo's cakes when we " 'arrived. \r\n' 'Dirk was very reactive\r\n' 'We warmly recommand this place.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 15, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '35227459', 'reviewer_name': 'Levigne'}, {'_id': '54838782', 'comments': 'Dirk was very responsive and a great host - the ' 'apartment was clean and exactly as pictured.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 25, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6756698', 'reviewer_name': 'Kristen'}, {'_id': '55093868', 'comments': "Dirk's place was fantastic (yes, all those other " 'reviews are accurate). The space was perfect for ' 'our family of 4 (two kids ages 2 & 6) plus my ' 'in-laws. The kids had toys to play with and the 6 ' 'year old really enjoyed riding the bike and ' 'scooters in the park. The kitchen was equipped ' 'with everything we needed to cook a fully ' 'Thanksgiving meal. The location, less than 1 block ' 'from Central Park, is perfect for active kids. This ' "was also the perfect place for the Macy's Parade. " 'We will definitely be staying again. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 28, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '17045984', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeremy'}, {'_id': '55716067', 'comments': 'Dirk is an amazing host and did all he could to ' 'make our stay easy and comfortable! His apartment ' 'is very nice, spacious, great kitchen and nice ' 'neighborhood! Half a block from the park so great ' 'for a morning wall to the Reservoir. First time ' 'using Airbnb and if I need to use it again in NY ' 'will certainly look for his place or any other ' 'location he manages in the future', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '26226968', 'reviewer_name': 'Maria'}, {'_id': '57863285', 'comments': 'Very nice garden duplex as stated just a half block ' 'from Central Park and a big range of restaurants. ' 'The apartment is very stylishly furnished and more ' 'spacious than we had expected - with plenty of room ' 'for a family of five and no kids sharing beds. ' 'Overall, a holiday treat. Note that the lower floor ' 'is a basement, but it is only for sleeping in so ' 'not a big deal. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 30, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '21022505', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris'}, {'_id': '58417833', 'comments': 'The condo was excellent. It was clean, convenient ' 'and comfortable. The location is ideal, especially ' 'for a family. The proximity to Central Park is ' 'amazing and there are numerous shops and tasty ' 'restaurants nearby. We hope to stay there again the ' 'next time we visit. There were no issues and ' 'communication with the owner was seamless. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '46646036', 'reviewer_name': 'Antara'}, {'_id': '60565357', 'comments': 'Todo muy bien, la casa tal cual se ve en las fotos. ' 'Dick muy atento y dispuesto a colaborar en todo. ' 'Gracias!\r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 25, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13099113', 'reviewer_name': 'Roberta'}, {'_id': '62933080', 'comments': 'This apartment is truly special. You feel like you ' 'have your very own NYC apartment, the location is ' 'superb and the apartment is spacious and well ' 'appointed.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 18, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1570232', 'reviewer_name': 'Patrick'}, {'_id': '67124680', 'comments': 'The apartment is incredibly nice, super clean, well ' 'decorated, comfortable and in an incredible ' 'neighborhood, I love the UWS. Dirk and his support ' 'team were impeccable, the apartment was waiting ' 'with fresh flowers. Did not meet them but were in ' 'contact for any need or concern and even left by ' 'the door fresh baked cookies for my sons one early ' 'morning for breakfast. The apartment is as ' 'described, everything is working and well stocked. ' 'Its big for Manhattan standards and the garden in ' 'the back is a nice bonus. All the linen is very ' 'nice. Dirk is easy going and flexible to adjust in ' 'and outs according to flight schedules. He responds ' 'intently to any question. Would love to be back ' 'sometime.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 27, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '20736565', 'reviewer_name': 'Jorgelina'}, {'_id': '72238607', 'comments': 'Dirk was an excellent host who was very ' 'accommodating and friendly. Everything went as ' 'seamlessly as possible. The property is just as ' 'pictured and is an extremely ideal location. I ' 'would absolutely stay at this property again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '66142482', 'reviewer_name': 'Matthew'}, {'_id': '77231692', 'comments': 'We had a great stay at this location. Property was ' 'clean and exactly as described. Location is ' 'excellent and we would definitely return again. ' 'Perfect for a NYC visit with kids -- gives you a ' 'bit more room than a hotel.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13306748', 'reviewer_name': 'George'}, {'_id': '86956285', 'comments': 'Beautiful spot on the upper east side! Conveniently ' 'located to the Met, Natural History Museum and ' 'Central Park. Safe quite neighborhood - excellent ' 'option for families. The host Dirk allowed us an ' 'early check in as well as a late check out with out ' 'any penalty, much appreciated! ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 7, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '10151591', 'reviewer_name': 'Alec'}, {'_id': '91767649', 'comments': 'Great apartment in a nice part of town. We are a ' 'family of 6 (2 adults / 4 kids under 10) and there ' 'was plenty of room. The garden is a bonus. Dirk ' 'was incredibly helpful and responsive, both before ' 'and during our stay. Really close to Central Park ' 'and the 86th St subway for quick access to midtown, ' 'downtown and the main tourist sites. Highly ' 'recommended.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12228436', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris'}, {'_id': '94108021', 'comments': 'Dirk and his assistant Debora Jo were outstanding ' 'and incredibly responsive hosts and their apartment ' 'was truly perfect for our vacation. We came with 2 ' 'small children and the layout and location were ' 'perfect for us. The house is pre-stocked with ' 'childrens books, toys, a stroller and a pack and ' 'play, and downstairs and back garden offer a lot of ' 'extra space to spread out. The finishes and ' 'fixtures are great, the interior design is ' 'beautiful, and everything is very intelligently ' 'laid out.\r\n' '\r\n' 'This apartment is on a beautiful and quiet street, ' '1/2 block from Central Park and just steps to a ' 'dozen great restaurants and cafes on Columbus and ' "Amsterdam. Childrens' Musuem. Natural History " 'Museum. All so close by. You can truly walk to ' 'everything. \r\n' '\r\n' 'Best of all, Debora Jo surprised us with a hand ' 'baked carot cake. Classy all around.\r\n', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 14, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2867590', 'reviewer_name': 'Doug'}, {'_id': '100126953', 'comments': 'Great place to stay, perfect for a family and easy ' 'location. Very enjoyable! ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '30375884', 'reviewer_name': 'Acacia'}, {'_id': '110038600', 'comments': "The house is awesome. It's ideally located close to " 'many shops and proximity to Central Park is a plus ' 'with children. Dirk has been very friendly and ' 'accommodating with us. We highly recommend this ' 'house.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 23, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '80955413', 'reviewer_name': 'Pierre'}, {'_id': '111763240', 'comments': 'Dirk was a great host and the duplex is in a ' 'fantastic location. We had a really good time.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '27144273', 'reviewer_name': 'Stewart'}, {'_id': '120732548', 'comments': 'This home was perfect for our family of five. The ' 'UWS is family friendly and Central Park is a very ' 'short walk away. There is plenty of room, and the ' 'home was well appointed. We would gladly stay here ' 'again on our next trip to the city. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 11, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '26653106', 'reviewer_name': 'Matthew'}, {'_id': '130536281', 'comments': 'Great stay! We had a wonderful experience!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 6, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '62287249', 'reviewer_name': 'Melanie'}, {'_id': '150170715', 'comments': "This is our second stay in Dirk's lovely apartment. " 'It has been updated since our last stay years ago ' 'and everything was perfect. We had our large family ' 'with two small children and everyone was happy. We ' 'cooked dinner one night and had plenty of room to ' 'eat and play. Highly recommended!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12149956', 'reviewer_name': 'Beth'}, {'_id': '161737742', 'comments': "Dirk's place is an oasis from busy NYC. Upper west " "side is calm, it's 1 block fr Central Park, easy " 'subway access and the apt is really well equipped. ' 'Dirk was easy to work with, has a smooth check-in ' 'and check out process. A perfect situation for our ' 'family retreat!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1172650', 'reviewer_name': 'Sage'}, {'_id': '179439234', 'comments': 'No need to check any further! This place is better ' 'then you can imagine. Pictures do not do the ' 'apartment justice. Perfect location on the ' 'Upperwest Side. Steps to Central Park and about a ' 'block to Subway. Awesome restaurants within walking ' 'distance. \n' 'Apartment was extremely comfortable and modern. ' 'Shower was great along with all the personal ' 'touches of comfort around the house. Outdoor area ' 'is truly tranquil and peaceful. Dirk is an amazing ' 'host and will answer all your questions and ' 'concerns within minutes. \n' 'We stayed almost 3 weeks and were very sad to ' 'leave. You actually feel like a New Yorker!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '110182771', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeremy'}, {'_id': '193470202', 'comments': "This spacious garden apartment is truly that! It's " 'a modern, very efficiently designed home with many ' 'convenient touches including central air ' 'conditioning and full size laundry and dryer ' 'machines. Our family of three adults and two ' 'teenagers were extremely comfortable. And Dirk is ' 'a tremendous host. He and his team were extremely ' 'responsive. Truly appreciated his hospitality.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23357910', 'reviewer_name': 'Melissa'}, {'_id': '197012830', 'comments': "Dirk's place is a wonderful gem in the middle of " 'the upper west side. It is nice, clean and ' 'spacious. The kitchen is well equipped and the ' 'bathrooms were perfectly clean. We will be happy to ' 'return someday. Thanks Dirk!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23780333', 'reviewer_name': 'Hagit'}, {'_id': '216330826', 'comments': 'It was our first time using Airbnb and I have to ' 'admit I was not sure what to expect, but could not ' 'asked for better accommodations and host.\n' '\n' 'The location is perfect, you have everything closed ' 'by including Central Park a subway station and all ' 'the shops on Columbus Av.\n' '\n' 'The apartment itself is stylish, clean and ' 'comfortable.\n' '\n' 'Thank you Kirk!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '135493693', 'reviewer_name': 'Leticia'}, {'_id': '225471704', 'comments': 'Nous venons de passer un très agréable séjour ' "durant 8 jours, afin de démarrer l'année 2018 à " 'New-York !\n' "L'appartement de Dirk est vraiment formidable : " 'spacieux, moderne, pratique (y compris par temps de ' 'neige avec un couloir servant de vestibule aussi où ' 'faire sécher les affaires mouillées.)\n' 'La répartition sur 2 niveaux est optimum avec des ' "ados à qui nous avions dédié l'espace du bas. Tous " 'le confort existe dans cet appartement avec un ' 'electro-ménager à la pointe.\n' 'Enfin, l’emplacement géographique est vraiment ' 'TOP¨, à proximité de Central Parcs, de toutes les ' 'commodités pour les courses, des quartiers ' 'touristiques et animés, du métro et des bus.\n' 'Je recommande cet appartement et remercie ' 'sincèrement Dirk de son écoute, et de ses ' 'conseils.\n' 'Cdt.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 6, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '147862339', 'reviewer_name': 'Isabelle'}, {'_id': '228619006', 'comments': 'Apartment in a typical brownstone house in the UWS, ' 'great location and a lot of space (even though we ' 'could not enjoy the private backyard because of the ' 'cold weather, my kids had a lot of space to play ' "inside and in the basement). We weren't there for " 'tourism in New York City, so we actually "lived" in ' 'the house for 10 days, cooking meals (the kitchen ' 'is great!), washing clothes, working and playing ' 'and we found everything that we needed for a ' "comfortable stay. We haven't met Dirk in person, " 'but he was very easy to communicate with and for ' 'sure has good taste in furnishing. The only ' '"negative" point, if I must mention anything that ' 'could be improved, is the lack of storage room in ' 'the second bedroom. Otherwise, everything was ' 'great!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '15028689', 'reviewer_name': 'Daniela'}, {'_id': '236838929', 'comments': 'great spot. dirk was responsive and available to ' 'answer questions. i lived in the neighborhood and ' 'felt right at home in the brownstone. will ' 'definitely return for another visit.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '143147130', 'reviewer_name': 'Susan'}, {'_id': '246042747', 'comments': 'Dirk’s place was great for a family! Having an ' 'outdoor garden area was a huge plus, since we have ' 'an 8 year old and a 2 year old. We are from ' 'Florida and it snowed, and they had a safe and ' 'clean place to make a snowman! It was a ' 'comfortable, cozy place to stay, with lots of ' 'restaurants and a great park nearby. Dirk was very ' 'responsive, and check in was easy.\n' 'My complaint is about the third bedroom, which is ' 'in a finished basement. There was no heat down ' 'there, and the fold out couch was very ' 'uncomfortable. But the two bedrooms and the rest ' 'of the living area located on the main floor were ' 'perfect.\n' 'Overall I would definitely recommend Dirk’s place ' 'to you.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '98527030', 'reviewer_name': 'Heather'}, {'_id': '250047168', 'comments': 'Location Location Location - Central Park is right ' "there, subway around the corner one way, Joe's " 'coffee around the corner the other way, Gristedes, ' 'too. Wine bar across from the apartment, quiet ' 'quiet street, totally clean apartment, well ' 'equipped as far as furniture, kitchen, bathrooms, ' 'etc. but not overstuffed, so there is plenty of ' 'room for your things as well. Dirk is extremely ' "quick to offer a tip, communication very fast, he's " 'a terrific host. I am from NYC originally but this ' "is not 'my' neighborhood so it was a real treat to " 'get to know the Upper West Side. My kids, husband ' 'and friends & family all loved the apartment, too. ' "If you're traveling for a while as we were, the " 'washer & dryer are a huge assist. You cannot go ' 'wrong with this place, it checks all the boxes. ' 'Enjoy!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1351749', 'reviewer_name': 'Pamela'}, {'_id': '250885670', 'comments': "Dirk's apartment is a real treasure. I lived in " 'Manhattan for many years so I can appreciate the ' 'quality of the space. Nowhere can you find a duplex ' 'on the Upper West Side with this much room, and all ' 'the included amenities, for this price. It handled ' 'my family of 5 easily . The garden space out back ' 'is a real plus. The place has everything you could ' "possibly need. It's on a quiet block just steps " 'from Central Park and the Museum of Natural History ' 'with easy access to the subway. Great restaurants ' 'abound in the area. The physical layout was quite ' 'nice and even though it was a garden-level ' 'apartment it was completely quiet at night; no ' 'street noise to speak of, and no noise from ' 'upstairs. The design is mid-century modern, with ' 'European flair, a pretty neat combination. The ' 'bottom part of the duplex was a perfect area for my ' '13 year-old to commandeer as it is set off from ' 'the main area by a cool metal staircase. There is a ' '1/2 bath on the lower level and a nicely sized full ' 'bath on the first floor. Appliances were all ' 'relatively new and in good working order. \n' '\n' 'I appreciatethe fact that the apartment is on a ' 'residential block of lovely brownstones; there is a ' 'real neighborhood feel to the UWS and its easy to ' 'slip into the day-to-day routines of the block. We ' 'live nearby on Long Island and spent three days ' 'here while some work was being done at our house. ' 'We will definitely be back on future occasions when ' 'we need a dose of Manhattan.\n' '\n' 'Dirk was very responsive to any inquiry I had about ' 'the space. I would rent from him again.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '98965397', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark'}, {'_id': '258669581', 'comments': 'Ottima posizione appartamento spazioso pulito e ' 'contemporaneo ideale per famiglie.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '14114040', 'reviewer_name': 'Silvio'}, {'_id': '262363268', 'comments': 'Dirk was a very gracious and flexible host. The ' 'space is lovely, with a well equipped kitchen . ' 'The close proximity to Central Park was great for ' 'morning walks and playground time. It is also just ' 'a minute walk from multiple restaurants, a grocery ' 'store and a deli. I would recommend it to ' 'families/guests up to a party of five.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 8, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '14862149', 'reviewer_name': 'Caitlin'}, {'_id': '265582204', 'comments': 'Dirks place was perfect for our family of 4 ( Kids ' 'are 20 and 18). They loved having their own space ' 'to sleep- one upstairs and one down on pullout ' 'couch. The apt. is very clean and just as pictured. ' 'They outdoor space was perfect for us to have a few ' 'family members for lunch after my daughters college ' 'graduation! Dirk is great with communication and ' 'very easy to work with. We loved the neighborhood ' 'and ate out at one of the local restaurants almost ' 'every night- plenty to choose from. Also easy to ' 'buy groceries in the neighborhood. Would definitely ' 'would stay again-- perfect for families!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 17, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '27272857', 'reviewer_name': 'Kim'}, {'_id': '284398937', 'comments': 'We had an amazing stay at Dirk’s apartment. ' 'Everything was very neat and clean. It’s 3 blocks ' 'away from the subway station and there are lots of ' 'stores and restaurants walking distance. Dirk was ' 'always quick to respond and very accommodating with ' 'check in and check out times. Central Park half a ' 'block away with kids was incredible. I hope we can ' 'come back soon!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2651289', 'reviewer_name': 'Bianca'}, {'_id': '293587820', 'comments': 'Dirk’s apartment was ideal for our family with two ' 'children aged 8 and 5. Beautifully appointed and ' 'comfy beds. The location was perfect for access to ' 'subway, Central Park and great food options. ' 'Communication was always very clear and responsive. ' 'We will really miss the lovely wine bar across the ' 'road.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 20, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '157246315', 'reviewer_name': 'Anthony'}, {'_id': '300590287', 'comments': "Dirk's home was the perfect landing spot for our " "family's two week vacation in NYC. The location is " 'incredible with quick entry into Central Park, lots ' 'of great restaurants, and only a few blocks to the ' 'subway and the Natural History Museum. ' 'Exceptionally clean with thoughtful attention to ' 'outfitting the home with anything our family could ' 'need. There was lots of space for us to spread out ' 'and relax, with the outdoor garden as a wonderful ' 'bonus. A private entrance with space to store ' 'umbrellas and scooters was fantastic. Dirk was ' 'quick to respond to questions and wonderfully ' 'thoughtful and kind (we came home to a delicious ' "plate of cookies after a long day's adventure). We " "were very sad to leave and can't wait to return " 'soon. ', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29521046', 'reviewer_name': 'Kate'}, {'_id': '322271688', 'comments': 'A very pleasant apartment in a great location, near ' 'the park, restaurants and public transportation. ' 'Place is clean and well equipped. Dirk is very ' 'welcoming, was recipient to our request on early ' 'check in, and went out of his way to assist with ' 'problems that came up. We highly recommend the ' 'place..', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 12, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23780333', 'reviewer_name': 'Hagit'}, {'_id': '323445517', 'comments': 'Dirk was an outstanding host, very accommodating ' 'and quick with communication. His garden-level ' 'condo is an ideal location, close to everything you ' 'need but on a very nice and quiet side street. The ' 'apartment itself was immaculate and worked great ' 'for a family with several kids.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '214928364', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeff'}, {'_id': '326552814', 'comments': 'Dirks house is very comfortable on a beautiful road ' 'walking distance fron the wonderful central park \n' 'He was kind to accept our big family with the best ' 'of energy \n' 'We would happily visit again \n' 'Highly recommedable', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6183796', 'reviewer_name': 'Carolina'}, {'_id': '329749717', 'comments': 'This was our first experience with AirBnB and it ' 'was fantastic. We were looking for a place to stay ' 'in NYC with a "neighborhood feel" and Dirk\'s place ' 'fit the bill perfectly. The Upper West side is a ' 'great place and the proximity to the subway made ' 'everything perfectly accessible. My kids (ages 14, ' '11, 8) all loved were able to spread out and not be ' 'on top of each other like most trips staying in a ' 'hotel. The garden space was a perfect cherry on top ' 'of the location.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '195206859', 'reviewer_name': 'Harlan'}, {'_id': '343161572', 'comments': 'Dirks place suited our every need. Location to ' 'Central Park is less than a block, great for that ' 'morning stroll or run to start the day. It was so ' 'nice to leave the hustle and bustle behind after ' 'spending a day on the well worn tourist path and ' 'enjoy a local night out for dinner. No shortage of ' 'great options around the corner. Overall was ' 'awesome, would stay here again if I get the ' 'opportunity.', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '69474245', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark'}, {'_id': '347005196', 'comments': 'Great apartment on two levels. The bedrooms at ' 'opposite ends for more privacy. Second bathroom ' '(1/2) on lower level. Well equipped for families ' 'with young kids. Kitchen has everything you need to ' 'cook. Kids only missed having a TV on the main ' 'level while we cooked (TV is downstairs). Not a bad ' 'thing after all! \n' 'Location is perfect: great coffee, restaurants, ' "groceries (Gristedes, Trader Joe's, Zabars), " "Central Park, subway, museums, farmer's market " '(Tucker Square/Lincoln Center).', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '157669572', 'reviewer_name': 'Maryline'}, {'_id': '355765598', 'comments': "Our family had an amazing stay at Dirk's apartment. " 'We had to travel for a last minute family funeral ' 'and Dirk really took care of us. He expedited the ' 'cleaning of the space from former guests and made ' 'our arrival/checkout seamless. The space is simply ' 'incredible and a real gem in the city. It has ' 'really nice touches and is quite spacious for the ' 'city. No one likes traveling for funerals, but the ' 'space could accommodate our larger group and meant ' 'we could all be together. It was exactly what we ' 'needed. Dirk was extremely responsive and a great ' 'host overall. Would definitely stay here again!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '40741248', 'reviewer_name': 'Tom'}, {'_id': '357183638', 'comments': 'Fantastic!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 9, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12237028', 'reviewer_name': 'Dominique'}, {'_id': '410667056', 'comments': 'Lovely garden apartment with European touches. Nice ' 'and basic but perfect for kids! Great open kitchen ' 'and big table to sit and have meals. Next to ' 'wonderful things to do with kids - museums, Central ' 'Park , tons of shops and kid friendly restaurants. ' 'Linens were super soft, plenty of towels, stocked ' 'kitchen with kids plates and cups, strollers and ' 'toys. I can’t say enough great things about our ' 'stay. We are New Yorkers but our apartment is ' 'currently rented with tenants. This was a perfect ' 'next best! We will be back!', 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '66167', 'reviewer_name': 'Kelly'}]}
[{'_id': '4462736', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6108625', 'reviewer_name': 'Sara And Louis', 'comments': 'We stayed there for one week with our 1 1/2 old daughter. Lovely little place with a garden - perfect for her to run around and play. It was such a nice and quiet street - you could even hear birds chirping in the morning. Amazing location - one block from the park, and one block from the nicest part of the upper westside.\r\nWe would definitely stay there again.'}, {'_id': '4843213', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5646285', 'reviewer_name': 'Kat', 'comments': "We loved staying here, it's perfect or a family and a beautiful, convenient location. Everything you could possibly need at your doorstep.\r\n\r\nDirk was a great host letting us in and showing us around when we arrived, he even helped us with our bags. Debra-Jo who assists with the property when Dirk isn't around was fantastic and helpful too. She even asked some delicious cookies for us. I look forward to staying here again."}, {'_id': '5134853', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 14, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6642260', 'reviewer_name': 'Titus', 'comments': "What a place to stay for a family in NYC! This apartment was amazing for the 5 of us, it is more like a 4 bedroom apartment rather than 2.5, as there is so much space over the 2 floors. The best things about it include the amazing interior design and furnishings, the size of the space and the proximity to Central Park that is no more than 100 yards away (the subway is about 200 yards away). The apartment also has a garden and a BBQ grill which is remarkable considering the location.\r\n\r\n My only slight worry was the stairs that were quite steep for my 2 year old but that didn't matter as we put a sofa in front of them so he couldn't access them. \r\n\r\nOur hosts, Dirk and his family and Debra Jo were amazing. They left us some cookies which my wife and kids loved and made us feel really welcome. They even lent us a wide variety of toys and scooters to play with and my daughter ended up playing with our host's kids. We had the best time in New York, and so much thanks is due to the amazing hospitality and apartment that our hosts let us stay in. Thank you guys."}, {'_id': '5709508', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5414040', 'reviewer_name': 'Kristen', 'comments': 'Our family of four just enjoyed a fantastic (near month) stay at Dirk\'s lovely apartment. The apartment has been renovated with top quality materials and appliances. The location is unbeatable - a few blocks from Natural History Museum and subway, half a block from Central Park, and only a block away from our favorite breakfast restaurant, and a zillion other great restaurants. Dirk was absolutely lovely and efficient to deal with - as was Debra Jo who as our contact for anything we needed. The space, while only being "2 bedroom" could clearly cater for more. We only used the top floor, and rarely went to the basement level, but it was great to stretch out into and not feel cluttered. Thanks for Dirk and Debra Jo for our lovely stay.'}, {'_id': '6047858', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1766134', 'reviewer_name': 'Christian', 'comments': 'Perfect UWS base for a group of five. Stylish apartment with outside space is ideal for young children.'}, {'_id': '7336780', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5671165', 'reviewer_name': 'Julian', 'comments': "Absolutely gorgeous apartment located in a very cozy part of the busiest city in the world. The apartment is very spacious (especially considering the fact that you're in New York), and the kitchen and living rooms are amazing. If you like to cook, this is the place for you- the kitchen space is extremely generous, there is also an kitchen island with some benches. Dirk provided all the pots/pans/kitchenware, and the gorgeous dining table seats 6. Lastly, the patio in the back (see picture) was an amazing place to just unwind and relax. If you sit there for long enough, you will forget you are living in one of the most populous cities in the world. Oh, and if you decide that the patio isn't a good enough way to escape from the city, central park is only a 5 minute walk away. I would highly recommend this apartment for anyone looking for a great time in NY! "}, {'_id': '7644415', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '7955896', 'reviewer_name': 'Anders', 'comments': 'We had a wonderful time in NYC much thanks to Dirk and his wife. The apartment was wonderful. Very clean and stylish. They were very helpful and answered many questions and always with a very fast respond time. We stayed 5 adults and 1 child of 4 without any problems. They apartment had everything that you need and there is a grocery store close by on the corner of the street. \r\n\r\nI can very much recommend this rental.'}, {'_id': '7782099', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1381740', 'reviewer_name': 'Bryan', 'comments': "I shared this great apartment with my business partner and his wife & kid. It was just perfect. It is much larger than any other place I've stayed in NY, and the extra rooms downstairs were perfect for the little one to stay. It really worked as a 3 bedroom for us.\r\n\r\nThe hosts we re accommodating, quick to respond, and very thoughtful. I'd stay there again in a heartbeat."}, {'_id': '8350419', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 27, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '4574124', 'reviewer_name': 'Eric', 'comments': 'Superbe logement, très bien placé et parfaitement équipé.\r\nJe le recommande vivement.\r\nMerci Dirk.'}, {'_id': '8558957', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6641442', 'reviewer_name': 'Ashlin', 'comments': 'My family stayed here for the NYC Marathon weekend and it was the perfect place. It had everything we needed and great location close to the park (very convenient for the finish line of the marathon!). I would highly reccommend staying here! We also received some delicious muffins! Thank you Dirk for your hospitality.'}, {'_id': '8689544', 'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2264036', 'reviewer_name': 'Kirsten', 'comments': "A gorgeous, large apartment an easy walk to everything you need. Beautifully furnished and very well equipped. Easily accommodated two adults and a very busy three-year-old. We'll definitely be back. Thanks for everything Dirk!"}, {'_id': '9587170', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3616414', 'reviewer_name': 'Fazzari', 'comments': 'Très bel appartement, spacieux, très bien décoré et bien placé à côté de central park. 2 stations de métro desservant Manahattan et Brooklyn sont à deux pas.\r\nDirk est très réactif et arrangeant (nous sommes arrivés à 2h du matin!).\r\nNous étions 5, il y a un grand lit très confortable, l autre lit double est un canapé lit peu confortable et les autres lits sont des petits lits une place.\r\n\r\nNous le recommandons.\r\n'}, {'_id': '11833552', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 16, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12449048', 'reviewer_name': 'Carl', 'comments': "The apartment was fantastic for 3 adults and 2 toddlers. It was easy to get all of our gear into the apartment, had a very large foyer outside of the apartment proper for shoes, strollers, etc. Inside, the apartment was very nice with good furniture, high end bathrooms (Duravit/ Grohe) useful kitchen with nice applicances. It was also spotless (even under the bed that we moved to put up 2 pack and plays). The downstairs area was great so our nanny had her own space -- felt almost like 2 separate apartments. \r\n\r\nThe manager of the apartment was great! She saved us a parking space in front of the building and was extremely responsive to e-mails, texts and phone calls. Met us at the apartment and walked through everything. Also was great to have a washer and dryer to do a couple loads of laundry.\r\n\r\nFinally, location was fantastic. I lived on the Upper West Side for 5 years and everthing was nearby. Zabars, Gristedes, Macoron Parlour, Levain Bakery, Fairway, Sarabeth's, b Cafe, Corvo (cool for drinks), etc."}, {'_id': '12880820', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12149956', 'reviewer_name': 'Beth', 'comments': "Best stay ever in New York! We have been to the city many times to visit our children, and Dirk's lovely apartment was the highlight of our latest visit. Easy to get to via car or subway; quiet, relaxing atmosphere; clean and comfortable and beautifully decorated. We used the patio and grill for lunch one day, and enjoyed sipping wine under the stars at night. Debra Jo answered any questions we had immediately, and left a delicious carrot cake as a Mother's Day treat. We highly recommend Dirk's apartment!"}, {'_id': '13221319', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '10443961', 'reviewer_name': 'Daisy', 'comments': "Dirk is really friendly, easy & fast for communication.\r\n\r\nThe house is great--I didn't expect such a spacious house in upper west side, just one block away from Central Park!\r\n\r\nCheck-in was easy, neighborhood is nice, house is comfortable!\r\n\r\nWould highly recommend for a family trip!"}, {'_id': '21507628', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '18773117', 'reviewer_name': 'Christie', 'comments': "We had an amazing time at this beautiful apartment in the upper west side of NYC. The photos don't do the place justice - it is spacious, and beautifully decorated. The beds are super comfy, and the kitchen is very well equipped. Dirk and Debra-Jo made us feel very comfortable and were very quick to provide us with everything we needed. The area is fantastic for restaurants, and the metro is one block away and Central Park is at the end of the street! We hope to come back one day. "}, {'_id': '21844519', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '21932899', 'reviewer_name': 'Gerdien', 'comments': 'Well located close to Central Park. Nice, clean and a lot of space. Kitchen well equiped. \r\nSubway nearby. We arrived late but thanks to the responsive communication, everything went smoothly. \r\nDirk and DebraJo seemed to be relaxed People. Great place to stay. '}, {'_id': '23317990', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 29, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '16288134', 'reviewer_name': 'Mendi', 'comments': "This was our first experience with Airbnb and it couldn't have been better. Everything ran very smoothly. Dirk's apartment was beautifully decorated, had plenty of space and was in the perfect location for our family vacation. They even baked us a cake! Such a thoughtful gesture. I'd highly recommend this apartment and set of hosts!"}, {'_id': '23649523', 'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 7, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5369186', 'reviewer_name': 'Kate', 'comments': "Perfect location! Beautiful, clean and very comfortable apartment! And very responsive and friendly host and property manager! (The property mgr even fm dropped off homemade scones for us one morning :-) We spent a week at this wonderful apartment and I can safely say we'll be returning in the future for sure! Perfect for 2 couples as there are 2 queen bedrooms or for a family with small children. Our host even provided toys, games & strollers for the little ones. Also the apartment is spacious so you never feel like you're on top of each other. The kitchen was stocked with everything you need to cook but if you feel like eating out there's literally dozens of fabulous places within walking distance. I highly recommend this apartment to anyone looking to have a comfortable, relaxing lodging experience in NYC!"}, {'_id': '24632521', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '4574124', 'reviewer_name': 'Eric', 'comments': 'Dirk was perfect.\r\nThe apartement was also wonderfull.\r\nWe will come again.\r\nThanks'}, {'_id': '26304701', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 9, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23369875', 'reviewer_name': 'Mel', 'comments': "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Dirk's apartment was exactly what we wanted. We were traveling with 5 adults, 4 year old and a 1 year old. Everything we needed was supplied. Very spacious, very comfortable and very homely. Dirk stayed in constant communication with us, before arriving and while in New York. Thank you so much for sharing your home with us."}, {'_id': '26616049', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 16, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '20228505', 'reviewer_name': 'Joe', 'comments': "We had a great experience at Dirk's place. Great location, great apartment, great host. \nNo hesitations recommending this place. "}, {'_id': '30222354', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '19118604', 'reviewer_name': 'Peyton', 'comments': 'Accommodations were exactly as described in the listing. The apartment is bright, spacious and had everything we could have wanted with an 18-month old in tow. Dirk was great, providing concise info about key pick up, check out time, etc. Location was unbelievable. Right next to Central Park, the Natural History Museum and the blue / orange subway lines. Really a family friendly NYC neighborhood and walking distance to Shake Shack. What could be better?'}, {'_id': '31318190', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 4, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29060742', 'reviewer_name': 'Michelle', 'comments': 'My group had a wonderful stay at this beautiful apartment. The outdoor garden was an oasis of sorts and the decor was mid century modern-straight out of Mad Men! The pictures simply do not do the wonderful space justice. The host was easy to communicate with and accommodating in regards to check in/check out times. We were greeted by homemade brownies and thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The location was also fantastic as it was right near Central Park and the American Museum of Natural History. Cannot recommend this apartment enough and hope to return in the future.'}, {'_id': '32176310', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '17934692', 'reviewer_name': 'Lutz', 'comments': "Dirk has been a fantastic host and the appartment was very beautiful, clean and cozy. We really loved to stay in Dirk's appartment and especially enjoyed the littlte garden. Dirk was very responsive and answered all our questions immediately. He gave us very good restaurant tips in the neighbourhood. It was amazing that we were surprised with fresh baked brownies during our stay. We will definitely come back!"}, {'_id': '33084167', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 25, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '22207989', 'reviewer_name': 'Kirsten', 'comments': "We had a fantastic 9 night stay in the apartment. It was very clean, quiet (very unique for NYC!), spacious and comfortable for us (4 adults and 1 child). Dirk and his family were so welcoming and helpful throughout the stay: there was a delicious welcome cake, assisting my parents with their bags and arrival, a well equipped apartment (kitchen has everything you need, and Dirk kindly provided a box of toys which kept our daughter happy for hours and a stroller for us to all get out and about despite the jet lag) and farm fresh eggs from the farmers' market. We valued their local knowledge and assistance, especially when our daughter broke her arm...the advice helped us get everything sorted very quickly. And the garden is a little oasis.\nAll in all, I can highly recommend Dirk as a host and his apartment. We had an excellent experience and would definitely return."}, {'_id': '33786396', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '5468980', 'reviewer_name': 'Fanny', 'comments': "Experience Dirk house was simply fabulous, I have no words to thank them for everything they did for us. Debra and him exceeded their responsibilities as hosts.\n1- Being a group of 6 adults and a 7 years old child traveling through our wedding, it was very important for us to find a comfortable place and also nice one for our pre-wedding photo shoot. During the booking process Dirk was very friendly and answered each of my questions more attentively.\n2- The place: an apartment on the ground floor (with small but lovely garden with deck) with two main rooms (one with a window overlooking the garden) and a third room in the basement, hardwood floors, kitchen modern, fully equipped, air conditioning, WiFi, TV in the basement (which we never used), minimalist modern finishes ... In short: beautiful\n3- Location: one block from Central Park! Two blocks from the Blue (C) line and about 3 blocks from the red line on Broadway.\nA Deli on the corner for fast food purchases. A quiet and safe area. UWS is a family area ...\n4- Communication: Debra was at all times aware of our needs via whatssap; We had a big problem with my brother's family that used for the first time Airbnb in another apartment In the area, and had to leave abruptly because The person rented them was not the real owner. Debra and Dirk helped with this urgency, which I will be grateful forever! My advice: always read the reviews and ask if the writer own the property.\n100% recommend this accommodation. Dirk we will back!"}, {'_id': '34154527', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 5, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '7581636', 'reviewer_name': 'Madelyn', 'comments': 'Apt had everything we needed. Well stocked and very comfortable. Loved the vibe and location was superb. Very close to museum,park and restaurants. '}, {'_id': '34865758', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13240642', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve', 'comments': 'Really great location half a block from park and 2 blocks from subway. Apt was clean and spacious and quiet. Great AC also for the hot summer days. Dirk was incredibly responsive and helpful throughout trip. Would stay again anytime'}, {'_id': '35819002', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3954112', 'reviewer_name': 'Jennifer', 'comments': "We stayed with three adults and 2 young children (ages 3 & 1) and Dirk was a tremendous host. He made available for us a travel crib, a toddler bed, toys, scooters and a stroller and was provided prompt and helpful communication whenever needed. He even brought by a bicycle pump so we could pump up the stroller tires. The space was exceptionally clean and, for NYC, remarkably spacious. The apartment is well-appointed with sheets, towels, soap, detergent for the washing machine, and kitchen equipment, and very much as pictured. I wish only we'd lived there when we were Manhattan residents! Oh, and the cookies the housekeeper brought for us were divine, and such a kind touch."}, {'_id': '39265935', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '25677360', 'reviewer_name': 'Marnix', 'comments': 'Had a great time in NY, and this appartement. Was perfect for our family, with 3 kids. Close to Central Park, subway, and nice restaurants and places to buy required breakfast or other good food.\nWhen we arrived, it smelled a bit, the host came to act quickly. Later I noticed same smell in whole area, I guess result from torential rains earlier that morning, so not really something that could be influenced. All in all, we had a great stay.'}, {'_id': '40984156', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '32680253', 'reviewer_name': 'Li', 'comments': 'It is a wonderful house for our family with two kids. This house is very nice, comfortable and convenient. My family had a greet time here. '}, {'_id': '41334822', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '3704971', 'reviewer_name': 'Ian', 'comments': 'Dirk was very accommodating and welcoming when booking and arranging the vacation. The apartment was as pictured with high quality finishing and fixtures throughout. Some little extra touches such as the tea and toiletries were thoughtful and well received as well as the box of games and toys as he knew that we were bringing our young daughter. \r\n'}, {'_id': '47075088', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '41691806', 'reviewer_name': 'N', 'comments': 'The apartment is lovely and spacious and is very well organised for guests. Dirk is very responsive to queries. The apartment is on a beautiful tree-lined street. The garden in the back is fantastic. I would love to come back again.'}, {'_id': '47833030', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 21, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6601130', 'reviewer_name': 'Stephanie', 'comments': "We were six friends discovering New York for the first time and dirk's appartment was the perfect place to do that. Best location, spacious and confortable bedrooms furnished with taste. Dirk was helpful and responsive. Special thanks to Debrajo who took care of us and solve all our little issues during our stay. Highly recommanded !"}, {'_id': '48181387', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13007871', 'reviewer_name': 'Mireille', 'comments': "A terrific stay. It's a beautiful apartment in a great location. Host is very accommodating and responsive. Apt is well equipped. We'd definitely stay here again. The only minor downside was the 7am sounds of kids upstairs... A little early for West Coasters... But to be expected in a NYC brownstone."}, {'_id': '48678460', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 28, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '33035012', 'reviewer_name': 'Thomas', 'comments': 'Fantastic apartment where we spent three nights for a wedding. Dirk provided us with a crib in the master bedroom for our infant and the guest room was ready with two beds for our older boys (5 and 7). Another couple stayed with us on the sofa-bed in the basement. It was all perfect and we loved eating our meals outside on the back terrace. There also are strollers and scooters available for the kids, which was just incredible. The neighborhood is super safe with all the amenities anyone would want/need. Basically, perfect!'}, {'_id': '50619459', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '36277206', 'reviewer_name': 'Mary Jo', 'comments': 'The apartment was perfect! It was just as listed and the location could not have been better! My family enjoyed the lemon cake the host dropped off -just to welcome them to NYC! Dirk was very prompt and responsive to our inquiries.'}, {'_id': '51318833', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 19, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29329218', 'reviewer_name': 'David', 'comments': 'Perfect! A very nice home away from home. The apartment is very comfortable and the kitchen is well outfitted for meal prep (limits dining out). Easy walking to subway, museums, Central Park, markets, restaurants, etc. Nice neighborhood to walk around and always felt safe. We would definitely try to stay here again if we have future visits to NY.'}, {'_id': '52670130', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29815575', 'reviewer_name': 'Steve', 'comments': "Highly recommend this garden duplex! It's exactly as shown, which is wonderful, and the location and neighborhood are even better! Dirk and Debra Jo were a joy to deal with, and the home baked goodies were a great welcome. Seriously can't say enough kind things about the host and our experience. This place is amazing - we will be back! "}, {'_id': '53602722', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '22090524', 'reviewer_name': 'Catherine', 'comments': 'The description is accurate and the apartment was very clean. The garden is lovely. I do not think the apartment would be suitable for an active toddler as the stairs are very steep and one of the couches leans against a low glass wall that is over the stairs.\r\n Dirk was great to send someone over when we were having a problem with a circuit tripping. \r\nThe location was fantastic for us and is a very short walk to Central Park. '}, {'_id': '53954712', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 15, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '35227459', 'reviewer_name': 'Levigne', 'comments': "Great stay ! The appartment is very well located, very comfortable , quiet and exactly as described.\r\nWe appreciated Debra Jo's cakes when we arrived. \r\nDirk was very reactive\r\nWe warmly recommand this place."}, {'_id': '54838782', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 25, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6756698', 'reviewer_name': 'Kristen', 'comments': 'Dirk was very responsive and a great host - the apartment was clean and exactly as pictured.'}, {'_id': '55093868', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 28, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '17045984', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeremy', 'comments': "Dirk's place was fantastic (yes, all those other reviews are accurate). The space was perfect for our family of 4 (two kids ages 2 & 6) plus my in-laws. The kids had toys to play with and the 6 year old really enjoyed riding the bike and scooters in the park. The kitchen was equipped with everything we needed to cook a fully Thanksgiving meal. The location, less than 1 block from Central Park, is perfect for active kids. This was also the perfect place for the Macy's Parade. We will definitely be staying again. "}, {'_id': '55716067', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '26226968', 'reviewer_name': 'Maria', 'comments': 'Dirk is an amazing host and did all he could to make our stay easy and comfortable! His apartment is very nice, spacious, great kitchen and nice neighborhood! Half a block from the park so great for a morning wall to the Reservoir. First time using Airbnb and if I need to use it again in NY will certainly look for his place or any other location he manages in the future'}, {'_id': '57863285', 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 30, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '21022505', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris', 'comments': 'Very nice garden duplex as stated just a half block from Central Park and a big range of restaurants. The apartment is very stylishly furnished and more spacious than we had expected - with plenty of room for a family of five and no kids sharing beds. Overall, a holiday treat. Note that the lower floor is a basement, but it is only for sleeping in so not a big deal. '}, {'_id': '58417833', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '46646036', 'reviewer_name': 'Antara', 'comments': 'The condo was excellent. It was clean, convenient and comfortable. The location is ideal, especially for a family. The proximity to Central Park is amazing and there are numerous shops and tasty restaurants nearby. We hope to stay there again the next time we visit. There were no issues and communication with the owner was seamless. '}, {'_id': '60565357', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 25, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13099113', 'reviewer_name': 'Roberta', 'comments': 'Todo muy bien, la casa tal cual se ve en las fotos. Dick muy atento y dispuesto a colaborar en todo. Gracias!\r\n'}, {'_id': '62933080', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 18, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1570232', 'reviewer_name': 'Patrick', 'comments': 'This apartment is truly special. You feel like you have your very own NYC apartment, the location is superb and the apartment is spacious and well appointed.'}, {'_id': '67124680', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 27, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '20736565', 'reviewer_name': 'Jorgelina', 'comments': 'The apartment is incredibly nice, super clean, well decorated, comfortable and in an incredible neighborhood, I love the UWS. Dirk and his support team were impeccable, the apartment was waiting with fresh flowers. Did not meet them but were in contact for any need or concern and even left by the door fresh baked cookies for my sons one early morning for breakfast. The apartment is as described, everything is working and well stocked. Its big for Manhattan standards and the garden in the back is a nice bonus. All the linen is very nice. Dirk is easy going and flexible to adjust in and outs according to flight schedules. He responds intently to any question. Would love to be back sometime.'}, {'_id': '72238607', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '66142482', 'reviewer_name': 'Matthew', 'comments': 'Dirk was an excellent host who was very accommodating and friendly. Everything went as seamlessly as possible. The property is just as pictured and is an extremely ideal location. I would absolutely stay at this property again.'}, {'_id': '77231692', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '13306748', 'reviewer_name': 'George', 'comments': 'We had a great stay at this location. Property was clean and exactly as described. Location is excellent and we would definitely return again. Perfect for a NYC visit with kids -- gives you a bit more room than a hotel.'}, {'_id': '86956285', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 7, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '10151591', 'reviewer_name': 'Alec', 'comments': 'Beautiful spot on the upper east side! Conveniently located to the Met, Natural History Museum and Central Park. Safe quite neighborhood - excellent option for families. The host Dirk allowed us an early check in as well as a late check out with out any penalty, much appreciated! '}, {'_id': '91767649', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12228436', 'reviewer_name': 'Chris', 'comments': 'Great apartment in a nice part of town. We are a family of 6 (2 adults / 4 kids under 10) and there was plenty of room. The garden is a bonus. Dirk was incredibly helpful and responsive, both before and during our stay. Really close to Central Park and the 86th St subway for quick access to midtown, downtown and the main tourist sites. Highly recommended.'}, {'_id': '94108021', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 14, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2867590', 'reviewer_name': 'Doug', 'comments': "Dirk and his assistant Debora Jo were outstanding and incredibly responsive hosts and their apartment was truly perfect for our vacation. We came with 2 small children and the layout and location were perfect for us. The house is pre-stocked with childrens books, toys, a stroller and a pack and play, and downstairs and back garden offer a lot of extra space to spread out. The finishes and fixtures are great, the interior design is beautiful, and everything is very intelligently laid out.\r\n\r\nThis apartment is on a beautiful and quiet street, 1/2 block from Central Park and just steps to a dozen great restaurants and cafes on Columbus and Amsterdam. Childrens' Musuem. Natural History Museum. All so close by. You can truly walk to everything. \r\n\r\nBest of all, Debora Jo surprised us with a hand baked carot cake. Classy all around.\r\n"}, {'_id': '100126953', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '30375884', 'reviewer_name': 'Acacia', 'comments': 'Great place to stay, perfect for a family and easy location. Very enjoyable! '}, {'_id': '110038600', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 23, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '80955413', 'reviewer_name': 'Pierre', 'comments': "The house is awesome. It's ideally located close to many shops and proximity to Central Park is a plus with children. Dirk has been very friendly and accommodating with us. We highly recommend this house."}, {'_id': '111763240', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '27144273', 'reviewer_name': 'Stewart', 'comments': 'Dirk was a great host and the duplex is in a fantastic location. We had a really good time.'}, {'_id': '120732548', 'date': datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 11, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '26653106', 'reviewer_name': 'Matthew', 'comments': 'This home was perfect for our family of five. The UWS is family friendly and Central Park is a very short walk away. There is plenty of room, and the home was well appointed. We would gladly stay here again on our next trip to the city. '}, {'_id': '130536281', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 6, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '62287249', 'reviewer_name': 'Melanie', 'comments': 'Great stay! We had a wonderful experience!'}, {'_id': '150170715', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12149956', 'reviewer_name': 'Beth', 'comments': "This is our second stay in Dirk's lovely apartment. It has been updated since our last stay years ago and everything was perfect. We had our large family with two small children and everyone was happy. We cooked dinner one night and had plenty of room to eat and play. Highly recommended!"}, {'_id': '161737742', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 18, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1172650', 'reviewer_name': 'Sage', 'comments': "Dirk's place is an oasis from busy NYC. Upper west side is calm, it's 1 block fr Central Park, easy subway access and the apt is really well equipped. Dirk was easy to work with, has a smooth check-in and check out process. A perfect situation for our family retreat!"}, {'_id': '179439234', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '110182771', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeremy', 'comments': 'No need to check any further! This place is better then you can imagine. Pictures do not do the apartment justice. Perfect location on the Upperwest Side. Steps to Central Park and about a block to Subway. Awesome restaurants within walking distance. \nApartment was extremely comfortable and modern. Shower was great along with all the personal touches of comfort around the house. Outdoor area is truly tranquil and peaceful. Dirk is an amazing host and will answer all your questions and concerns within minutes. \nWe stayed almost 3 weeks and were very sad to leave. You actually feel like a New Yorker!'}, {'_id': '193470202', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 13, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23357910', 'reviewer_name': 'Melissa', 'comments': "This spacious garden apartment is truly that! It's a modern, very efficiently designed home with many convenient touches including central air conditioning and full size laundry and dryer machines. Our family of three adults and two teenagers were extremely comfortable. And Dirk is a tremendous host. He and his team were extremely responsive. Truly appreciated his hospitality."}, {'_id': '197012830', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23780333', 'reviewer_name': 'Hagit', 'comments': "Dirk's place is a wonderful gem in the middle of the upper west side. It is nice, clean and spacious. The kitchen is well equipped and the bathrooms were perfectly clean. We will be happy to return someday. Thanks Dirk!"}, {'_id': '216330826', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 3, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '135493693', 'reviewer_name': 'Leticia', 'comments': 'It was our first time using Airbnb and I have to admit I was not sure what to expect, but could not asked for better accommodations and host.\n\nThe location is perfect, you have everything closed by including Central Park a subway station and all the shops on Columbus Av.\n\nThe apartment itself is stylish, clean and comfortable.\n\nThank you Kirk!'}, {'_id': '225471704', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 6, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '147862339', 'reviewer_name': 'Isabelle', 'comments': "Nous venons de passer un très agréable séjour durant 8 jours, afin de démarrer l'année 2018 à New-York !\nL'appartement de Dirk est vraiment formidable : spacieux, moderne, pratique (y compris par temps de neige avec un couloir servant de vestibule aussi où faire sécher les affaires mouillées.)\nLa répartition sur 2 niveaux est optimum avec des ados à qui nous avions dédié l'espace du bas. Tous le confort existe dans cet appartement avec un electro-ménager à la pointe.\nEnfin, l’emplacement géographique est vraiment TOP¨, à proximité de Central Parcs, de toutes les commodités pour les courses, des quartiers touristiques et animés, du métro et des bus.\nJe recommande cet appartement et remercie sincèrement Dirk de son écoute, et de ses conseils.\nCdt."}, {'_id': '228619006', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '15028689', 'reviewer_name': 'Daniela', 'comments': 'Apartment in a typical brownstone house in the UWS, great location and a lot of space (even though we could not enjoy the private backyard because of the cold weather, my kids had a lot of space to play inside and in the basement). We weren\'t there for tourism in New York City, so we actually "lived" in the house for 10 days, cooking meals (the kitchen is great!), washing clothes, working and playing and we found everything that we needed for a comfortable stay. We haven\'t met Dirk in person, but he was very easy to communicate with and for sure has good taste in furnishing. The only "negative" point, if I must mention anything that could be improved, is the lack of storage room in the second bedroom. Otherwise, everything was great!'}, {'_id': '236838929', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 20, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '143147130', 'reviewer_name': 'Susan', 'comments': 'great spot. dirk was responsive and available to answer questions. i lived in the neighborhood and felt right at home in the brownstone. will definitely return for another visit.'}, {'_id': '246042747', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 24, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '98527030', 'reviewer_name': 'Heather', 'comments': 'Dirk’s place was great for a family! Having an outdoor garden area was a huge plus, since we have an 8 year old and a 2 year old. We are from Florida and it snowed, and they had a safe and clean place to make a snowman! It was a comfortable, cozy place to stay, with lots of restaurants and a great park nearby. Dirk was very responsive, and check in was easy.\nMy complaint is about the third bedroom, which is in a finished basement. There was no heat down there, and the fold out couch was very uncomfortable. But the two bedrooms and the rest of the living area located on the main floor were perfect.\nOverall I would definitely recommend Dirk’s place to you.'}, {'_id': '250047168', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 3, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '1351749', 'reviewer_name': 'Pamela', 'comments': "Location Location Location - Central Park is right there, subway around the corner one way, Joe's coffee around the corner the other way, Gristedes, too. Wine bar across from the apartment, quiet quiet street, totally clean apartment, well equipped as far as furniture, kitchen, bathrooms, etc. but not overstuffed, so there is plenty of room for your things as well. Dirk is extremely quick to offer a tip, communication very fast, he's a terrific host. I am from NYC originally but this is not 'my' neighborhood so it was a real treat to get to know the Upper West Side. My kids, husband and friends & family all loved the apartment, too. If you're traveling for a while as we were, the washer & dryer are a huge assist. You cannot go wrong with this place, it checks all the boxes. Enjoy!"}, {'_id': '250885670', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 6, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '98965397', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark', 'comments': "Dirk's apartment is a real treasure. I lived in Manhattan for many years so I can appreciate the quality of the space. Nowhere can you find a duplex on the Upper West Side with this much room, and all the included amenities, for this price. It handled my family of 5 easily . The garden space out back is a real plus. The place has everything you could possibly need. It's on a quiet block just steps from Central Park and the Museum of Natural History with easy access to the subway. Great restaurants abound in the area. The physical layout was quite nice and even though it was a garden-level apartment it was completely quiet at night; no street noise to speak of, and no noise from upstairs. The design is mid-century modern, with European flair, a pretty neat combination. The bottom part of the duplex was a perfect area for my 13 year-old to commandeer as it is set off from the main area by a cool metal staircase. There is a 1/2 bath on the lower level and a nicely sized full bath on the first floor. Appliances were all relatively new and in good working order. \n\nI appreciatethe fact that the apartment is on a residential block of lovely brownstones; there is a real neighborhood feel to the UWS and its easy to slip into the day-to-day routines of the block. We live nearby on Long Island and spent three days here while some work was being done at our house. We will definitely be back on future occasions when we need a dose of Manhattan.\n\nDirk was very responsive to any inquiry I had about the space. I would rent from him again."}, {'_id': '258669581', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '14114040', 'reviewer_name': 'Silvio', 'comments': 'Ottima posizione appartamento spazioso pulito e contemporaneo ideale per famiglie.'}, {'_id': '262363268', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 8, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '14862149', 'reviewer_name': 'Caitlin', 'comments': 'Dirk was a very gracious and flexible host. The space is lovely, with a well equipped kitchen . The close proximity to Central Park was great for morning walks and playground time. It is also just a minute walk from multiple restaurants, a grocery store and a deli. I would recommend it to families/guests up to a party of five.'}, {'_id': '265582204', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 17, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '27272857', 'reviewer_name': 'Kim', 'comments': 'Dirks place was perfect for our family of 4 ( Kids are 20 and 18). They loved having their own space to sleep- one upstairs and one down on pullout couch. The apt. is very clean and just as pictured. They outdoor space was perfect for us to have a few family members for lunch after my daughters college graduation! Dirk is great with communication and very easy to work with. We loved the neighborhood and ate out at one of the local restaurants almost every night- plenty to choose from. Also easy to buy groceries in the neighborhood. Would definitely would stay again-- perfect for families!'}, {'_id': '284398937', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 1, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '2651289', 'reviewer_name': 'Bianca', 'comments': 'We had an amazing stay at Dirk’s apartment. Everything was very neat and clean. It’s 3 blocks away from the subway station and there are lots of stores and restaurants walking distance. Dirk was always quick to respond and very accommodating with check in and check out times. Central Park half a block away with kids was incredible. I hope we can come back soon!'}, {'_id': '293587820', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 20, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '157246315', 'reviewer_name': 'Anthony', 'comments': 'Dirk’s apartment was ideal for our family with two children aged 8 and 5. Beautifully appointed and comfy beds. The location was perfect for access to subway, Central Park and great food options. Communication was always very clear and responsive. We will really miss the lovely wine bar across the road.'}, {'_id': '300590287', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 2, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '29521046', 'reviewer_name': 'Kate', 'comments': "Dirk's home was the perfect landing spot for our family's two week vacation in NYC. The location is incredible with quick entry into Central Park, lots of great restaurants, and only a few blocks to the subway and the Natural History Museum. Exceptionally clean with thoughtful attention to outfitting the home with anything our family could need. There was lots of space for us to spread out and relax, with the outdoor garden as a wonderful bonus. A private entrance with space to store umbrellas and scooters was fantastic. Dirk was quick to respond to questions and wonderfully thoughtful and kind (we came home to a delicious plate of cookies after a long day's adventure). We were very sad to leave and can't wait to return soon. "}, {'_id': '322271688', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 12, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '23780333', 'reviewer_name': 'Hagit', 'comments': 'A very pleasant apartment in a great location, near the park, restaurants and public transportation. Place is clean and well equipped. Dirk is very welcoming, was recipient to our request on early check in, and went out of his way to assist with problems that came up. We highly recommend the place..'}, {'_id': '323445517', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 15, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '214928364', 'reviewer_name': 'Jeff', 'comments': 'Dirk was an outstanding host, very accommodating and quick with communication. His garden-level condo is an ideal location, close to everything you need but on a very nice and quiet side street. The apartment itself was immaculate and worked great for a family with several kids.'}, {'_id': '326552814', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 22, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '6183796', 'reviewer_name': 'Carolina', 'comments': 'Dirks house is very comfortable on a beautiful road walking distance fron the wonderful central park \nHe was kind to accept our big family with the best of energy \nWe would happily visit again \nHighly recommedable'}, {'_id': '329749717', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 29, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '195206859', 'reviewer_name': 'Harlan', 'comments': 'This was our first experience with AirBnB and it was fantastic. We were looking for a place to stay in NYC with a "neighborhood feel" and Dirk\'s place fit the bill perfectly. The Upper West side is a great place and the proximity to the subway made everything perfectly accessible. My kids (ages 14, 11, 8) all loved were able to spread out and not be on top of each other like most trips staying in a hotel. The garden space was a perfect cherry on top of the location.'}, {'_id': '343161572', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 30, 4, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '69474245', 'reviewer_name': 'Mark', 'comments': 'Dirks place suited our every need. Location to Central Park is less than a block, great for that morning stroll or run to start the day. It was so nice to leave the hustle and bustle behind after spending a day on the well worn tourist path and enjoy a local night out for dinner. No shortage of great options around the corner. Overall was awesome, would stay here again if I get the opportunity.'}, {'_id': '347005196', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '157669572', 'reviewer_name': 'Maryline', 'comments': "Great apartment on two levels. The bedrooms at opposite ends for more privacy. Second bathroom (1/2) on lower level. Well equipped for families with young kids. Kitchen has everything you need to cook. Kids only missed having a TV on the main level while we cooked (TV is downstairs). Not a bad thing after all! \nLocation is perfect: great coffee, restaurants, groceries (Gristedes, Trader Joe's, Zabars), Central Park, subway, museums, farmer's market (Tucker Square/Lincoln Center)."}, {'_id': '355765598', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 5, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '40741248', 'reviewer_name': 'Tom', 'comments': "Our family had an amazing stay at Dirk's apartment. We had to travel for a last minute family funeral and Dirk really took care of us. He expedited the cleaning of the space from former guests and made our arrival/checkout seamless. The space is simply incredible and a real gem in the city. It has really nice touches and is quite spacious for the city. No one likes traveling for funerals, but the space could accommodate our larger group and meant we could all be together. It was exactly what we needed. Dirk was extremely responsive and a great host overall. Would definitely stay here again!"}, {'_id': '357183638', 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 9, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '12237028', 'reviewer_name': 'Dominique', 'comments': 'Fantastic!'}, {'_id': '410667056', 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 10, 5, 0), 'listing_id': '846854', 'reviewer_id': '66167', 'reviewer_name': 'Kelly', 'comments': 'Lovely garden apartment with European touches. Nice and basic but perfect for kids! Great open kitchen and big table to sit and have meals. Next to wonderful things to do with kids - museums, Central Park , tons of shops and kid friendly restaurants. Linens were super soft, plenty of towels, stocked kitchen with kids plates and cups, strollers and toys. I can’t say enough great things about our stay. We are New Yorkers but our apartment is currently rented with tenants. This was a perfect next best! We will be back!'}]
_id | description | number_of_reviews | review_scores | reviews | |
0 | 6171211 | Large 1br in a 3br. available. Apartment is lo... | 0 | {} | [] |
1 | 15100883 | Fordham university is a walking distance away,... | 1 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 6, 'review_scores_c... | [{'_id': '327815723', 'date': 2018-09-24 04:00... |
2 | 6541214 | Cute and huge one bedroom apartment only 5 min... | 1 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... | [{'_id': '43940821', 'date': 2015-08-23 04:00:... |
3 | 16976284 | My accommodation is within a 10 minute walk fr... | 87 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... | [{'_id': '137800254', 'date': 2017-03-17 04:00... |
4 | 10009999 | One bedroom + sofa-bed in quiet and bucolic ne... | 0 | {} | [] |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
473 | 13748617 | My place is close to jean coutu, Metro super m... | 0 | {} | [] |
474 | 20744948 | We're close to JFK airport,3 groceries (Walmar... | 33 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 8, 'review_scores_c... | [{'_id': '191218025', 'date': 2017-09-06 04:00... |
475 | 15116002 | Newly renovated, open and airy, 900 sq foot, f... | 71 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... | [{'_id': '106902696', 'date': 2016-10-08 04:00... |
476 | 5650901 | Suite avaibable for the time you need Great lo... | 56 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... | [{'_id': '31045600', 'date': 2015-05-01 04:00:... |
477 | 21031806 | Este recém-renovado apartamento goza de uma lo... | 7 | {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... | [{'_id': '202176208', 'date': 2017-10-10 04:00... |
478 rows × 5 columns
Check more at
# Find average price depending on number of bedrooms in the AirBNB sample dataset
# sorted in increasing order of avgPrice
# See to see how to build this aggregation pipeline
# using the GUI on MongoDB Atlas, and export the Python code
agg_pipeline=[{'$match': {'address.country_code': 'US'}},
{'$group': {'_id': '$bedrooms', 'avgPrice': {'$avg': '$price'}}},
{'$sort': {'avgPrice': 1}}]
[{'_id': None, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('79.00')}, {'_id': 1, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('127.1636863823933975240715268225585')}, {'_id': 0, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('139.2867647058823529411764705882353')}, {'_id': 2, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('258.3797468354430379746835443037975')}, {'_id': 3, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('360.8481012658227848101265822784810')}, {'_id': 4, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('513.9166666666666666666666666666667')}, {'_id': 6, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('668.6666666666666666666666666666667')}, {'_id': 5, 'avgPrice': Decimal128('1763.333333333333333333333333333333')}]
dblpMongo = client["dblpMongo"]
# The DB is not created until it is populated
['dblpMongo', 'sample_airbnb', 'sample_analytics', 'sample_geospatial', 'sample_mflix', 'sample_restaurants', 'sample_supplies', 'sample_training', 'sample_weatherdata', 'admin', 'local']
dblpCollect = dblpMongo["Researchers"]
# The collection is not created until it is populated
['dblpMongo', 'sample_airbnb', 'sample_analytics', 'sample_geospatial', 'sample_mflix', 'sample_restaurants', 'sample_supplies', 'sample_training', 'sample_weatherdata', 'admin', 'local']
x = dblpCollect.insert_one(dblp_data_instance)
# Check out Bulk.insert()
# Et voila! The DB and the collection are also created now!!
6125b905bd2b079502748003 ['dblpMongo', 'sample_airbnb', 'sample_analytics', 'sample_geospatial', 'sample_mflix', 'sample_restaurants', 'sample_supplies', 'sample_training', 'sample_weatherdata', 'admin', 'local'] [{'idIndex': {'key': {'_id': 1}, 'name': '_id_', 'v': 2}, 'info': {'readOnly': False, 'uuid': UUID('ddd84d74-3f75-4321-8a65-e4ff0416b764')}, 'name': 'Researchers', 'options': {}, 'type': 'collection'}]
Note: I have deleted/inserted the same record multiple times. The id shown in the screenshot may not match the id created the last time this notebook has been executed.
![]() |
So far in this course
That's it folks!